black tea rain water

just a thought for anyone who may havea need for black tea for their babies. this is a 35 gallon rubbermaid garbage can. it has about 30 gallons of rain water in it and 180 bags of black tea that i use for some sarracenia. i normally keep the lid on it but took it off to get the photo.

Thumbnail by Equilibrium
Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Wow your house looks like mine. I have 4 garbage cans linked together with tubing to collect rainwater for my plants. I usually just fill up an old milk jug to make my black tea water though. You must have lots o' plants that are red.

the can on the right is really a garbage can. i have two actual rain barrels by two downspouts and two downspouts and one sump pum pit have had piping added to them that was trenched down to areas where i'd like to get somebody over here to excavate so i could finish off the big momma bog i wanted to finish last year. i won't hold my breath any more because i realize i am a small job that no one seems to be interested in with gas prices what they are. i do have 3 35 gallon garbage cans that hold excess water for me but they aren't connected. wish they were.

the black tea rain barrel was because i got tired of making it up a few gallons at a time and it does need to brew for at least a week. now i can dip in for what i need for those plants that are red. time saver actuakky.

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

It is pretty easy to connect your barrels if you wish. I use plastic gargabe cans for they are about 1/10th the price of an actual rain barrel. So I just just a drill and but a 3/4" hole in both cans and then connect with a short piece of 7/8ths tubing. Beings the hole is slightly smaller then the tubing you have to jam it in which makes a water tight seal. This way I only have to have one barrel under the downspot and the rest are connected to this one. It is amazing the amount of water you can collect with one good rain.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Well....if you just need rainwater to grow these plants, I think I got enough! These are two 2100 gallon tanks connected together with a pump. Thats my "shed" behind it-it is a pre-civil war estate house. The people who built it owned all the land for miles around here before the Civil war, its a two story building which is great cause my brother was able to put a good gutter system in to catch the rain. I use it to grow my annuals-its a backup for when the well goes low, but I could certainly use it to grow other plants.

Lauren, I am so sorry that that door got your hand-twice no less. The timing stinks as well. Knowing you, you will find a way to overcome it and still get out there and do stuff-a break for a week wouldn't hurt you as tired as you were. I remember when I broke my foot last August-right in the beginning of my flower crop and I had to figure out ways to deal-like watering the greenhouse with one crutch etc lol. I got so good at hopping down those aisles. Man I am so glad I can walk again! I swore I would never take walking again for granted- but I do! I wish you a fast recovery-you will be out of sick bay in no time. At least the throbbing will stop soon. Too bad we couldn't throw a little GA3 on you!

Thumbnail by tigerlily123

i'd settle for one 2100 rain water tank. there's a guy out in the uk who has a very ellaborate rain water collection system that i envy. for now i use two rain barrels and two garbage cans to stock pile about 35 gallons a piece. it's a big help. i bottle all my own water and go out in the rain to do it. i've got a couple hundred gallons from this past saturday and i added another 50 this sunday morning before i did myself in so i'm good to go in the water department for a while and if i run out of rain water, i have an ro/di that i can use that has an added booster pump to increase water pressure from my well if the going gets tough. my water pressure is too low for the ro machine toi function properly but with the pump it can generate around 10 gallons a day which means i only need to lug 10-20 bottles of distilled water a day from walmart when i run out of water waiting for it to rain. i have a need for around 20 gallons a day... another 10 on really hot days. it's rained the last few days so i didn't have to water so that was an added blessing.

ga3, now there's a thought. i just asked somebody to be the wizzard of oz and give me a new brain. i'm much better this morning and am typing by using the index finger to my right hand so i am no longer nearly as frustrated with typing. goes a lot faster too.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

lol I am so out of it, I completely forgot that I had talked about the rainwater catchments, and thought I had posted this under the other thread that Pixy had started about your injury. When I did n't see it there, I thought that I written this long post and forgot to hit "send". But I wrote it in here huh? Lol-I think I will go lie down for awhile and collect myself-all of me, or as much as I can find.
Glad you are feeling better.

Graham, NC(Zone 8a)

Hey Ya'll :)

Just another sourch of rain water containers for you. Check with Pepsi or Coke bottling companies if they're near by. I got 2-55gal plastic barrels and 1 35gal. for free. All I had to do was go by there and pick them up. You may have to clean them out, but they work great.


we have pepsi around here somewhere. i have no idea where though.

there there tigger, we all have those days,

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

really....where did those posts go????? There were 2 today so far....going to go take a break

nurse diesel rings the bell and states, 'medication time'.

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