Advice on Sprouting Kiwi Branches

Vallejo, CA(Zone 9b)

I have two Hayward Kiwi branches (one male, one female) that I got from the California Rare Fruit Grower's 2006 Golden Gate Chapter Scion Exchange back in January. They have sprouted quite a bit and I'm not sure what to do with them. Should I:

1. Plant the whole branch in soil?
2. Cut the new (green) growth and root the cutting, then plant that?
3. Something else?

The branches are sitting in water on my shelf under grow lights.

Thumbnail by joeysplanting
Vallejo, CA(Zone 9b)

Here's a photo of the root end

Thumbnail by joeysplanting
Vallejo, CA(Zone 9b)

Here's a photo of the whole branch

Thumbnail by joeysplanting
Greensburg, PA

joeysplanting, I have no experience with the fuzzies, but with the hardies, the best way is to bend a branch down and cover it with soil, leaving the tip exposed. If the covered portion is watered well, it should root within a month or so.

I take cuttings about 1/4" thick and have had some good success putting them in soil in a pot (remove all leaves except the top one and bury stem deep). Cover with sealed plastic bag to conserve moisture and keep in bright light but no sun. Transplant when you see good sizes of active growth or in the sping.

This message was edited Aug 1, 2006 5:08 PM

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