Trying to find saltpeter...

Rowlett, TX(Zone 8a)

I have an old timers recipe for the best fertilizer I have every used but it needs salt peter as an ingredient....I am having problems finding it locally and may have to do some online ordering. Now I am finding it is referred to as potassium nitrate, but have also seen sodiun nitrate..can these 2 be used interchangeably??

Need some help from those here better able to answer than I am..

Thanks, Kris

Hopkinsville, KY(Zone 6b)

You should be able to find it in your grocery store - in the spices or pickling/canning supplies section. It's used in curing hams - to preserve the pink color.

Sultan, WA(Zone 8a)

Salt peter is also an ingredient is black powder (and should be stored with that consideration in mind!) and in toothpaste for people who have sensitive teeth. I wouldn't use sodium nitrate, personally. It is essentially a salt. Used to preserve hot dogs. Yummy. The potassium nitrate will provide the nitrogen in you homemade fertilizer (NPK is 13-0-44) as well as the potassium. But I don't know were you can find it. Like other things that used to be readily available to the public, it has been removed from shelves. Apparently some people like to make homemade bombs out of it.

Look in the phone book under Chemistry or Lab supply if you want a local source or try ebay.

Rowlett, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks, my local pharmacy is ordering some for me...hopefully it will be adequate.

Thanks for the help


Ottawa, KS(Zone 5b)


Just out of curiosity, how much is your local pharmacy charging for how much, and is it potassium nitrate and not sodium nitrate that you are getting? Potassium nitrate is much better for plants than sodium nitrate.


Rowlett, TX(Zone 8a)

I just picked it up, the cost was $1.93 for 6 oz...fairly reasonable but I would like to get it in larger quantities. The recipe calls for 3 tbsp per gal of water..and I was mixing it up 3 gallons at a time..6 oz. does not last very long. I just ordered 10 more bottles.

Ottawa, KS(Zone 5b)


For potassium nitrate and other nutrient chemicals, I suggest you take a look at

They sell potassium nitrate for $2.35 per pound (not counting shipping). They also have a lot of other useful chemicals like calcium nitrate, monopotassium phosphate, etc.


Rowlett, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the heads up on that site, it will be cheaper ordering from them unless the shipping is prohibitive..

Thanks again..


Steger, IL

hello there, any chance of sharing the recipe?

Port Orchard, WA(Zone 8a)

earthling,, 877-840-0500 has it, it might be less expensive than your pharmacy. or 888-749-8682. hostajim1

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