They Are Getting Huge!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Some of my sprouts have out grown their containers! I'm gonna be busy planting out this weekend!!!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)


Thumbnail by Shirley1md
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)


Thumbnail by Shirley1md
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)'s already showing beautiful markings on the leaves and it's still growing in a juice container!

Thumbnail by Shirley1md
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)


Thumbnail by Shirley1md
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Let's see some of your sprouts!

Norfolk, VA

Finally I took some pictures last week. Most of my sprouts were getting gigantic too, so last weekend i planted out most of them. THe peppers in the back were grow indoors under lights, but the rest were all wintersown in the (makeshift) coldframe.

Thumbnail by amandaK8
Norfolk, VA

Another close up of marigolds, cleome some gazania, and scabiosa. Also, my first blooms were open this morning! No pics yet, but it was on my tiny little johnny jump ups I winter sowed February 20th and planted out about three weeks ago. I'm so excited! I didn't really feel succesfull till I saw an actual flower!

Thumbnail by amandaK8
Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

I'm not going to even show my hollyhocks b/c I'm embarassed not to have them in the ground.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Way to go Amanda! You've got a lot of cups filled with sprouts. I'm so excited that you even have a bud. WOW, you're ahead of my growing zone!!

P.S. Hope you're taking lots of pictures and adding them to Plant Files.

Zeppy: Don't be embarassed because my Hollyhocks aren't in the ground either, but they will be by this weekend!

Beachwood, OH

I have zone envy. Up here my seedlings are lolly-gagging along not really doing much. We are having nights in the 40's primarily and days up to low 70's. Shirlyey your primroses and agastache look so healthy. What type of soil did you plant in? Any tips?

I've planted out my Delphinium Pacific Giant seedlings with 1 set of leaves and just hoping for the best. I also had seeded sweet peas into peat pots and put them out tonight. I planted my Dianthus Barbatus - sweet williams yesterday just before we had a gentle spring rain - perfect. I couldn't have planted those singly if I wanted to - that was definitely the hunk method. I also got my polyanthus primroses in the ground from inside the house during winter. Maybe its because of last yrs mild winter but the ones from the previous year were beautiful this spring.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Alyrics: You're gonna catch up quickly as the temps are warming up. You'll see your seedlings out growing their containers in no time!

I use Miracle Grow Potting Soil, combined with polymer crystals to keep the soil moist in the containers. When I plant out, I use the soil the seedlings grew in, plus new soil, compost, more polymer crystals, and top dress with mulch. I also use some Osmocote-a time released fertilizer, in the planting hole too.

Your Delphinium Pacific Giant will be fine. You'll be surprised at how quickly they will now grow. I've also planted out several varieties of Dianthus, but haven't gotten around to planting out the sweet peas yet. Mine are in plastic containers and I'll just plant a "hunk" of seedlings. I look forward to seeing your Primrose polyanthus in bloom. I'm sure they will be beautiful!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Great seedling pics, everybody. Very helpful to me. I wonder if I post my NOID seedlings (the permanent marker wasn't permanent) someone could please help me ID them?!

Shirley1md--I noted you used Miracle-gro potting soil with moisture control and I used that too, this year, but found it a bit heavy. I was thinking of adding some peat fines or something to lighten it up. What do you think of that?

St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

Wow great pics! Will have to take some shots of mine this weekend. I have a couple of containers of poppies that I am sure every seed sprouted.


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

tabasco: I prefer a heavier potting soil with moisture control because in my area it tends to heat up fairly quickly. As it is, I'm still watering my containers and planted out seedlings a couple times a week. I would be concerned that adding some peat might lighten up the soil to much and thus cause it to dry out quicker.

I'll take some more pictures tonight, as some are getting bigger and need to be planted out this weekend!

That great Michelle that every Poppy you sowed germinated. How's the rest of your seedlings doing?

St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

Most of my containers have sprouted but still waiting on Blanket Flower - Burgendy and Delphinium Blue Mirror. I wintersowed Boltonia Snowbank this year and I only have one sprout which I think could be a weed. I hope its not because I really wanted this plant for a particular spot in my garden. I grew Boltonia 'Nana' last year and it is coming up fantastic this year.

Still prepping the garden so I hope to be transplanting in the next week or so.


(Zone 6a)

Your seedlings are so incredibly healthy looking Shirly!!! I never even thought of WSing Pelagonium! They're huge!
Just curious....when did they sprout?


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Michelle: I still have ~50 containers that haven't sprouted. I'm not giving up yet....since I had 6 more sprout today!

Steve: The Pelagonium were sowed on Feb. 4th, germinated April 5th, and planted out April 29th. I definitely plan to sow more varieties next year.

Here is Dracocephalum moldavica that is yelling, "let me out of here"!

Thumbnail by Shirley1md
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Dracocephalum moldavica was sprung and much happier now. It's going in the garden tomorrow!

Thumbnail by Shirley1md
(Zone 6a)

So that Pelagonium in the photo is only one month old? .....*mind not grasping*..................................THAT'S AMAZING!!!


St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

Just checked and my Delphinium has sprouted. All of my containers except 1 has sprouts or is in the sprouting action. I sowed more annuals this year than perennials. All of my annuals have now sprouted. Love the pic of Dracocephalum moldavica I am sure it is relieved to have been sprung! lol.


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Steve: Yuph! Some of the plants take off like a rocket. This Pelagonium is one of them.

Michelle: Glad to hear that your Delphinium has sprouts. Only my Delphinum "Snow" sprouted. The other two containers are still a no-show. Hope it will be soon!!

Yes, the Dracocephalum moldavica was relieved to get out of the milk jug. If I left it much longer in might have started blooming! :~)

(Zone 6a)

I probably sound like I'm rambling....but I'm just so amazed with what I've heard about winter sowing!
Didn't know what Dracocephalum moldavica was, so I looked it up in PlantFiles and it's very lovely.


Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

oooooohhhh - I'm gonna have to take some pics for you guys!! I'm at work now - wait til I get are gonna drool!!!

St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

Can't wait to see the pics. I am going outside right now to take some of mine.


St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

Here are some of my wintersown seedlings

Sweet William

Thumbnail by articfire
St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

Here is Nemophila Five Spot

Thumbnail by articfire
St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

Here is Clarkia Mixed

Thumbnail by articfire
St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

Here is Purple & Pink Poppies

Thumbnail by articfire
St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

Here is Bachlor Buttons Black Ball

Thumbnail by articfire
St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

Finally here is Godetia

Thumbnail by articfire
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

WOW! Talk about some gorgeous looking sprouts! You've got tons of them!! I can't wait until they start blooming!! Aren't you glad to be planting them via the "hunk of seedling" method vs. individually?! Please be sure to add them in Plant Files!!

(Zone 6a)

Michelle - Those are some great and healthy looking seedlings!
And the poppies are so dense!
I think I might have asked something like this before, but if the seedlings are planted in a hunk don't they get all yellow and lanky?


St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

I have been doing the hunk method from the start and the plants do great. Later in the season if I feel they are too crowded I divide them. Last year I did large hunks of the poppies and they were beautiful such a wonderful show of flowers. In one particular section of my garden I had over 100 buds and when they flowered they stole the show.

I will add them to Plant files before the weekend.


Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Here are two pics of Phacelia. The weather didn't cooperate for more pics - these were from the other day.

Thumbnail by Anitabryk2
Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Here's a closeup

Thumbnail by Anitabryk2
(Zone 6a)

Michelle - I will sure do the hunk method now, I'm convinced. Your Nemophila too, is so big. I direct sowed some and they're not near that size!


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