April 27th nursery trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Previously Happy Hollow trip.
Who wants to go?
When do you want to start?
Where would you like to go? Nurseries, shows etc.??

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I thin k we should start at Happy Hollow and then go to Blooming Hill and then if time we should try for the Towson Market day. No time to even try to go to try Season's Past Nursery but it should be something for the future. and we should meet about 10 That is my opinion.

Bel Air, MD(Zone 6b)

Hi, I'm new to DG, having come on over from Gardenweb when I saw everyone else was jumping ship. I'd love to go to Happy Hollow, etc. with you. I could meet you @ Happy Hollow at 10, but since I live in Bel Air any earlier would put me in rush hour on the beltway.

I do hope this happens. I've just gone through the 'introduce yourself' thread and can't wait to meet you all.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

sounds good...my number is #410-377-4344

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

OKAY...we are meeting at Happy Hollow Nursery at 10 on Thursday. Happy Hollow is off of Padonia Road on Happy Hollow road...it is a small house with a small sign. Their number is 252-4026

Phoenix, MD(Zone 7a)

I hope everyone has a great time! I have a meeting at my son's school and then he is out at 12 PM so sorry but school days are hard for me to get free!

Glad Mom can make it and meet all going! Maybe in the summer or after school is out on a Monday when my DH is home we can do a trip again!

Have fun....

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Nikki, (or wahtever other names I called you today...sorry!)
Short attention span......"senior moments", etc.

Thanks for "hanging" with me today. The Towson Fair was fun and it was nice to have someone to chat with while taking it all in.

I am kind of "bushed" after all that walking. I shopped some at Trader Joe's and then stopped at the Harold's veggie place on Joppa Rd. on the way home. I love that place!
Here it is almost 5PM and I have not yet gone outside and done anything--yet. Will do something......soon.....????? Yeah, right!

Call me any time you want if you have any questions or if you want to go shopping for plants somewhere.
My Phone # is: 410-256-2709. I have an answering machine. You can e-mail me directly also, as I check my e-mails about 3 times a day. My "real" e-mail address is:


See you somewhere soon, GIta


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Hi Gita,
I was outside until almost dark. I planted my double Japanese Maple. I made an exitsting bed bigger for it. I had to put my concrete bench together.......VERY HEAVY! Then just watering and clean up. I had a good time too. We definately have to check out some more places. I can't figure out how to get my pictures off my phone. I thought I could just plug it in like my digital camera......but noooo, anyway I think I have to figure out how to send it in an e-mail.......I'll figure it out eventually. I'm on the lookout for some interesting looking, not too big evergreens, like conifers.....etc. I want a couple of tall skinny ones. Anyway, I want see more stuff. Let me know when your off again, and we can plan.
See ya soon,

Bel Air, MD(Zone 6b)

Hi, Nancy, Nikki, Gita,
It was great to meet you all yesterday. Nancy and I went on to ??? way up in the Hereford zone and picked up a few more things. They had absolutely gorgeous coleus, but I have to resist until I can get the stuff I already bought in the ground.

I need to move a bunch of things around, but am hoping to get to it all this afternoon and tomorrow. Gita, I'd love to hit other nurseries with you. You seem to have the inside scoop on a bunch of good places. I'm still trying to figure out how to get to the one you and Nancy spoke of in White Marsh.

Nickki, you're so industrious! All of my plants are under a tree waiting . . . In my own defense, I had to mow the grass yesterday afternoon and after that I was pooped.

We must get together again. Someone think up another fun trip, the sooner the better. Nancy, enjoy your weekend away.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Yes we must!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Lesley and Nikki and Nancy,

I am off tomorrow and it would be a nice day to go buy some bedding plants. If either, or both of you, NANCY???? would like to go shopping at the "Growers" I used to work for (in Cub Hill) Saturday, call me asap ( 410-256-2709) and we could meet up at the Mars Shopping Center at Harford Rd. and Joppa Rd. The place is only about a mile from there. Call me if you are interested--even tonight! As I write this, it is 9PM. Will be hitting the sack at about 11PM.

I am off Sunday also, but my daughter is coming over and we have some "serious" archival stuff to attend to. So--Sunday is out for me.


To get to the Nursery Nancy was talking about, take exit 31C (??) --Rt. #43-- a left lane S-L-O-W ramp off of #695. This is the first of 3 exits at Harford Rd. This will take you all the way to a dead end (past White Marsh Mall) on Pulaski Hwy. (Rt. #40). DO NOT go straight at the flashing light! Swing to the right on the ramp.
At the light, take a right (#40 East) and go to the next traffic light at Ebenezer Rd. There is a glitzy "Double TT Diner" on your right. Turn right there. The first road on your right (almost immediatly) is Vincent Rd. The next one is Vincent Farm Rd. Turn right on that, and the nursery is at the end.

We could ALL go there! On the same road, a bit further down, are 2 other nurseries. "Richardson Farms" and "Mocking Bird Hill"--which is also a florist shop. "Richardson Farms" has a lot of market packs, perennials and HB. They are a TRUE, functioning Farm. They grow their own produce and chickens. You can buy fresh chicken from them. They also sell trash bags-full of Chicken bedding filled with chicken manure for about $3. Chicken manure is VERY high in Nitrogen! Good for leafy vegetables and plants.

As you can all see, there are several options.

What do you all want to do? I think I will, definitely, be going shopping at "Clifford Egerton Greenhouses" (the Grower) tomorrow. Wanna join me???

Call me, or e-maiol me tonight, so I can plan on a "groupie" thing for tomorrow.


Phoenix, MD(Zone 7a)

Hi just a quick note that my Mom Levilyla is out of town this weekend and as I know she would have loved to go she will not be able to this trip!

Glad everyone got to meet Thursday and had a good time


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Hey Gita,
My son has his first T-ball game today, sorry. Let's try for a day next weekend. We can hit another one.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I had ALL intentions to go to the "Growers" on Saturday---BUT.....I went to my little "Huber's Roadside stand" instead just to see what they had. Well! I pretty much did all my plant shopping there. They have such a nice variety and such rerasonable prices. I spent about $70. Mostly to get stuff for my big patio planters I put everywhere. I did not buy too much actual bedding plants, as it is still a bit cool and I don't want to lose those annuals.

You would like this place also! Market packs (6 plants) are $2. Individual, good sized annuals are also $2. Perennials and accent plants, in 4" pots, are $3. I usually go there to buy veggies and fruit but do my share of spending on plants also.

I would'nt mind still having a couple of HB's. Maybe a Fuschia or such, but am trying NOT to get stuff that would go POOOF! if it dries out, as I will be gone most of July on vacation. My daughter will come by and water and mow, but--that is a BIG saccrifice for her as she is not a garden type at all. However, anything for MOM!.

Next week I really do not have any free days. The only possible day would be earlyish on Thursday. I have a commitment at 4PM.

Such is life! I DO have a full schedule most of the time.

Let's keep in touch! You may just want to find a good place near you. I do not know any to suggest.

Be glad to help you out with quick answers to any questions, if I can.


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Hey Gita,
I wish I could, Thurs. I have to work at my son's school. It's a co-op. I had a Dr. appt. yesterday, then my husband's B-day mini-party at home so I haven't looked at the computor. We'll get together some other time. Let me know when you want to get out and gab...... Oh, I got two andromeda the other day. They're still in pots, I haven't put them in the ground yet. They look really good though, still blooming, well one anyway.
Well, talk to ya, Nikki

Bel Air, MD(Zone 6b)


Sorry, have been busy and missed your messages. I may try to get to the nursery in White Marsh on Tuesday. Anyone else interested?


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I am not going to get any more until after our deck has been finished..hopefully by the end of May or first part of June.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I am pretty much done with buying plants by now. Went to the Growers one day and bought a bunch of stuff--like $70 worth....

My planters are all done, and now I have to see where I can put some of the other flowers. It is impossible to see any open spaces as all the Bulb foliage is all over all the beds. That will take a good 5 more weeks to die off. I HATE this aspect of the bulbs! When they are all yellowed out and gone, all of a sudden I have all these open spaces in the beds and then can't get any more flowers to plant as it is July by then.

I am really busy every day this time of year. Between work and getting my Garden started and trying to find a free day that I could honor my promise to volunteer at the Rawlings Conservatory just leaves NO time for other things. Then--as soon as I think I am catching up, I will have to start planning for my HUGE Cookout on June 24th with my Group. That is the "Biggie" of the year....It takes a lot out of me!

If you want to come this way and browse through some nurseries, I would try to make the time. NOT this week. Possible one day next week. Let's keep in touch....I work Mon., Tues., and Wed. One of the remaining days, I will go volunteer at the Conservatory. I promised! I am off that saturday also (May 20). We could do it then.

Call me! 410-256-2709

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