Slicing Up A Basket

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Thank you both!

Tomtom, thank you especially for your kind comments, that means a lot coming from you, since you're the only one who has used these planters. I can't wait for it to bloom too!! I will send pics, don't worry about that.

I haven't hung it up yet, it's still in the kitchen sink, but I did put the hanger on it last night and hold it up. It was still draining since I overwatered it so much. It didn't have any problems supporting it's weight, and it seems to weigh a lot (to me). Don't ask me to guess how much, I'm horrible at that. I'll hang it up today and take pics if I can.

I'm also going to try this with a regular pot, not a hanging basket and I'll post pics when I do try it.

Thanks again,

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Hi heathrjoy ,

Yes ,this kind of basket is so heavy that I always have some difficulty hanging it up.

I'm up to nothing ,I 'm making a basket similar to heathrjoy's LOL
White Lobelias & Nasturtiums MIx are in it.

Thumbnail by Tomtom
OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

From the top.

Thumbnail by Tomtom
Houston, TX(Zone 8b)

This is a great idea! I read through this whole thread --plus the inspiration thread. From the beginning, I was thinking that the foam would run horizontally around the inside of the basket. You could cut the basket in slits like heatherjoy did, stopping about an inch from the bottom of the basket. Fill the basket with about an inch of soil, and place three plants in alternating slots (lay them on their sides). Then place a 2"wide running strip of foam/cardboard/screen around the inside perimeter of the pot, flush with the sides, making sure the ends meet behind one of the plastic areas(maybe secure it with adhesive). Then, put in some more soil, and more plants in the slots adjacent to the first layer of plants, and then another ring of foam/screen/whatever. Keep on building until you get to the top. I haven't tried this, but it sounds logical to me, and you don't have to squeeze the plants into slots in the foam. I'd also wrap a wire around the very top of the pot (under the rim) just to make sure that everything holds together. In Texas heat, adhesives and plastics don't always hold. I was also thinking of a foam packing material that I've seen that comes in rolls (like bubble wrap), but it's a flexible, opaque material that someone might use to wrap breakables. I'm going to see if I can find materials this weekend, and try my version. I'll let you know what I come up with. This thread is a great example of brainstorming. What we can't get from Japan, we'll come up with on our own! Good ole American ingenuity!! :)

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

I see what your saying post us a picture when your done..I gave up on mine...I just wish we can get something to work for us...


SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I'm seeing it and it makes good sense. A whole lot less trouble than having to cut slits in the vertically positioned foam. AND, it you use the adhesive backing, it will actually REINFORCE the remaining "spokes." Yep. I, who have no 3D vision, can SEE this!. I'm gonna try it this weekend. Still have to cut out those slots, though. But since my DH has every cutting tool on the planet, I'm thinking he'll be involved in the cut work.

Thanks for the insight!

HEATHRJOY: Wap the adhesive strips horizontally around the inside of the pot! Place the plants on the soil between the horizontal layers of adhesive strips, and you won't need to cut slits. Easier, neater and sturdier. Let me know.

Houston, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm going to try cutting the plastic pot with a "hot exacto knife". I bought it at Texas Art Supply for another project (cutting foam insulation into shapes for decorations at church). It worked great for that, but the foam had a funny smell to it when melted, so I'll definitely cut the plastic outside. I'll let you know how that works. I also had another brainstorm -- how about weaving the strips of screen/foam in and out through the "petals" of the cut basket. That would make it even stronger. I can't wait to get started this weekend!

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

AwShucks, Sounds great! Wonderful ideas! Be careful with the weaving if there's not adhesive on the foam...if too much water gets thru the weaving you may lose too much soil, but you'll never know till you try. I thought my first attempt was going to fall apart when watered and it held up well. Once you put one together if anything is lacking or not good you'll figure out what it needs quickly, and I'd think you could use the same basket to redo another like I did. For the weave you might try the same sticky backed foam I used, but not remove the paper backing until it's woven. Once it's woven take off the backing and just press real well.

My pot is still hanging up outside. I haven't taken it down or brought it in. It's supposed to rain for the next 2-3 days, so we'll see what happens in some nasty weather.

The idea of a wire rim around the top is a VERY, VERY good idea. My pot did kind of pull together once I put the hanger on it. I'm going to ask around about what kind of wire to use. The first thing that comes to my mind is a coat hanger...sorry, I think cheap and handy first. I have some heavier wire here that's very easy to work with, it's used for hanging the grid work for ceiling tiles. I'm pretty sure that would work, but I don't know how much it costs, and you'd have to buy a spool of it. If no one else knows one of my brothers should know of something.

You know...what we may possibly end up doing is cutting holes in our hanging baskets and lining them with foam. Kind of like making a hybrid cross of the Japanese and Bloom Master planters. I think I'll try that tomorrow. It would be more sturdy, you could ust any kind of pot, hanging or not. Since you could drill the holes (with a hole cutting bit), anyone could do it and not have to worry about smell...I think. I know that somewhere around here I have a hole cutter for the drill if dh didn't break it. LOL! Actually, that would produce a better looking product, and be much quicker and easier. All you'd have to do is mark where you want to plant the pot, drill, cut foamie stuff and stick it in and pot. If you'd rather not cut the foam to insert the plant thru it...a la AwShucks method (lol) could use 4 pieces of foam to line around the plant, just coming up close to it on each side so that you'd make sure not to lose too much (or any) soil during watering. I'll try my pot both ways and see what works best. Of course I'll wear the camera batteries out, don't worry!

One thing that Bloom Master recommends, if I didn't mention it earlier, is to moisten your potting mix before planting their pots. I think that would be a good idea for any type of pot that had these kind of holes in them. It just makes the soil stick together is all.

Ok, time for bed here. Thanks for all the thinking and great ideas!

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a) Please post at this thread if you are interested in ordering these planters.


I just got a response from them. It took them about 2 weeks to get back to me, probably because of the language thing. Before they give me a price they want to know how many planters I'd be ordering.

I haven't had a chance to work on any planters here. Between getting the injection in my back and other things I just haven't been able to. Sorry. I haven't given up on it at all. I have a lot more ideas.

Can everyone let me know if they want to order planters from Japan, and how many they would like? Please don't tell me that it depends on cost!! I'm trying to figure out the cost!! LOL

They also said we can order just the inserts, the foam. If we want to try that we can.

I'll also post this on the other thread and see if any interest is generated. Please let me know how many planters you would like, and which ones. D-mail me if you want to.


This message was edited Apr 27, 2006 5:27 PM

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

I thought you forgot about us..I want 6 planters and I guess it would'nt hurt to buy some of the extra foam...Keep us updated as to what you find out..How's your pot doing that you made??My turned out too ugly so I give up I just want to buy them...


SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I'll order some only if you come plant them for me.

Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

I would like to order 1 for now

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Loretta and Gale,
Please see the new thread I created for order interest here You may want to adjust your orders.

This message was edited Apr 27, 2006 5:27 PM

This message was edited Apr 27, 2006 5:28 PM

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Will do...

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