Hey HorseShoe!

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Was great to see you "With us in Spirit" at the Texas RU! Your picture was there, framed of course, using your DG mug! Roadrunner 'bout talked me into coming to ya'lls Kentucky RU...when and where is it? Is Texas mulch girl welcome to come? LOL

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Hah! Sorry...just saw this thread! (Thanks, MaVie for the alert!)

Debbie...it looks like ya'll had a great time at the Texas Roundup! Great time, great pics!

And yes, RRunner can talk a blue streak into getting folks to a RoundUp, no matter where it is.

I love the KY Roundup...great place, lots of room, it last more than a day (long weekend) and fantastic folks always show up! So yes,...that means you (and any others) are quite welcome to come!

Hopefully I'll be able to make it this year (missed it last year).


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