KY Nut Growers Assn. Spring Meeting - 22 Apr. Elizabethtown

Hopkinsville, KY(Zone 6b)

The Spring meeting of the Kentucky Nut Growers Association(KNGA) will be held Saturday, April 22, 2006, at the Hardin Co. Agricultural Extension office in Elizabethtown, KY, beginning at 9:30 EDT. The Extension Office is located just off U.S. 62, about two miles west from downtown Elizabethtown - directly behind the Cecelia Auto Sales lot on Peterson Dr. KNGA signs will be posted.

Luncheon is potluck - if you bring something that needs to be heated/warmed, there is a well-equipped kitchen available

I've not received the official agenda yet, but suspect it will be similar to in years past:

I. Board of Directors Meeting
II. General meeting & report on the association
III. Nut display - one of the main attractions, an exhibit of the various nut species and specimens of many of the named varieties. As available, members usually bring in bags/baskets of nuts for the attendees to crack and compare. A wide variety of nutcrackers are usually available for use/trial/comparison.
IV. Scionwood swap - members & attendees bring in dormant-collected scionwood from their favorite nut, pawpaw, persimmon, and fruit trees to trade with other enthusiasts. Also frequently available are pawpaw & persimmon seeds and other plant materials. Be sure to bring plastic bags, moisture-proof wrappings, rubber bands, tape, permanent markers, etc. to ensure proper identification of scionwood varieties and to preserve viability of plant materials you'd like to share or take home.
V. Door Prizes/Auction - members and nurserymen donate plant materials, nuts, and other items for door prizes, or to go into the plant auction held annually to help raise operating funds for KNGA. Grafted and seedling fruit & nut trees, berry plants, flowers, and ornamental plants are commonly available for purchase during the auction. 50-100 northern pecan seedlings are anticipated to be available as door prizes.
VI. Grafting demonstration - members who are accomplished grafters usually conduct demonstrations on proper technique for grafting nut trees.

The Spring KNGA meeting is the social event of the year for me - a chance to meet up with old friends - and make new ones, discuss the previous year's production, procure new fruit/nut varieties, and I always learn something.
If you have any interest in learning about the various nuts and minor fruit trees that can be grown in KY and adjoining states, the KNGA meetings are a great place to start.

Hope to see you there.


Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

How did your meeting go?

Hopkinsville, KY(Zone 6b)

We had a little family 'disaster' the day before - nothing really horrible - but I came home on Friday afternoon to find that the mail carrier had 'delivered' the prom dress my wife & daughter had purchased on Ebay - they'd just dropped the box on the front porch, and the Lab-X puppy had pulled it out, torn it to shreds, and left it lying out in the rain.
Emotions were running a little bit too high for me to feel like I wouldn't end up even farther in the doghouse than I usually stay, if I went. And, I already had plenty of stuff to graft, so I stayed home.
Missed seeing old friends, and I had some good stuff to share, but there's always next year - or, I might even get to go up for the summer budding/grafting workshop.

So far, it looks like a fairly successful grafting season - most grafts I've made so far look like they're gonna take.


Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

I was so excited to join the Missouri Nut Growers Association this year..It was a cool rainy day. So a perfect day for grafting!.. I saw my first grafting demonstration. Recieved some pecan scion wood to try grafting on my own.

The pecan expert of this area was able to make a home visit. here. He also does research for the University of Missouri.. He grafted a great pecan cultivar ( which I can't name off the top of my head ) onto one of my native pecan trees.. The stuff I learned in one little visit ... I could talk about this a lot..

OH Dear ,,, a postal disaster... and to make it worse.. A prom disaster. Having reared three daughters.. I know those kind of stories. One of my daughter's prom dates came from halfway across the state with his tuxedo and accessories. He was staying at my best friend's house and they were filming lots of his getting ready and the building excitement.. When he opened up the shoes and started putting them on, He realized he had two left shoes in the box..

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