New planter

I wasn't planning on getting this planter but I couldn't resist. I've wanted a cup planter ever since I saw someone here post a photo of theirs. I got one for my Mom for Mothers Day and one for myself. Any suggestions on what to plant?

Thumbnail by elsie
Chickamauga, GA(Zone 7a)

That is sooo pretty!! How wide is it? do you have something to compare it to in a pic like a milk jug or something?

I was also thinking it's quite large.
My first thought was an African Violet would look good in it.

I don't have the large creamer and sugar yet. LOL. That's a quart next to it. It's about 10" across and 8" high.

I don't have good luck with African Violets. I'm planning on putting it outside on my patio.

Thumbnail by elsie
Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

elsie, very pretty. If it doesn't have drainage holes you would need to use some rocks, pottery shards or something so that the roots aren't standing in water. I'm thinking that an orangey-red shade of Delosperma would be pretty, or a white Gerbera.


in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Cactus dish garden would look cute.

Thanks for your suggestions. The cup has a drainage hole and smaller holes to drain into the saucer.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Hens and Chicks would be great. Or a medium leaf Hosta, maybe a Jade Kong Coleus.
Very neat planter.

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Elsie, you got my planter!! LOL!

I saw that planter and wanted it so bad, it was gone when I went back. I think that is sooo cute and original. Just love it.

When I saw "mine" I was thinking of putting something tall, or upright in it so that it wouldn't obstruct the view of the cup and saucer at all. Cactus garden sounds great, then you can certainly keep it indoors thru winter. I would just make sure to stay away from any vines or low growing things. Maybe even a Coleus trained as a standard would be orangy or pinkish or even yellow one? How about a mini Gardenia topiary? If you got the planter where I think you did they should have the mini Gardenia trees there too.....outside for about $8-$20 depending on size....I got one of the Gardenias and it's scent is heavenly.

Hmmm, how about a mini Pony tail palm? I love those. They sell them at Lowe's, and they are so cute. I'm thinking you'd want a real "show-off" plant for in there. I think it's too big for an African Violet, although I searched the shelvs for a smaller planter because that's originally what I wanted mine for!

A mini Rose (salmon colored) would be a beautiful surprise. Some daisies would look very cute and whimsical. A fern would show off the planter more and be easier to take care of, but surely fill it out. A Bromeliad would be tropical and give that bright Carribean feel (can't you hear the steel drums playing?).

Wouldn't it be too neat if a dwarf coffee tree could fit in there? LOL! I don't think they come quite that dwarf tho!!

I hope you find the perfect plant to wake up your planter!

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

You're just all over the place, girl! How was your weekend? I spent mine hopped up on painkillers for my back. Didn't sleep much this whole weekend. And when I did, it was propped up on a bed chair. Bummer. Didn't even feel like going out into the yard. Except, my new STUTTGART'S cannas are coming up, and I need to keep the soil moist.

Speaking of moist, I made an interesting discovery. I had put a garbage bag in a pot as a liner, but hadn't cut drainage holes in the bag yet. I put some caladium bulbs and one daylily (centered) in the pot and watered lightly. Never intended on overwatering the pot since I hadn't got to the holes in the bag, and I didn't want my bulbs to rot. Anyway, it stormed Friday and the pot was soggy with the water. But those caladium bulbs were bursting up all over that planter! I knew enough to keep the soil moist, but never thought that standing rainwater would make them shoot up like they have. I've not watered all weekend, just letting the water evaporate on its own, and those caladium are just taking off in that little bog!

I might try a new techinque next year, and plant them in a sort of controlled Bog to make them bloom quicker. Any comments would be appreciated. I'll keep ya'll posted on the bulbs. This is good, since I have some other caladiums in full bloom and I can compare the growth rates and end results. The ones I kept lightly watered took FOREVER to come up (at least 6-7 weeks!) The ones in the "bog" have come up in only ONE week.

P.S.S. I sprinkled high phosphorous fertilizer on the soil before I laid each bulb down in it.

Horsens, Denmark

The firs thing I tought of was; mmmh a nice big cup og cocoa.
It is a great and different planter, never seen one like that here.

I would suggest oxalis deppie
oxalis deppie “iron cross”
They are were easy to care, and look their best in an container.

Thanks for your suggestions. I really like the idea of hens & chickens but I can't leave it outside with soil in it - I would be afraid it would freeze and break. Maybe I can keep it in the kitchen window and maybe put some herbs in it. I haven't really done any plant shopping so I'll have to go out and look. I'm hoping something will just look perfect.

I got it at Walmart and was so surprised to see it there. They only had two and I bought them both. Heather I'm so glad I didn't wait to buy them. I think the last time I saw one was on ebay. Now I don't know if I could afford the shipping - it's kind of heavy.

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

I know I'm all over the place....but I'm don't seem to be getting much done around the house today, wonder if there's any connection? Nah, can't be, I'm having too much fun! :-P

I'll have to remember that tip w/ caladiums, I may be planting some this year. I'm also hoping for a rain barrel....but we'll see.

Ok, back on topic, sorry!

When you find the right plant you'll know it, and you can always change it around if you need or want to, whenever you want to. Those pots are on the heavy side and I wouldn't really want to ship one either...but they are so darn cute!! I may just have to look at eBay to check prices!

(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

That's my 'pot' too!

I am planning on showing dwarf orientals in it in July, but have been paying attention to all the plant suggestions for its 'next' life!

Mine is a deep brown with blue and gray at the rim and on the handle.

Thumbnail by llilyfan

Llilyfan, that is beautiful. It looks handmade.

(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

Thanks elsie, it is a purchased pot just like yours, and just like you I couldn't resist it. I do love the bold color of yours, and look forward to hearing what you will plant in it.

Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

Ohh, I'd love one of those!
Here are a couple of other DG member mug/pots.
This one looks like yours:

Horsens, Denmark

Hi Elsie.
How is your beautiful planter doing, did you find a plant for it
Monica :o)

Hi Monica,

How nice of you to ask. I planted coleus in it. I think I need a new place for it because it's not filling out well. But I think the coleus looks nice in it.

Here is one side.

Thumbnail by elsie

And here is the other side.

Thumbnail by elsie
Horsens, Denmark

Oh yes it looks very pretty :o)
Don`t know a thing about coleus, hope you find a good place for it.

Chesapeake, VA(Zone 7b)

I bought one identical to that. I put hens and chicks in it.

Horsens, Denmark

can we see it ;o)

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

I saw those and stopped to ponder on them, I decided not to purchase.... (dang it). I was thinking hen & chicks, also, pdoyle. Yes, would you post a pic? Gosh, now I'm going to see if they have any left... you people are SUCH enablers.... lol

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

If you name your containers a good name for this would be "A Sip Of Coleus To Start The Day" or "Drink In The Coleus". I just love it, it's too cute. Great job!!

Heathrjoy, I like the first one! I'm glad you like the planter. I wish I could put hens & chicks in mine but I'm going to have to empty it for the winter. I saw a flyer for Michael's and they were advertising two sizes of coffee cup planters. I think the planters would look nice as a centerpiece on a table with maybe fresh fruit in it.

Chesapeake, VA(Zone 7b)

Sorry, I just came back to this thread. I'll have to take a pic and post. (at work now)

Westford, MA(Zone 5b)

Anyone near a Christmas Tree Shops and looking for one -- they have this for sale now. Check out their web site:

Also in our area, the Micheals craft store as elsie has mentioned has them for sale.


PS I would caution elsie that many items made in China have lead in the glazes so if you want to use it to hold fruit beware of this since it wasn't intended for food use. There are kits you can buy to test glazes for lead. That is why you will see a sticker on the bottom often saying 'Not food safe' or something like that.

This message was edited Aug 3, 2006 1:50 PM

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