Mother's day

Harrisonburg, VA

Every year for Mother's day I get my mom a new plant. Here's what I've gotten her so far:
Butterfly Bush
Flowering Quince

I want to get a survivor plant cuz while she doesn't have a black thumb it's not exactly green either. Any ideas for this year?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Blue - if you're referring to outside plants - Lilacs are nice and I don't think you can kill a Sedum even IF you tried. They've got some with very nice leaf colors now i.e. Black Jack, Purple Emperor and some variegateds like Frost Morn (?) What I love is they keep their beautiful leaf colors then you get the added blessing of the flower heads in the fall when the rest of the plants are losing their color. Birds and Butterflies seem to love them!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Agastache if she likes butterflies and they have several colors. Tree peonies are wonderful as gifts also, my kids have provided me with several.

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

How about some daylilies to surround and echo the colors in the shrubs? They're about indestructible, once established, and there are many reblooming and fragrant varieties as well as such variable color combinations.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


How about the ***HOT**** new "Kopper King" perennial Hibiscus? It was available EVERYWHERE last year, even at HD and such. I bought 2 of them and am waiting to see the beautiful blooms this summer. The foliage and stems are a dark maroon/greenish and the blooms are spectacular! You will NOT find it in stores until end of July or August, as perennial Hibiscus comes up really, relly late--like eof June.
I guess that shoots it as a Mother's day Gift......:o(

--An assortment of Oriental or Asiatic Lilies would be nice, and available NOW!

--How about the new "Endless Summer" Hydrangia? It blooms on current season's wood and can be cut back.

--How about some already-growing, potted Cannas? The tubers multiply easily and she will have a good supply for years to come.

--A Bleeding Heart is at it's fullest bloom at this time! I have 2, and the bigger one is 3' high and 4' in circumference. Awsome!!! They can also be had this time of year, already potted and growing.

OK! Enough ideas......


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