NO rain showers

Crozet, VA

Well, it has been a while since having some good rain. It is so terribly dry here. I am making progress with flower beds though. Keep finding things that I have bought over the past few months that need a home in the ground. I have been very impressed with a concoction that I bought at Walmart a few months back. "Superthrive" has made all of my indoor plants really show beautifully. A lot of growth on them also. My hubby is asking where I am going to put the plants when they reach the ceiling. haha

Last fall after having a new deck put on the front of our house, my hubby built a gorgeous rock garden in front of it for me. I have really enjoyed seeing all the bulbs come to life and bloom. While he was building the garden, he ran out of rock for the very end of it. Last week he obtained more rock and finished the bed off for me.

Later today I plan to begin to fill that new section in. I have a lot of things that I plan to transplant from old part of bed to the new, so as to have it look consistent. It is supposed to get very warm here today in Central Virginia. If it is too hot to be outside later, I will wait a day or so for a cooler one.

Anyway, I thought that I would start a new topic, this time regarding the lack of rain. haha I have been seeing a little action on the post I made on April 12 regarding getting some good rain. I would like to welcome everyone who is just now joining us. Lots of knowledge and experience on these forums.

Happy Gardening To All.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

We got some good rain last week. Lots of clouds and rainy looking skies yesterday and the day before but no more than a teensy sprinkling of rain.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Nothing in Staffford :( But the plants are lovin' this sun and warmer temps!! Ruby - good job on the Superthrive - been using it myself for the last couple of months per suggestion of someone over on the Plumeria forum. The stuff works...all my plants love it!! Smells like infant vitamins though...doesn't it? :)

Winchester, VA(Zone 6b)

got a brief 10 minute downpour in Winchester - yesterday - first rain in weeks.
The weathermen were threatening the Apple Blossom Festival with a rainy weekend (YES!) but it faded away again.......

Now they say it is going to rain next weekend.....sigh

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Heh heh. So I'm not the only one who loathes and despises that (deleted) Apple Blossom.

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

But Dorothy Hamill and George Hamilton and Johnny Bench will be there this year!

My azalea blooms are baking. The ones that just came out are already showing char marks. We've had no good rain since early last week - not enough with the unseasonable heat.

rubyw, where are the rock garden pics?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I had to cover too darned many Bloomer luncheons with tipsy ladies in pink and green when I was a reporter. Call me a cynic. LOL And then there's the impossibility of even driving around or parking in most sections of town.

Winchester, VA(Zone 6b)


If you covered "tipsy ladies in pink and green" then you are local.
I live on Valley avenue just south of Handley High. During the "bloom" I either leave town or hiberate in the garden........sure cannot use the streets.
How is your garden?

Crozet, VA

Shoot Ladies - I was thinking of visiting the Apple Blossom Festival. Nah, just kidding. We have a Dogwood Festival here in Charlottesville each spring. I am sure that it is no where near as large as the festival in your area. I don't even bother to go to any of the events here, so very unlikely that I would travel for one.

I was a baton twirling majorette as a child and have had my fill of parades. I swore off of carnival rides about 20 years ago after riding The Rebel Yell at Kings Dominion. I would be interested in flea market types of things though. Doesn't Winchester have a weekend flea market?

I am very happy each morning as I sign on here and see that threads that I have started are active. I appreciate everyone's two cents. Have a great day all.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ah...someone's rain dance can we do something about the temps? I spents HOURS (and I only have a townhouse yard) on Sat. getting things into the ground that I'd had inside for weeks to months. I am so glad I waited on my gingers!!! This is NOT good temps for these guys...esp being wet and cold...*sad face*

Partlow, VA(Zone 7b)

Hey Chantell, Everything at my house this morning was doing the happy dance with the rain. The only really "tender" seedlings I have are basil and I have been watching them like a hawk but they all look like happy campers this morning. I was a bit sad to see that my grass (or should I say weeds that pass for something green there) grew about 6 inches over the weekend.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I hear that, Cindy!! I see you're in 7B - what's your temps like today? It's after noon and still only 49 here...brrr!

Winchester, VA(Zone 6b)

well rubyw

The ABF attracts 250000 to 500000 a town designed for horse and buggies.
Use your imagination. Regular traffic has trouble moving around.....

Partlow, VA(Zone 7b)

It's 49 here too but supposed to be back up to 70 tomorrow. I'm in Spotsy County out near the lake. I am not sure why the zone pulls as 7b but I pulled it from Better Homes and Garden with a zip code.

Partlow, VA(Zone 7b)

The only thing I am really worried about is the basil. The daylily's and the rest of the perennials will be fine and are enjoying their cold shower. I lost all my basil and peppers last year because I put them in too early. I have trouble with the patience it takes to garden at times.

Winchester, VA(Zone 6b)

cindy I have had good luck pushing the zone map. If I wait to plant spinach when I am "supposed" to I don't get any spinach because by the time it is ready for harvest it gets hot and it bolts. Also I get more tomatoes if I plant them in april instead of may. I think it is because my house is really protected and it stays warmer here. I have gone to work thinking it is not too cold and got to the office (five minutes up the street) and froze.....

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Roxroe, I'm in Fort Valley. Garden is doing fine so far except for the coleus I got cocky and planted two weeks ago. That frost last week nipped it. Yeah, I know better. LOL

Ruby, I know there used to be a flea market in Winch. but Roxroe will have to tell you if it's still there or not. There's a big one on Route 522 about halfway between Front Royal and Winchester on weekends.

Winchester, VA(Zone 6b)

so let me get this straight - you used to live in Winchester and now live in Fort Valley

I used to live in Fort Valley and now I live in Winchester


Winchester, VA(Zone 6b)

so let me get this straight - you used to live in Winchester and now live in Fort Valley

I used to live in Fort Valley and now I live in Winchester


Shenandoah Valley, VA

LOL! No, I never lived in Winchester. I worked covering stuff all over the northern valley including Winchester for many years, though.

You live right down the street from Russ Potts.

Winchester, VA(Zone 6b)

yes I know and I work aross the street from his office too. Still not impressed

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Heh heh

Winchester, VA(Zone 6b)

Has anyone had rain? Had a little shower this morning but it has been soo cool and dry I am concerned about the pollinators getting around. I have seen few bees working.....
The rain was just enough to dampen things but fortunately the irrigation system I installed has been doing its job or we would be out of garden again this year.

It worries me going into july with the heat and still no significant rain. Was reading a novel about the congo where apparently the young women dance with a live chicken pressed to their check to instigate rain. Winchester City doesn't permit chickens in the city but I might have to become an outlaw Chicken anyone?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Well if it missed you - it certainly got us!!! I woke to the sound of pitter patter outside my window and though UGH - Cactus and Plumerias (not fully rooted yet) outside...bolted out to scoop them up and bring them inside. Whew!! Certainly everything else out there is love the showers we got esp. my Ginger in the front!! "The pollinators " have been busy around my lavender blooms the last few weeks...can hear their ZZZzzz from the car when I get out...LOL

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

I woke thinking about everything I was going to have to try to water this morning to discover it raining, Thank Goodness! We got a little over an hour of steady rain. It's enough to get things through a few days, but not much more than that.
roxroe, can you explain in more detail about the chicken dance? I think I'll try it. I've done the Oktoberfest chicken dance but I bet it's not the same. :)

Winchester, VA(Zone 6b)

we got this morning's brief shower but it is so dry it is already gone. Unless we get a few day soaker at this point it is not going to do much good. The staff here is praying that tropical storm brings some rain

On the plus side the weather is perfect for painting and carpet shampooing. Everything dries fast.

I don't know much about the dance - I was reading a book called the "poisonwood bible" and it is set in the congo during the 1960's when the rainy season is supposed to come and doesn't the natives had all sorts of theories and solutions for the problem. One was a live chicken pressed to a dancing young women's cheek. not clear on how that was supposed to help exactly

Hanover, VA

We got a really good inch or so here early this morning. I was beginning to worry. We don't have a deep well.

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