Anyone else planting "Pumpkins"

McAllen, TX(Zone 11)

Im really excited... I've planted "Prizewinner Hybrid" and "Big Max" Pumpkins.... I have a few areas of the garden, that I knew that I wasn't going to be able to do much this 2006 season.... so, I decided to plant pumpkins along with watermelons and cantalopes.... I really enjoy looking at the large vines....and it covers up the areas, I didn't get a chance to work on.... Here are a few photos....First one is of the "Hybrid" it says on the package (exhibition pumpkins, 300lbs!) Golly Gee!!! ;)

Thumbnail by PaperWhiteTulip
McAllen, TX(Zone 11)

One of my pumpkin patch areas... along with various plants.

Thumbnail by PaperWhiteTulip
Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Hi PaperWhiteTulip! I'm planting some Connecticut Field pumpkins in with my sweet corn this year. They claim it'll help keep the coon out of my corn, they apparently don't like wading through it to get to the corn.☺

You need to plan on plenty of room, pumpkin vines can get up to 25, 30 feet long and spread in every direction.

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)


Yep we have 2 pumpkins we are trying to grow. DH hoping they match their names for huge pumpkins.

See my similar thread on this:

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Amy--Oh great pumpkin...where art thou? I love It!

Paperwhite--looking good girl! Those cactus look really good in your garden too...hmmmm...nope I simply will not branch out into plants with spikes and thorns! I can see myself now, tripping over a shovel and into the cactus patch head over heels.

After my melon thread which also includes pumpkins and watermelons:

My heads still a spinnin' from all the choices--and I need to make a decision soon or I'll be buying all mine from Randall's.......

Danbury, CT(Zone 6a)

Paper White Tulip-I am what my DH calls "pumpkin crazed". I'm going to grow the following: Sweet Sugar Pumpkin, Big Max, Jack-o-lantern, Mini's white and orange, and Jaradale which is blue-ish. One of my friends has caught my pumpkin craziness too. He gave me the seeds for the blue pumpkin. I love pumpkins. They're such fun. That vine sure will get huge. Last year, mine kept trying to grow right up until frost. The big max pumpkins are supposed to get really big. That's pretty exciting. I love all sizes though. I'll be happy about even the mini's. Good pumpkin luck!


McAllen, TX(Zone 11)

Howdy, "Big Red, Alamoaimee, Dmj & Jenhillphoto"

I enjoyed reading all your comments left here for the post.... I'll be looking forward to seeing your pictures of your pumpkins once they start growing :) I'll be updating my results as well...

"Debbie" Yes, I have stuck myself with the cactus while trimming back the Bogainvilleas re: "Ouch" ;) Ps: with our trade, you'll be getting 3 "Prizewinning hybrid" seeds.... I didn't realize you also enjoyed growing pumpkins :)

Ya, "Big Red" Im kinda freaking out about how large the Pumpking vines are growing and wondering If I move the smaller ones to a better location..will they survive? Again 90 degree weather is expected for this coming week..... and no rain in site! :( Actually, I enjoy watering all the plants becuz, I get to see them up close and personal! (lol) Awww, coons are cute, but they sure do like to get into everything...I hope you'll updated us with how things go, with your corn and pumpkins :)

I look foward to checkin out the hyperlinks for Alamoaimee and Dmj :) Tks for posting them!

Jen, tks for sharing your cute Pumpkin Story! I think im goin the same route! (lol) I haven't tried growin the mini pumpkins yet...Tks for wishin me luck in growin them :)

Southern, CA(Zone 8b)

dmj,' hahaha' now I have that picture in my head, you tripping over the shovel and into the cactus, sounds like something I would do. 'Lol

McAllen, TX(Zone 11)

"Thank You" Alamoaimee and Dmj for the great info on the links you provided! It contains amazing information that is very useful!

Update: I had read about a year ago, that natural fertilizer is good for the pumpkins... I'd be willing to trade 50 pieces of rabbit poop for a few pumpkin seeds, or watermelon, and or cantalope seeds.. The poop will be provided by... "Sparkle" mah wabbit ;) Here is his picture taken last holiday...

Thumbnail by PaperWhiteTulip
Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

LOL paper. So generous! Oh my you are in McAllen!!! Goodness I am going down that way this week for work! What a small world!!! One thing we've been doing on our pumpkins is taking out some of them so that the vine can work on one large one. I think we will only save 2 this year just for fun. We use a fertilizer made of fishy stuff, it smells for sure but the garden has been overabundant with its use this year. Called "Alaska" something my DH says.

Cleveland, GA(Zone 7a)

Hi ya'll, I am growing pumpkins for my first time this year. I sprouted Bix Max seeds, and I just planted 3 of the sprouts into the ground yesterday. (Actually, I tried growing regular size pumpkins last year but we had so much rain they just rotted on the ground before they really got started.)

This year I am planting several just outside my back door where the ground is slightly sloped for drainage. I was thinking that the vine might climb the wooden steps and railing and look really interesting out there. I am thinking that I might put the other 6 sprouts on the hill near the creek where they will only get about 6 hours of late afternoon sun- and good drainage-with a close water supply. I would think those great pumpkins would require a whole lot of water!

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

I grow mostly C. moschata and C. mixta rather than the Halloween pumpkins now that I have no Young 'uns around. More reliable and better eating in this climate.

Thumbnail by Farmerdill
Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

I am growing for the first time Sugar Pie Pumpkins. They only grow 4-6 pounds, but they are supposed to be the best for pie making which is why I want to grow them, so we'll see if they are what they're cracked up to be.

McAllen, TX(Zone 11)

Alamoaimee: Really... that is kewl... how long will be in McAllen? Oh, ya I've tried that fishy emulsion once, and it does smell quite a bit.... I hand sort out the bunny poop from the ones that have urine on it... becuz that is what makes it smell. One good thing is, the poop dries very quickly and isn't mushy...(lol)

Hmstyl: Ya that is a bummer when your growing something and the weather effects your plants...Glad to know your giving it another try :) I hope you can update us with your pumpkins growing on your trellis... and maybe post a few pixs :) Yes, I heard the same about larger pumpkins requiring alot of water... this is my first time growing large ones....

Farmerdill: Nice picture! I like that shape's unique~ Im basicly growin mine for more of an ornamental look... My pumpkins face a park and I thought it will give folks something to look at while going for walks or bikeriding...and maybe motivate them to become gardeners as well :)

Kanita: Sounds yummy~ I never have tried to bake a pumpkin pie from an actual pumpkin... I hope you can keep us posted with your pumpkins and your pie results!

McAllen, TX(Zone 11)

UPDATE: I had to place small stakes to keep the pumpkins from growing out of the garden area....

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Alamo--that alaska stuff is really too

By the way, Texas ladies, check out the bottom of my" big houston plant sale " thread on the TX forum ...uploaded ya'll some "eye candy"!

Paperwhite--you can call me Debbie, most folks do.

McAllen, TX(Zone 11)

10-4 Debbie ;)

McAllen, TX(Zone 11)

Update: Here is a picture of the first baby pumpkin growin :)

I have been determine to get as many folks to grow this pumpkin this summer ;) Just the other day, I gave the nurse who sees my mother once a week several seeds and her son is so excited, to grow theses pumpkins :)

Ps: I had to invest in...a Soaker Hose, re: temps are back up to the 90s and I have to water twice a day... this has been a big help having this type of hose becuz, the Pumpkins have officially blocked the side entrance area (lol)

Thumbnail by PaperWhiteTulip
McAllen, TX(Zone 11)

Update: Here is a picture of the first baby pumpkin growin :)

I have been determine to get as many folks to grow this (amazing) pumpkin this summer ;) Just the other day, I gave the nurse who sees my mother once a week several seeds and her son is so excited, to grow theses pumpkins :)

Ps: I had to invest in...a Soaker Hose, re: temps are back up to the 90s and I have to water twice a day... this has been a big help having this type of hose becuz, the Pumpkins have officially blocked off the side entrance area (lol)

Thumbnail by PaperWhiteTulip
Houston, United States(Zone 9b)


Sorry I didn't catch this thread sooner! I was only in Mcallen like a day but then spent the night in another town down there, that's usually how it goes for work, I am there and then gone pretty quick.

Great job on the pumpkins ya'll!!!!

McAllen, TX(Zone 11)

Don't worry about it Alamo ;) ((Tks)) for the nice words about the pumpkins :)

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