What wrong with this plant?

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

This is Zucchini plant.. grew from seed. Last week I started noticed the white spots on leaves as leaves grows.... plus new leaves it have white spots-like all over on leaves. I thought it caused by water on leaves while I water the garden??? Is that why? Or Not. It have this one and other plant ( zucchini) have white spots.. Not on yellow squashes or spagetii squash too.

It have baby zucchini attaches the mother plant.. The flower's gonna to bloom any time.

Thumbnail by MiniSchnuz
New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

The whole plant.... is that pine needles caused that? It look healthy plant but those white spots.... I checked under leaves.. None.. Just on top of leaves.. Ugh..... I don't like the way it look. It's look creepy.

Thumbnail by MiniSchnuz
Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

Looks ok to me. Squash family plants often have whitish flecking in the leaves.

Ottawa, KS(Zone 5b)

I agree with Indy. Those silvery patterns are natural in healthy zucchini squash leaves. I kind of like that look. Keep a watch out for squash bugs and squash vine borers.


New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Thank you both! I feel much better. This morning as you see the flower bud on both pixes. It's bloooming now. It's first flower they made. I am exciting.. Sure, watch out for squash bugs and squash vine borers!!!!

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Hi Mini, there is nothing to worry about that it is ok what I had it the same so... it look good.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

One way I have read to prevent squash vine borers is to wrap the bottom few inches of stem with aluminum foil. Supposedly that is where they lay their eggs and if they can't get in at the bottom of the stem, they will go elsewhere.

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Thanks for info. I think I will do it before too late.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

CMoxon, I'm growing some squash in straw bales this year to see if that'll confuse the borers. They often lay eggs in soil near the stem rather than on it and I hope hope hope the lack of soil will put them off.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Ah, another good idea! I wonder if I used straw mulch if that would have the same effect...mine are in raised beds.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

good thread Mini! I thought mine had "powdery mildew"....not that I was real worried about it on only one plant but now I feel free to find something else to fret over in the garden!

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Glad problem is solved... I have 3 zucchini plants.. all the same white spots all over. Several baby zucchini already plus I planted few seeds under Mother plant so I can have some more later and stock in freezer and give away some to friends/family. I like to grow bunch and give away some. It makes me feel good to give it away. I just having fun to grow seeds, get exciting see grow vegetable and give away or eat it.

Union City, CA(Zone 9b)

Someone said the cling free dryer sheets work on snails .
I planted a marigold and put a used sheet around it - I put a hole in middle I then tore sheet and put around it .
No snails but the wind is playing with sheet so I put a pebble in each corner .

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I have a "Park's Creamy Improved Hybrid II" (love how 'grandstanding' Park's is with their seeds--LOL) with the same problem. I thought it was powdery mildew but since I've never seen powdery mildew I'm glad to know it's just the plant. It's pretty healthy and has small squash already....now, on to worry over something else....like how I finished using all the "free" mulch I had "stockpiled" and may now have to start buying it.....

This message was edited Apr 23, 2006 5:26 PM

Thumbnail by dmj1218
New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Debbie ~ pretty plant! On my 3 zucchini have white-like powdered on them. On three plants already have baby zucchinies.. No luck on spagetti plant.. I sowed the seeds.. never sprouted. :o(.. gonna to sow again with different seeds.. fresh seeds that I just recieved.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Let me know how that 'spaghetti squash' tastes....I've been thinking (I know, dangerous thing for me to do) on that variety for a while.

I planted some more of that variety today...was supposed to the a "fruitful" moon sign...we'll see!

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Debbie, I never tasted the spaghetti squash! LOL I decided to grow few and try it. :o)

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

Get some spaghetti recipies ready...the squash by it's lonesome self is rather bland.

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

for myself. I love spaghetti! Yummy! As I typing... hungry for spaghetti already! lol

Cypress, TX(Zone 9a)

It is amazing how much it resembles spaghetti with the pasta sauce on it. It is pretty good.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

OK Fool and Mini--ya'll convinced me to try the spaghetti squash. Maybe I can find some seeds at the RU Saturday....

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Got home from the TX RU and got squash.....I perfect day!

Thumbnail by dmj1218
New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Didn't you find the spaghetti squash seed??

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Nope--but I did get lucky enough to get some Charentais melon seeds from AMPY of Austin! Great girl, thanks!

Mini--I guess I will just have to order some...LOL

A little closer shot--this variety I added to the plant files.

This message was edited Apr 30, 2006 9:25 AM

Thumbnail by dmj1218
New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Debbie... I found the seeds.. want to share few with you? Let me know.

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