Pics of my Trombocino Squash (Zucchetta Rampicante)

Cypress, TX(Zone 9a)

It is the plant in the back of the picture.

Thumbnail by foolcontrol
Cypress, TX(Zone 9a)

Here are some of the squash on a cutting board.

Thumbnail by foolcontrol
Cypress, TX(Zone 9a)

Here is a pic of the largest one next to my hand. I have a pretty big hand.

Thumbnail by foolcontrol
New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Never heard that name before of squash.. Look good to eat! ;)

Cypress, TX(Zone 9a)

They get 4' long if you let the go.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Lookin' good! Kinda like the squash that ate Houston. If you turn your back on them, they grow a foot longer huh? lol

Cypress, TX(Zone 9a)

That is the way they are growing. I picked the smaller ones as soon as the blossom fell off.

Lawrence, KS

How do you like the taste? I grew those last year, because I wanted a zuch that would grow on a trellis. I really neglected them, though, and found that I could not seem to harvest them early enough. By the time I got to them, they would be crazy big, and they did not taste so great. I wonder if I had picked them much smaller whether I would have liked them better. I swear they could grow six inches in a day!

Cypress, TX(Zone 9a)

I think they grow 10" the first day they appear. They are harder. I cook them twice as long. I like the flavor better than regular squash when cooked. Regular summer squash is better raw.

My Sicilian coworker says this is the only kind he has ever seen in Italy. He also lived in Pisa while going to college. This probably means that all Italian summer squash recipes are meant to use this type of squash.

I cooked the first batch of squash with San Marzano tomatoes and onions. It was really good. It was soft but did not turn to mush as regular zucchini will.

Hey Fool
i think you sent me some of those zucc seeds i was wondering what they loooked like wow cool

Cypress, TX(Zone 9a)

Yep. Those are the ones that I sent. They grow like crazy. Have fun with it.

my zuccini broke in half from the wind!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaahhhg i only had one, i m soooo bummed
i have to start all over.

Cypress, TX(Zone 9a)

You should be okay. They grow really fast.

i hope so. I have a bout 3 seeds left that you gave me, so i stuck them in a dixie cup and heat source underneath. I can't plant anything outside with all this storms, the wind is just whacking everythihg in half this yr. sigh.

Cypress, TX(Zone 9a)

I didn't use heat when germinating them. They germinated immediately. Two days after sowing they were about 5" long.

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Fool your a bad bad influence on me...I can just see my tiny little yard looking like your yard next year...I'm telling the DH it's all YOUR fault.

Spencer, TN

them squash can be a bit brittle, and the borers can get the stems occasionally too, usually have to plant several to be sure of getting some. I had 2 acres of yellow strait neck once. made several thousand $'s and bought a dozer with it. thunderstorm with high wind tore up the plants once but most of them made it through.

Cypress, TX(Zone 9a)

This type is resistant to Vine Borers.

Please note size in relation to the quarter. The meat in this squash is more dense than most summer squash. I cook it about twice as long as a normal squash.

Thumbnail by foolcontrol
High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

Those squash look soooo much like tomatoes!


Cypress, TX(Zone 9a)

Sorry that was the wrong picture.

Thumbnail by foolcontrol
High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

When i grew them several years ago, people who i gave them to could never resist picking them up and swishing them like around like a club. They do look like decent weapons...

Cypress, TX(Zone 9a)

I feel the same way when holding them. My friend from Sicily told me that is the only type he ever saw in the market in Sicily. He said that they usually let them grow bigger before selling them in the market.

High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

Bigger... wow, i find that they are pretty tough, even small. Tasty though, and don't get all mushy.

Once when i was young, i was invited to eat at a friends house. The mom said we were having whatever (don't remember) and zucchini. I loved zucchini and when the plates came there was no zucchini, i asked where it was and the lady said "right there" and pointed to a pile on my plate. Apparently she would peel it, steam it untill it was completely dead and then puree it with some butter. I could have sucked it up with a straw. ughh

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

tombaak...yep, you're right! They do appear to be weapons! I grew a mighty nice crop of them several years ago also. (And am growing them again this year!) Love 'em!

Nice pic, and good recipe/ways to cook them in this thread, if you'd like to take a look, Folks!


Cypress, TX(Zone 9a)

Shoe, I think you are the person that told me to grow them this year.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Yep, it quite possibly could've been me, I know I sure do love to grow them (and brag about them!). :>)

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