all lilacs you can imagine.....

Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

Wow just visited the Hulda Klager lilac gardens in Woodland, WA on Friday>
Gosh I never saw so many different kind of lilacs before, didnt even know we have so many to choose from.Im " lilac maniac", so the place was just treat for me there and the prices the best i ever saw yet.
Apparently, gardens are open , till Mothers Day to view the all spiecies of the lilacs. Also every year the place has sale of different sizes of the lilacs . Web side is I came back home with 3 lilacs and i had already planted 6 before, well.. couldnt help my self..had to get more...Spent all the time there smelling, taking pictures and woooowing...The only sad part is , that the sale is only on the lilacs week, once a year.

Thumbnail by birdscrazy
Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

I went to this last year and did major damage! It's really incredible, isn't it?

I really want the one called lilac sunday (may be spelled sundae) but they weren't selling it last year. Do you remember if they had that one?


Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

Actally, the pic above is that of the one You are asking for, Sunday.., what i did , is took a pic of all the tags and then, the most fragrant lilacs them selfs following the pic of the tag with the name, just so I will remember i the futhure, if I would wanna get more, or if we will move from here to bigger house..anyhow, I dont remember seeing that one for sell in big pots, only in propagation envelops (starters or whatever they call them). Yes was incredible, Im going to visit that place from now, every year .A lot of people was admireing the double flowers on some of the lilacs, and they were buying those , cause of that aspect, I just was buying and taking pics of the most fragrant once..Also I loved to see so many different tulips there, took pics of some of them...
Woodland that day was holding also tulip festival, but after lilac garden I was too exhausted to go to that one..

Thumbnail by birdscrazy
Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

What I liked about Sunday is that the blossoms go all up and down the branches and then they have that pretty drooping effect. They didn't even have the small teeny starts of that variety when I was there. It's a 3-hour drive for me. I went with two friends and we had a ball. Is this the only week, the one we're currently in, that the plants are for sale.

Gwen, wondering how quickly her friends can get themselves in gear for a road trip!

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

This is a link to the photos I took last year when I went. Most of them are not of lilacs, tho. The second to the last pic is the lilac sunday and you can really see the arching branches.


Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Aren't the lilacs just coming into their glory? Just love em too, I have read there is a way you are supposed to be able to prune and get really heavy bloom each year. If left to themselves they seem to bloom really heavy every other year. I would certainly like to read about pruning lilacs. Also I have a dark purple one, the common lavendar one, and "Sensation" , the dark with a white edge. What one would you recommend for a blue color?

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

The blue that I liked had a president's name I think. (A lot of help that is! LOL)

I have a book on lilacs and it says to just deadhead them for pruning. I don't know, mine don't do great but I think they don't get enough sun. The ones I bought last year - I bought the teeny ones that take years and years to do anything - will be planted in full sun so hopefully they'll do better.

Some of the lilacs didn't have much of a fragrance, which surprised me.

I'll have to dig my book out as I'd like to learn to propogate them too. I know the 'wild' ones put out that suckers that can be dug up and replanted. I don't know if the fancy bought ones put the suckers out.


Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Gwen, does President Grevy sound familar? I have seen that variety listed many times. I think all lilacs sucker. I don't think it has to do with wild or not.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Something to explore,

If a person were using a DSL connection it would be much faster to explore this site but it is pretty good.

Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

Lenjo, Hi

I read in book on lilacs, that the best blue lilacs (as far as color goes) are:
John Fiala`s "Wedgwood Blue " or "Little Boy Blue", but those are semidwarfs - up to 5 ft

then you have all others , which are blue, but.....(not so , like the ones above)
"Monroe" (called "blue Skies") - single bluish-purple
"President Grevy" - double bluish paler on the inside
"President Lincoln" single blue
"Dappled Dawn" - variegated foliage, single blue
"Dwight D. Eisenhower - single multipetaled blue (ranking among the finest blues)
"Mme Charles Souchet - showy clusters of single pale bluish
"Martha Stewart" - single bluish-violet
"Maurice Barre`s" - single blue
"Mechta`" (Dream") - single lilac-blue
"Big blue" - single blue
"Blue Boy" 18-to 20 in panicels of single blue
"Blue Hyacinth" single mauve-to-pale-blue

Have a fun with all those ..

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Hi birdscrazy, thanks for all the names, the website I found showed several that you mentioned.

Portland, OR(Zone 8a)


Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Yes, Pres Grevy sounds familiar. I think that's one of them. Of course, I really like them all and a lot of them look the same to me.


Renton, WA(Zone 8a)

My husband liked president lincoln the best. He thought it would be fun to tell people we had pres. lincoln in the backyard, wanna come see?


Portland, OR(Zone 8a)


jbuesh, that is so funny

Gold Bar, WA

I'm new to this entire site and am trying to catch up on so much of what interests me...AND LILACS are a big interest.
Currently I'm trying to locate Russian Lilacs especially the red one, although there is a yellow that seems tinted brighter than 'Primrose".
I was informed perhaps wrongly that Russian Lilacs could bloom from summer to fall and while
not all are fragrant, there are enough that are that would make me very happy.
Has anyone else run into a site or nursery that offers Russian Lilacs?

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

I have never heard of Russian Lilacs but there is a plant called Russian Sage, perovskia that is in bloom now.

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

Quince, do a Google search, you will find several hits.

Gold Bar, WA

Thank you for the suggestion.

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