Elberta dwarf peach flower/leaf sequence of events

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Last spring I planted a dwarf Elberta peach tree, and when I planted it (in fact when I bought it from the tree nursery), it was in flower. I don't recall if there were leaves on it at the time. We had a fairly mild winter here and now my dwarf peach is leafing out. The leaves are nice, no bug holes, they look normal. But, it never had any flowers. My weeping cherry and ornamental pear both flower before they leaf. So, I figured the peach would do the same. Did something happen to my peach blossoms or do they just come out later? There were no recent frosts and the tree doesn't look otherwise unhealthy, it just never bloomed (yet). I presume if it doesn't bloom, I won't get any peaches. Anyway, I'm just curious about when peach trees flower compared to other flowering trees because this is my first peach tree so I'm not used to its sequence of events yet! And, if it was supposed to flower before leafing, was there something I did wrong that made it not flower? The nursery is not far from my home so it's not as if I bought it from a different zone where it had flowered before I bought it.


Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

Peach trees flower about 5 days before leafing out much. It looks like you missed fruit for this year. It could be because the tree was not quite established enough yet and it could be that you had a couple winter nights that froze the fruit buds, I had a lot of freeze out last year, but the peach trees never had so many blooms as this year.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh dear, that is a pity. I was afraid that might be the case. Well, I guess I have to wait a year and see what happens! Fortunately my tomato plants are still doing well under the lights, so I'll have to eat extra tomatoes instead of peaches.

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

We planted a Dwarf Elberta tree this spring, and it was in flower when we bought it. We planted it about a month ago, and I noticed today that the peaches are forming! One is about half an inch in diameter, the rest are smaller. There are 8 of them. I hope they continue to grow so we can eat them someday!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Wow, that's lucky! I bought mine last year in flower and planted it, but no peaches happened. I chalked that up to it being the first year. I hope yours work out for you. I won't get any this year either because it never did flower. I am still hopeful for future years though.

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