Love is in the air AND water!

Ferndale, AR(Zone 7b)

I'm sorry billy, but that's the funniest thing I've heard all day.


Metamora, IL(Zone 5b)

Well, Debra, I'll swan! Sorry to hear that's the funniest thing you've heard all day! ;+>) Y' need ta hang arounxt some funnier people! Why doncha purchase yerself a round-trip ticket to Metamora an' have dinner with my wife an' me some time soon? We'll show you our rose gardens, let ya swim in our pool an' generally make ya smile! ;+>)

'Bout them leetle toads---seems ta me thet's a good bit whut they're made for---some other critter's dinner! They wouldn't hardly make a good main course fer a hummin' bird, they's so small. I finds myself wonderin' whut they eat, bein ez how tiny they is. Seems like mebbe they could eat ants an' gnats, I guess... If thet's all the bigness they gets, though, I cain't scarcely imagine whut size they is when they's mere tadpolers!

Ferndale, AR(Zone 7b)

Yeah, Goober, you're right. Don't know why it struck me as so funny - was probably traumatizing to the child at the time (I do have a kinda sick sense of humor). But you know what - I really did appreciate the laugh. Really needed one yesterday. Hopefully Billyporter didn't mind me finding humor in his story.

Thanks for the invite. Have ordered my tickets and will be there for dinner tomorrow night!


Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Not a bit! Happy to have lifted your spirits!

Know how I got them home? I had a bike light with no battery. I was a mile or so from home. They took the ride very well. I always had to pick up toads, and these itsy bitsy ones were so neat. You could hardly see them hopping across the mud.

I never thought about their hatching size.

Ferndale, AR(Zone 7b)

Sounds like you had a fun childhood, Billy. Every kid should experience carrying frogs home in the headlight of their bicycle!

We have a pond and always have lots of frogs. My nephew and his friend spent hours collecting frogs to take home with them. (his mother was just thrilled)


Metamora, IL(Zone 5b)

These tiny frogs or toads---so small I can scarcely tell which, but will guess toads---are SO tiny that when I picked one up and carried it around gently in my fist for only about 10 minutes, it appeared to have died. I wonder if it was oil or sweat from my hand, or the heat from my hand or just what it was that killed the little critter. I know I didn't squeeze him to death. After I put him down and he just laid there, I watched for a while to see if he was faking, but I don't think so.

Okay, Debra, is there anything you particularly don't like eating? Have to plan the menu, you know! ;+>)

McAllen, TX(Zone 11)

Daylily.... I love the current picture you posted of da froggies :) The composition is amazing the way the frogs blend in with the rock!

Ferndale, AR(Zone 7b)

I'm a real southern girl, so I'll make it easy on you - anything fried or with gravy on it would would make me feel right at home. See ya'll for dinner!


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