Hosting Plant Swap in VA

Washington, VA(Zone 7a)

Ok Guys
Anyone interested may attend. I will be hosting a plant swap in my home the last weekend of May, Saturday. Traders may begin arriving at 9 am and we'll go until the last plant is traded! Bring a plant take a plant. I will have tons of seedlings myself and also will be trading seeds as well for summer and winter sowing. There will be a potluck lunch so bring a dish or some other contribution (ie drinks, paper plates, napkins, etc.) I suggest traders bring a small table or a wagon for thier plants. My home is surrounded by waist high stone walls that are wide and shelf like but traders are welcome to bring card tables.I live in Washington VA about 15 miles outside of Warrenton on the Skyline drive side. My contact number for potluck signup and directions is 540-675-3947 or you may email me at Those that wish to get yahoo directions my physical address is 218 Main Street, Washington, Va 22747. I look forward to hearing from you!


Crozet, VA

Wonderful Jenna!!! I will look forward to participating. Now, to begin thinking of what I might bring along to swap. I am interested in meeting some of you folks in person. I have met some great people from a health chat room that I used to frequent. I haven't participated in that room for over a year now and miss the social interaction.

I live in a small town called Crozet VA. I am about 15 miles west of Charlottesville. A road trip to your place sounds great to me.

Thank you so much for offering to do this. It will meet a lot of needs for many of us.


Crozet, VA

Wonderful Jenna!!! I will look forward to participating. Now, to begin thinking of what I might bring along to swap. I am interested in meeting some of you folks in person. I have met some great people from a health chat room that I used too frequent. I haven't participated in that room for over a year now and miss the social interaction.

I live in a small town called Crozet VA. I am about 15 miles west of Charlottesville. A road trip to your place sounds great to me.

Thank you so much for offering to do this. It will meet a lot of needs for many of us.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

That sounds wonderful...I'm down in Stafford but could certainly make the little ole trip up north!! Just need to check my son's baseball schedule first!

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

Jenna, that sounds great. I don't have much to swap, yet. I'd better get busy!

Crozet, VA

Yeah Mick - I am not sure what I will be swapping either. I really want to meet some of you folks though, so I am really gonna try and make it there.

Here is to a great get together.


Partlow, VA(Zone 7b)

Jenna, This sounds awesome. I am not sure what I will have to swap but I would enjoy the trip out to the mountains. I got married a few centuries ago in the Episcopal Church in "Little" Washington.


Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Jenna,
I have this posted on my calendar. Is it still on? I think I may have quite a bit to swap, at least several mophead hydrangeas I started from cuttings last year and Japanese Maples for starters. I'll look for some other stuff, maybe some azaleas? Looking forward to it.

Harrisonburg, VA

Anybody have Joe Pye weed or Ornamental oregano (Kent's beauty)?

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

I've been pulling up and tossing loads of Joe Pye. I'll pot some up.

Harrisonburg, VA

Very cool....what might you be looking for?

Harrisonburg, VA

I also just put in a bid at ebay but in case I don't win them, does anybody have these?
Purple fountain grass
Sweet bay magnolia
carolina allspice
mock orange
russian sage
creeping thyme (I need alot of this)

i'm also looking for bog rosemary. I haven't had any luck finding it on ebay.

Crozet, VA

I will mark my calender now. Done. weekend, I see. I am looking forward to it. That will be my son's first day on his new job. Other than that, I have no plans. Still looking forward to it. Will begin taking a look at things I have extra of.

Hope to see all soon.


Harrisonburg, VA

oops forgot about needing geranium Johson blue boy too

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Blujuls, I am going to try to be there and I could bring you cuttings from carolina allspice and mock orange. Actually two kinds of mock orange. One that has huge flowers but not much scent and one that has small flowers but does have scent.

Harrisonburg, VA

thanks allot.....but I'll need a lesson in how to propagate them

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I would certainly like to meet everyone but I think all my "extras" have been traded out...ugh!! I can still bring something to eat though...LOL

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I'll look and see how many Carolina Allspice I have. Last time I checked there were several coming up around the base that I could easily seperate from the mother plant. Would anyone be interested in various seeds as well? I have a rubbermaid bin full of packets. I'll bring them just in case. I am looking for varigated Pachysandra if anyone has extra of that, I already have tons of the regular green though. I can't think of what else I am looking for...I'll know when I see it.

Harrisonburg, VA

What exact date is this one? This coming weekend, the 20th or next weekend the 27th (memorial day weekend)
Here's some stuff I have if anyone is interersted:
Lamb's ear
chocolate mint
I've also got the ground cover with red and green leaves and pretty blue flower spikes. Looks kind of like coral bells. They had it at my local greehouse yesterday but I've since forgotten the name. I'll get it before "show time".

I just saw an add on enay to sell virginia creeper.....are they crazy...I've got honeysuckle is anybody wants it :)

Crozet, VA

I am still hoping to be able to attend this swap too. I really would like meeting some of you who post here. The question about seeds was it okay to bring seeds as well as plants? I am finding that I will have leftover seeds too.

Ha hubby said that I can go but only take to give away, can't bring anything home. Who is he kidding. He know better. But....I really do have loads of things going on around here.

While my hubby planted a bed of day lillies yesterday, I cleaned off our new screened in porch. This year the porch is serving sort of as Grand Central for the gardening. After the larger pots and things are removed from porch, we hope to use it as a lounge type of room.

For years whenever we were riding along country roads and would see screen porches we would comment about having one some day. We started out building a gigantic front deck last year and decided to go ahead and screen in an area of it. I love it. Will take pics someday to show.

Anyway...looking forward to meeting some of you folks. Do any of you live in the Charlottesville or Waynesboro/Staunton/Harrisonburg area?

Have a grand day all.


Harrisonburg, VA

I have to go to DC this Saturday, so I have to leave the plant swap about lunch time. When is everybody planning on arriving? I can always leave what I'm bringing there and JennaStone can have the leftovers, (the perks of hosting it I guess), but I'm still very interested in meeting you all...especially mickgene...(I'm drooling over that Joe Pye weed)...and ruby...(more drool for carolina allspice)

Crozet, VA

Uh Oh, is garityann with the carolina allspice. Not me. May I still attend? haha

Yes indeed folks, we need to get some action on this board. Jenna, are things still on? Have you heard from people confirming that they will come? What has been offered in the way of food, and what is still needed? What questions have I forgotten to ask? haha

I am getting psyched!!!


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Please everyone write about it and post son has an important baseball tournement ALL weekend *sniffle*

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I'll be coming and bringing a friend. So nice of you to do this Jenna, and a great location because it's going to be an easy drive from the valley, Northern Virginia, central Virginia.

Not sure what time we'll be able to get there, maybe not until 10 or 11 but we'll be there for sure. Here's what I'll be bringing:

Old timey irises - light purple.
Clustered bellflower - gorgeous dark purple
Gooseneck loosestrife - the blooms do look like flock of geese LOL
Prickly pear (opuntia) - yellow flowers followed by red fruits
4 o'clocks - the old timey broken colors kind
Orange trumpet vine - the hummers love this
Obedient plant "Vivid" - light fuschia
Golden creeping Jenny(moneywort)
Lambs ears - regular and giant
Hollyhocks - old timey single
Apple mint
Japanese eunymous cuttings (just leave these in water for a few months and they'll root)

Plus anything else I run across. Does anyone need any trees? I can bring box elder seedlings and hybrid poplar cuttings. I can also dig up a sucker or two of double white lilac if anyone is interested.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Oh, also, if anyone is interested I might have one or two Robert Poore garden phlox.

Crozet, VA

ME, me, me!!!!! I would love to have some of the lilac. I am not sure what I will be bringing. I will have to go out later and check and then post what I will be bringing. Looking forward to it ya'll.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Consider it done, Ruby.

Jenna, have you posted the info on this swap in the Roundup forum? Might be some people who read there but not here who would be interested.

Blujuls, I think the plant you're talking about is ajuga, bugleweed?

Does anyone happen to have any helenium? I've been looking for that and jupiter's beard everywhere and haven't been able to find either one.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I can't wait to hear how it went today...thought about ya'll while at the baseball game :(

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Boo hoo! I didn't get to go! I've been home sick this weekend and just sleeping every chance I can get. I bet I missed a bunch of fun and I had a lot of plants to bring as well! I'll save them for the next one.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Gosh, it was great even though we just had a few people. I came home loaded down with terrific plants. One happy gardener here. You should see the monster pots of gorgeous sedum a very nice guy named Jeff (thanks Jeff!!) brought for swapping. Yes, I'm trying to make you jealous.

Jenna has a lovely home that was just a perfect spot for the swap and was very easy to find. And I'm still drooling over her plants - especially her foxgloves which are the prettiest I've ever seen anywhere.

Thank you so much Jenna for doing this! It was great getting to know you face to face.

We talked about doing it again in the fall so you all had better be there this time and stop leaving all the nice plants to us little plant pigs. LOL

Garrityann, I hope you're feeling better soon.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Sedum? Sedum? Did someone mention sedum? :) I "only" have about 8 different kinds....always looking for more. LOL

Washington, VA(Zone 7a)

HI Guys
Well I'm exhausted, sun burned, and deleriously happy! So many new plant babies, new friends, new plans for a fall swap! I plan on making this a bi annual event! I had so much fun today I didn't know where to run first! The sedums were absolutely huge monsters I had to get my oldest son and husband to carry them! and all the great food for the potluck! Although the bags of chips are already mostly gone, the hazards of having teenage boys. Sigh. For those still interested I have two whole trays of hierloom tomatoes still left that I don't have homes for, anyone interested? Anyone who wants to arrange a pick up/ play date (LOL) is welcome to contact me. I have a whole yard of plants I'm also willing to share cuttings from as well.
I'm looking at the fall swap at the end of August? Does this sound like a reasonable time for it? I'll look at my calendar and throw out a couple specific dates and whichever get the biggest consensus is the winner. With all the planting I'm going to have to do this week I'm never going to get the dirt out of my fingernails (like that would stop me). I hope everyone had a fantastic time and I so hope to see more of you for the Fall Swap! I was so glad to have met the swappers today and I"m always tickled pink to sit around and gab about plants and my gardens!


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Speaking from one who was unable to come...whaa whooo, re Aug!!! You are such a sweetheart to be willing to do this!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

The only thought I have about August is that out here its extremely dry and hot and may not be the best time to be digging plants. But I water my beds so it's not a serious concern.

I may have to keep the weekend of the 26th open for my mother's 78th birthday, if my father is well enough for her to have her usual birthday picnic and that's a big if. The next weekend is Labor Day weekend though and getting into September.

Jenna, did you get contact info for Jeff so we can lure him out again so Chantell can get some sedum? And for goodness sakes, don't anyone tell him you don't use 18" pots for swap plants! LOL (just kidding)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

((hugs)) How sweet you are!! Not a biggie re sedum...but certainly if he has some share and I don't already have it (think I mentioned I've got 7-8 different types now)....I would be in heaven with some more!!

Only weekend in Aug that I'll be gone will be for vacation will be the 19th & 20th.

Washington, VA(Zone 7a)

I didn't get contact info on Jeff but he's on gardenweb( the mid atlantic forum) so ishould be able to find him again. I did tell him about the fall swap and he said he would come with his very pregnant wife. He said by about then she'd be going stir crazy and would be primed for a fun outing. He was so sweet, I got the distinct impression he'd come out with orders not to come back with any of the sedums. By the end of the swap he was desperate, defintely had the look of a man afraid of disappointing his young hormonal pregnant wife LOL! He was such a sweetie.
OK I checked my calendar and here's some suggested dates for the fall swap. August 12, 13, 26, 27 or Sept 1 and 2nd. I know everyone probably has plans for Labor Day weekend but maybe we could do it that Sunday? I have no objections to it. Hart you said you would like to reserve the weekend of the 26, do you know which day of the weekend you'd be doing the picnic? We can also look at the second weekend in Sept as well if no one has any objections. It may have cooled off abit by then too. My yard is pretty shady and if it's too hot we can take the trading back into the deep shade of the big spruces in back. I have the gazebo and a lot of shade back there so we should be able to be very comfortable back there. We'll fire up the grill to for lunch too. I was thinking by then my veggies will be ripening and we can make some fresh veggie kabobs to throw on. I'll also spring for some hot dogs and you guys can bring the buns. Let me know guys!
By late summer I'll have some red hens and chicks budded out to share. May not be very big but I'll pot them up as soon as I see em and start nursing them up. I'm going to sow some winter vegetables as well to share. And most of my herbs will have grown out and I'll have rooted cuttings of them. I was also going to try to root some of the monstrous boxwoods I have too.
If no one has any objections I was thinking of inviting the high school horticultutral class to attend as well. They grow out plants and sell them to raise money for the class. They only sell the plants for like a dollar a piece but it helps and I though it would be good for the students to come pick our brains about the many ways to grow things. We should train em early about the fun of swaps too! Well if you guys have any other ideas let me know! I"m all ears and greenthumbs (well brown and dirty right now).

Luv Jenna

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Those all sound like good ideas, Jenna. Don't worry about the weekend of the 27th. I talked to my Mom last night, I don't think she's going to be doing her usual birthday picnic.

I think that or any of the other dates would be a lot better than Labor Day weekend when everyone is getting in their last vacations before school starts.

It will be a lot easier for me to come on a Saturday than a Sunday.

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