my winter sown oriental poppies

Floyd, VA(Zone 6b)

For the first time in three decades, I have a large number of oriental poppies. Some I have already placed in beds. Others I have put in their own 4" square nursery containers this morning- close to 45 and three or four varieties. I still have some of Audrey's peach oriental poppies coming along too. Also, my dwarf lavender blue crape myrtle is germinating. I put the pink dwarf container right beside it so that it could get the idea. This is very, very rewarding even though quite a few containers did not germinate (yet?) Of course I am hooked.

Next year, I will use deeper containers so that they don't dry out. That was the biggest problem. Even 8 oz styrafoam cups are deep enough.

St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

Congrat on your poppies! I hope they reward you with lots of blooms. Last year was the first year I tried poppies. I wsowed alot of different varieties and they were fantastic. When I planted them out in May I thought there is no way they will ever get big enough to flower boy was I wrong. The show was amazing! This year I have done more and the germination has been fantastic. Been walking around the garden today trying to figure out where I will put them when they are ready to be transplanted. Like you I still have a few containers yet with no germination but I'm not worried there is still plenty of time for both of us.


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Fantastic Gloria. I like the combination of "Audrey's Peach" Poppies and your dwarf lavender blue crepe myrtle. They will be stunning together.

Still plenty of time for more seeds to sprout in your container. At the rate I'm going, I'll be planting out until July!

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I did some California poppy that I planted out in April and I can't wait to see the blooms. I sowed some crepe myrtle, but it hasn't sprouted yet.

St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

All of my wsown poppies have germinated. Looks like another great show this year. Still haven't figured out where I will plant them yet. Looks like I will have to move a few things around.

I haven't tried California poppies yet so I can't wait to see some pics of yours when they bloom. Looks like I will probably be adding them to my list for next year.


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm thrilled about my poppies, too! So exciting I can't wait for bloom time (when do poppies bloom, btw?) to see your pics.

We'll have to be sure and have a "Post a Pic of your Poppies" thread!

Should we have a "Lessons Learned" thread so we can post our WS changes/mistakes/observations? Maybe I'll start one...

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Great idea, t! Please do start a new thread called "Lessons Learned".

Gary, IN

I never had much luck in the past growing poppies,seeds too small for me.This past March I decided to take all the poppy seeds that I had left from previous year and winter sow them.Lo and behold,nearly every one sprouted,all two hundred or so,ha ha.They grew great and I was rewarded with a beautiful display of Flanders and California poppies in June and July.Have saved some seeds from the best plants for next year.I will definitely winter sow again.Good luck with your poppies.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Well, there ya' go!! Same for me. Never could get poppies to grow in the garden but WSing I had a nice crop!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)


I forget what thread you posted this on but you were talking about how amazing it is to have a seed tyrn into a sprout! What a thrill! I used to plant nastursiums, sweet peas, and morning glories with about a 1% germination rate and no flowers. I am planning on much better results with WinterSowing!

xxxxx, Carrie

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