Love is in the air AND water!

Dearborn Heights, MI(Zone 6a)

A pair of toads in our small pond have been "hugging" all day. I guess they have Spring Fever!

Thumbnail by DaylilySLP
Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

We just had to rescue a toad from our pool. Silly thing must have thought it had found a nice big pond...

Our resident bullfrog was missing for a few days but she's back now. Maybe we'll see her eggs soon. She laid them in the sun bog last year but we never saw any large tadpoles

Hillsdale, NY(Zone 5b)

From their expressions, I'd say they've been married for a long time. :-)


McAllen, TX(Zone 11)

Oh mah gosh..(lol) what a cute picture of frog (hugging?) "Wink" (lol)

Dearborn Heights, MI(Zone 6a)

After 9 days they finally laid their eggs.

Thumbnail by DaylilySLP
Dearborn Heights, MI(Zone 6a)

Another pic. That night the male was singing ALL night. A little last night also.
I was reading up on them and it seems he thinks he found a good mating spot, so he is calling more females.

Thumbnail by DaylilySLP
Starkville, MS

I see a definite "go away, we're busy" expression there!!!!!! My fish pond is *full* of tadpoles now, and I'm sure it will, like every year, stay full all summer. There seem to be just too many eggs for the fish to eat, thank goodness. I do like my frogs and toads! The males have been loud every night, calling more females. We also have a lake just down the hill, and it is pretty noisy down there, too.

McAllen, TX(Zone 11)

Tks for the updated pictures and information! Im posting a picture of my little make shift pond (lol) It's a birdfeeder w/water... The birdseeds kept on getting wet and soggy.... when I watered the plants...

Thumbnail by PaperWhiteTulip
Dearborn Heights, MI(Zone 6a)

The tadpoles are starting to form!
Really tiny, about the size of cooked rice.

Thumbnail by DaylilySLP
McAllen, TX(Zone 11)

WoW, what an amazing picture! When, I was like 4 yrs old my best friend who lived on the otherside of the block... told me (tailpoles) were frogs... U don't know how much I agrued with her...telling her..No, they are fish!!!! So, she gave me a couple tadpoles from her knee high swimming pool, to take home and we watched them turn into Frogs! (lol) I never was so amazed as a little kid to see them turn into frogs! (lol)

Dearborn Heights, MI(Zone 6a)

Was going to get a few more pictures and whoops! They are now tadpoles!
About the same size as the last picture, but swimming.
Don't want to disturb them to catch some for pictures, as there are koi and goldfish.
Don't want them to be dinner.
There a lot of plants and algae for the tadpoles to eat and hide in.
Hopefully some will make it.
I was amazed by tadpoles also when I was a kid, it is so cool.

This message was edited Apr 30, 2006 8:40 PM

Eureka, CA

Okay, pardon my ignorance here.... did they stay "coupled" for 9 days!!! ???

McAllen, TX(Zone 11)

We'll wait ... for more pictures :) Two of my favorite types of fish! (KOI and GOLDFISH) my third fave are (CHINESE FIGHTING FISH) aka (BETTA)
Could you sneek in a few photos of your fishes? :) (Tks!)

Dearborn Heights, MI(Zone 6a)

9 days! Should be about 2.
I guess they were "unexperienced." LOL!
I will try to find or get some pics of the fish. I also have a male Betta in my freshwater
tank, all of 75 gallons. When I brought him home and put him in there, he was in 7th heaven. (After being in that jar most of his life!). I have mostly plants in there, a few swordtails and Banjo cats.
I also have an 85 gal. Salt water tank. I used to have about 15 tanks from 20 gal to 150 gal. When we moved a few years ago we got rid of them, except for the two I am using now.
Now I have so many Orchids, I don't have room for anymore tanks!
Hers a pic of my Yellow Tang.

Thumbnail by DaylilySLP
McAllen, TX(Zone 11)

Nice fish! He is beautiful lookin~ Mah gosh 15 tanks... did ya charge admission to view them? "WinK" Im just pulling your leg ... I remember when i was about 6 yrs old riding my bike in the alley and having one of the neighbor boy's yelling to me.. "Your mother is having babies!" I peddled my little feet fast as I could (lol) Re: He meant to say: that my Guppie was having babie fishies...(LOL) I also love Orchids but, I think I tend to over water them and they die off, quicky :(

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Daylily, thank you for giving your Beta room. I almost can't breath seeing them in those little jars. I know they say they don't move much... but.

McAllen, TX(Zone 11)

Hi Porter: I almost dread going to Walmart.... becuz once I go by the fish dept, Im there braking open a bottle of fish food and feed them starving guys...(lol) and rearranging the tiny jars to make them more appealing for folks to buy them (lol) just another hobby ;)

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Laugh. I've seen the Betas in the bottom of a vase in waiting rooms.While it looks neat, I feel sorry for the fish.

Dearborn Heights, MI(Zone 6a)

Betas do swim around when given room. I see mine resting once in a while, but
mostly he is swimming around the tank checking out his "territory."

McAllen, TX(Zone 11)

I had a female and male betta, and they say they tend to mate when the temp of the water is around 85 degrees, and it's fairly kewl to see them make bubbles ontop of the water to create the area to place the eggs..but we never did see any eggs or if there was any...they didn't hatch :(

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Baby Betas would be neat!

McAllen, TX(Zone 11)

Yes, it would be kewl to see them that tiny.... When, I was married my husband and I, had picked up an electric bulb heater thingy for the get the water levels up that high....

I would love to try again to have bettas mate but, I have too many pets at home to be having a fish tank :(

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I had a twenty gallon once, got the cleaning down to an hour. Had the usual angel fish, black mollys, etc. I sometimes wish I had one again. My friend had nothing but guppies. All sizes. I would hate to scoop all those to clean the tank tho.

McAllen, TX(Zone 11)

Im not sure what a 20 gallen fish tank looks like, but if it takes an hour to's got to be fairly large! Yep them gupppies can be a bit difficult to see and catch... My friend's brother who live in Illinois had a large tank of them fish ...not sure how ya spell the name...but im gonna take a wild guess! (lol) piranas? They were interesting to look at but I would never want to have to clean that fish tank...(lol) Ps: We finally got a good rainfall late this afternoon! "Thank You God" ;)

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

It was fairly large. I got tired of cleaning it, and the angel fish got the ick, and they ate the molly's babies, and they gradually died off. A friend of mine had a huge tank. Impressive, but too much work.

McAllen, TX(Zone 11)

Yep, kinda like gardening...(lol) Ps: It's raining again....Yahoooo! (lol) no dragging out the sprinkler for at least a week!!!! :)

Dearborn Heights, MI(Zone 6a)

The bigger the tank, the easier to take care of.
With proper filters, not too many fish, no over feeding, you should only have to "clean" any size tank maybe once a year.
All you need to do is clean any algae off the glass, do a 25% water change every month for well stocked tanks, and thats it.
Biological filtration is the best.

McAllen, TX(Zone 11)

((Tks)) for the detailed information, Daylily ... I hope one day, to invest in a fish tank or maybe a koi pond :)

Ya, I tend to over seed with fish food... re: dried flakes... I did enjoy feeding my bettas brine shrimp, they loved it..but it kinda has a funky smell.

Dearborn Heights, MI(Zone 6a)

Back to the tadpoles.
They are growing and this was last week. They have doubled since then.
Will send another pic soon.

Thumbnail by DaylilySLP
McAllen, TX(Zone 11)

Kewl, photo of them tadpoles~ That is so kewl your documenting their growth :)

PS:(LOL) re: over seed..with fish food...... as ya can tell, I been spending too much time gardening (winki) I meant...over (FEED) (lol)

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Aren't tadpoles just the neatest thing? I absolutely love them!

LOL PaperWhite Tulip!

Dearborn Heights, MI(Zone 6a)

I must be thinking spring too much also, as your "slip", re: over seed..with fish food, meant perfect sense to me!! LOL!!!!!

McAllen, TX(Zone 11)

(LOL) Daylily..... ok if you say so "wink"

McAllen, TX(Zone 11)

(or) if you say....(sow)

Dearborn Heights, MI(Zone 6a)

The original tadpoles we saved from the pair of Toads, 127 out of 1,000 plus.
Our fish started eating them in the pond, so we removed the fish.
When the tads got larger, we put them in an aquarium, then after they started hopping around, just dirt, rock and a little water in the aquarium.
I let them go in the garden tonight, they are real small, but not enough bugs were getting in for them to eat.
I hope some make it.
Here is the last picture.
See, they were getting too thin, that's why I let them go.

Thumbnail by DaylilySLP
Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

This is really neat! I haven't seen a tadpole since I was a kid and we used to watch them in the ditches by the road. ( and that was a looooooong time ago) gram

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I wish I could have been the one letting them go. I bet that was fun! You got them that far, I think they will make it!

Metamora, IL(Zone 5b)

DayLily, I had no idea that's what they made "Tang" from! Are there orange ones, as well?

With regard to frogs and toads and swimming pools, we have a very nice, big pond in our backyard, as well as a swimming pool, but there are plenty of frogs that for some reason or other, abandon the pond for the pool, and end up drowning in the skimmer basket. Maybe they think the pond is safer---hard to say.

I have got some of the tiniest frogs or toads, so small I can't tell which, all over my yard. They are smaller than the nail on my little finger! They are brown-colored. Anyone have any idea what they could be? I will try to get a photo or two.

Ferndale, AR(Zone 7b)

"Hugging"? "All day"? It must be the Viagra!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I've had those tiny toads. I found them under the bridge when I was a kid and brought them home. I put them in with the turtle we had while I ran in the house. When I came back outside, the turtle had eaten every one of them and left some skin. I was horrified.

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