We have a bit of rain this morning

Crozet, VA

Even though the rain sent me back inside from doing some yard work, I am still happy to see it. We had a nice steady rain for about one hour. That is exactly what my plants needed. I am not sure what the rest of the day looks like in terms of moisture. I am hoping to have a couple of hours outside at some point today.

I was able to transplant some slips of iris and some sedum that I took from my deceased parents place earlier this week. I also had an order of 8 Astilbe arrive in the mail yesterday. I spent part of yesterday afternoon planting those things.

The long bed in front of my deck is about 45 feet long and 3 feet wide. The things that I planted there last fall are coming up and giving lots of color and much joy to me. They were planted quickly and rather haphazardly last fall due to time restraints. I am sure that many of the things will have to be transplanted to other areas as they grow. I also have three smaller beds and a place which will be home to a few vegetables when the time comes.

I have more bulbs, loads of seeds and also a good supply of already potted things that need to be put in the ground. I pretty much have my time taken up for next few months. haha I am really enjoying myself though.

I hope that all the rest of you "thirsty" mid-atlantic gardeners will get some of the wet stuff too. Happy Gardening to all.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Thumbs up to our sprinkles!!! I'm trying to decide whether to put additional things into the ground...seeing night temps going down to mid 40's over next week...hmmm? Probably will put them in...I've got more 1/2 way houses for plants right now then room!!! LOL

Crozet, VA

Chantell - Sounds a lot like me!!! haha


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