Only 10 blossoms on my green gage tree

Brooklyn, NY

I have attached a picture of a self-polinating semi-dwarf greengage
tree I planted last spring. I am concerned because with most
of the buds opened, the tree only has about 8 blossoms on it, which is
about the same number it had when it arrived in the mail last spring.

This is doubly troubling to me as 2 cherry trees and apples trees I planted last spring
now have about 50- 300 blossoms each, while my greengage only has 10. Do
greengage trees take longer to start fruiting.

Thumbnail by gg123456
Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

It takes a while for trees to store up the energy to blossom. The fact that your green gage blossomed last year, took energy that it should have used to establish itself. It should be ready to go next year.

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