Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Pati I didn't get Halloween Bonfire from GHW, I just downloaded the picture to see if any of the "Bonus" plants were the same.
I'm hoping to get cuttings from you.

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

LOL @ tobee....did you hit the 'send' button? Have any of you ever typed a long post and when you hit preview it came up & told you that 'this is a family site and something that you typed was not appropriate'? I've done that more than once and re-read it many times and just could not find what it meant. There must be some kind of programing filter that doesn't like certain words or word combinations.

Sidney, I have some pain killers here....but I am such a wuss that whatever I take just wipes me out. Anything that says 'may cause drowsiness' will put me to bed for about 24 hours. That's nuts, huh? I also have some skelaxin that I will take tonight. It doesn't seem to make me so goofy and at least I'll be asleep if I'm goofy! LOL

Pati, I did what you said. I soaked in epsom salts and the swelling went down a bit. I had to make a trip to WalMart so I thought I'd try something to help ease the pain. I didn't tary long in there though....right in, looked the plants over & right out! But I did come home with a couple of new coleus some zinnia (I know, boring...but I need color) and some croc (I can't remember what it was) LOL I was looking for some orange/yellow to use as fillers. Now that I'm home I'm gonna grab a beer and go out side!

Hey Sidney, I know this thread has taken many turns.....and I keep meaning to ask you something. Somewhere you posted your schedule for spraying the Messenger/MightyPlant/Spray&Grow/Bill'sFert & something else...? Would you mind posting that again, I can't seem to find it. I wish I could make these plants 5" grow in 10 days!

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Oh Sidney, sorry....I meant to add something about Frank. I sure hope everything goes well for him and the stress test. And goodness....I'm so thankful for you that everything went well when you had to enter the men's restroom. OUCH!

groveland, FL(Zone 9b)

HOLY COW!!!!!!!!

Sidney..............that was a lifetime of stuffs in there!!!!

1. wow about frank......holy holy cow
2. yeah...brinda get some pain pills...good ones!
3.too funny about the no food comment
3. not too funny about the 3 hour expirement
4. ok...i was confused..i thought you said you did buy some there
5. are you crazy! of course i don't want you to check them out!
6. my fingers are running out of breath trying to keep up with Sidney
7. i root them the same way as you do
8. your right i probably didn't get censored just forgot the send button
9. i need to go get oxygen for my fingers NOW!!!!!!!

This message was edited May 23, 2006 4:15 PM

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I can nurse broken toes, too. Send a plane ticket.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

2 days between S & G and anything else, even Messenger, but you can add Bill's Fert to S & G. I do something at least every 10 days when I'm here. Sometimes it's only every 4 or 5 days.
Hope that helps.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

This was originally posted on the How to Take coleus cuttings thread:
Somebody there was apologizing for just throwing plants together in pots. I thought it was fabulous! So, it inspired me to craft this:

I'm getting weary of rhyme and reason,
I just want my garden to grow.
Tis' the season to enjoy the breezin',
And savor the winds that blow.

Coleus, brugs, lantana and vines,
Potted and patted and such,
Perlite and peat moss and water and sun,
Sometimes it's way too much!

Ours are the colors, the shimmers, the sways
That fill our eyes when we see,
All the labor, the love, the time so well-spent,
For my garden, just my garden, and me.

This message was edited May 23, 2006 10:51 AM

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

That helps....great!!! Thank you Sidney!

Gymgirl....you've crafted a beauty there. I love it!!!

groveland, FL(Zone 9b)

oh...............i did 2-------------#3's!!!!!!!

hope that's not any indication about tomorrow's test!

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Thank you, Brinda.

groveland, FL(Zone 9b)


what i said in the message i thought got censored was i left tom's feedback.

no throwing rotten eggs, but it was good...although long. ya all know i'm long winded anyway...so i did say good and maybe not so good things.

he sent me a wonderment of surprises in my order. it was really really so sweet.

edited for this reason: WILL I EVER BE ABLE TO TYPE?

This message was edited May 23, 2006 6:22 PM

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Gymgirl, you are just full of surprises! How lovely that you can express yourself in poetry, how I envy you!

PS: I love your sense of humor too!

groveland, FL(Zone 9b)

a poet amonst us.......wow....we are really getting cultivated.

that was lovey gymgirl

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)


Should I say anything more about GHW or has the subject changed?

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
groveland, FL(Zone 9b)

very nice dale...and brinda is probably soaking her toe bout now...and hopfully a few pain pills.

and i would think is would be ok. i don't think she'd smack ya or anything..since it's the topic and i got my order today.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Dale please do tell us about GHW????

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

Sugar, you are so sweet. :-}

I just finished my negative comment on WDog and it is not good to go on being/dealing/thinking unplesant thoughts. I am rough enough in the personality department. I need to work on my good side cause I am not getting enough practice these days.

Think Disney 'Accentuate the positive...' (can you tell I enjoyed Anahiem?)

Photo title 'Coleus Summer oh six'

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

dale, you sure have some pretty Rose Kongs coming along there.
Hang on sloopy, this too will pass!

groveland, FL(Zone 9b)

dale, actually i thought it was the most thoughtful negative i ever did read. it was extremely well put.

i realized that my dealings with them have been somewhat different and the end result more positive. i saw tom's comment and really hope everything works out for you.

now to nicer thoughts....lovely gardens dale......i'm so jealous of all of you in florida. shoot, just got finished planting at town hall and now i'm hearing those wonderful words: POSSIBLE FREEZE WARNING UP TONIGHT!

what is it...may 23rd....cut me a break already!

well it's back to study time for me. i'm going to take another well deserved break later. after my finals tomorrow i have to work at the county ag extention manning the help lines.......if they ONLY knew how much help I NEEDED!!

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks folks, for your good wishes.

It is all over now. I value my time at $25 an hour and I have already spent more than 10 hours on that order. Time going thru the catalog, time spent sending emails, time unpacking and replanting the order. That is $250 plus the almost $150 for GHW. Time's up. I will not spend another minute on GHW. They have taken enough of my valuable time. (I am old I don't have alot of time left to waste) :-} I do have enough time left for another photo....

This message was edited May 24, 2006 6:24 AM

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh dale,
We sure dont like the sound of you running out of time. Here's praying that positive time in your beautiful gardens will extend the time you have. We love jhaving you here and don't want to even think of you leaving.

This is alot like Santa not leaving what you asked for under the tree.

tobee, you can ace that test today, we know you can!

Brinda, CBS news just reminded me of how moving back to the Panhandle of Texas would not nessacerily be a safer place to live because of the twisters. At least the new low sweeping radar is supposed to lengthen warning time.
Do you have a storm cellar?

The Flume purchased this year, 1 gallon pot locally, $5.

Thumbnail by sugarweed
Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh Sugar, you might have known The Flume would bring me out gasping for breath. How I do love that Coleus! That is a real beauty.

My original cutting (from you) is in a round bowl in the shade garden and is a perfectly shaped, full bush with all the original colors. Of course every pot I have has little cuttings in them! I have another (no name) that looks like The Flume except all the colors are bright green, orange and gold. I have it planted in a white footed container with that green potatoe vine around it. I will try to get a picture with my throw-away camera.

Dale, I bet I beat you in the "old" department. Does the phrase "older than dirt" ring a bell? That's me! LOL

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Oh dale, I'm so sorry that things didn't work out for you with GHW. After my (very minut) problems, I have to say that I do really like Tom. He was most helpful and tried in every possible way to help me.

Hey Sidney, that is just a gorgeous pic. I wish so much that we had nice 1 gallon coleus here. There still are hardly any in the stores other than the wizard type. That's too bad because my thoughts were to not purchase online next year and just buy locally because it's much cheaper.....but if they aren't going to have any, I'll have to purchase online! LOLOL

And yes, Sidney...we have a storm cellar. I grew up in Western Oklahoma (Elk City) and I remember going to the cellar everytime a cloud came up. LOL It seemed to me for months that we were either in the cellar or standing at the door of the cellar watching the clouds. When we moved to Yukon (1971) there were very few cellars and most people didn't care about the tornadoes. As time has gone on it seems that more & more people have cellars here now. My ex and I purchased this house in October of 1978 and in the spring of 79 we watched a tornado on the ground just about a mile north of us. Needless to say, we installed a cellar within a couple of months. I'm so thankful too.....I hate it's ugliness...but love it when the weather gets bad. Which is quite often anymore.

I wonder where tobee is this morning? I hope she isn't covered by all her books and studying~!!!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Good Morning everyone...

I have nightmares of tornadoes for years and they are terrifying.. I'm running around trying to find my kids and they aren't all with me. It's terrible. Who's into dreams here?

Brinda, I think that the GHW fiasco is about done, but I'm having a wonderful time chatting with everyone. How about starting a new thread, we're over 200 posts now.

But I don't want to lose all of this fun. Would everyone go for that?


Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Hey Hap, I'm always up for a good chat!! HOWEVER, it isn't over for me....I still don't have my Halloween Bonfire. (sigh)

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Oh, that's right Ms. Pati. They are making you wait because they know what wonderful patience you have......(snicker)

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Great idea Hap! Here ya go...... http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/606755/
We'll continue our goofiness over there! LOL If any of you blondes need help getting there...just give us a yell! LOL

groveland, FL(Zone 9b)

just a quick note....i JUST got in. and i'm exhausted so i haven't read anything that's gone on today in the thread but i just wanted to let ya all know:

I TOOK THE FINAL AND IT WAS A BREEZE!!!!! (2 and 1/2 hours!)i know it was because you all were praying hard for me. i don't know what happened??? i get handed this 14 pages front and back covered in questions and just decided.........oh well.....whatever.

i started looking at the questions and i'm like i know this! and oh my! i know this too!! and yeap....that one as well. before i knew it i was done!!

then i had to work 4 hours on the county ag extention hotline for garden problems....but ended staying over 8 hours so I AM BEAT!

love you all!!! you so helped yesterday with all the pressure and stress!! first time for me that i have found such wonderful special friends on line!! ( actually even in person for that matter!)

talk to all later, it's a bath and bed for me and up early to plant tomorrow!!



Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Yeah tobee! That is great to hear.....we had faith in you and knew you'd pass with flying colors!

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

YEAH TOBEE!!!!! We knew you could do it, you just weren't certain you could!

My favorite part is your surprise when you looked at the questions and realized you knew the answers. SURPRISE!!! The studying really paid off!

As the southerners say, "You did yourself proud!".

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Congrats Sue I knew you'd knock their socks off!

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