Can I root a Cornus cutting?

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Hi friends,

I took a cutting from a client's pink dogwood today. The cutting is about 8-10" long and came from low on the trunk (I think it was above the graft, but in any event it doesn't matter to me what color or variety it might be). Can I root this with rooting hormone? I was thinking about taking most of the leaves off, dipping it in hormone powder and sticking it into the bottom of a 2 liter bottle filled with a peaty/perlite mix, then placing another 2 liter over the top to create a mini greenhouse. Would that work??? How long would it take??? Does anyone have a better idea??? I have a friend who is the propigation manager at a local wholesale nursery....should I take him up on using some of his rooting chemical?.....I'm sure it's better than mine and he offered to give me some (nice, huh?). Right now I have the cutting in a cup of water while I wait for instructions! Thanks for your help!

Karen :~)

Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

I am a rank amateur at this, but I would think that if anything would work, what you described would. I'd sure use some of the rooting chemical offered - and run your idea past your friend.

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Thanks! :~D

Cheyenne, WY(Zone 5a)

You are in luck today - I did this in my propagation class. Cornus seemed to root best for me in a 1/2 perlite and 1/2 vermiculite mixture as a medium. They seem to easily rot so this works best, peat would likely be too wet. They take 3-5 weeks depending on conditions to root. Rooting hormone would likely help and is recommended.

This message was edited May 6, 2006 1:06 PM

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Cool! Thanks for your help! I will watch the moisture level in the "pepsi bottle greenhouse".


(Zone 6a)

My Grandfather used to just take dogwood cuttings and stick them in the ground, keeping them moist and they'll root. I'm trying the same thing now.


Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

Yes, they root very easily just by sticking them in the ground. Cut them about a foot long and bury two thirds of the cutting in the ground, and they should all grow in two or three months.

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