Newbie question about peas

Ada, OK(Zone 7a)

I'm new to gardening, this year being the second year I've tried it. Last year, I learned early that cutworms will mow down your entire row of peas unless you protect them somehow. This year I cut up some toilet paper/paper towel rolls and put them around the plants and they are doing fine. I think birds had a hand in wiping out my newly planted peas last year also so this year I put some chicken wire over the plants.

My question is: my pea plants are now about 4" - 5" tall with 7-10 leaves, and I have chicken wire placed over them in a sort of tent fashion. I was just wondering if it would be safe to take the chicken wire off? I don't want to restrict their growth. Thank you in advance.

Margo Tilton

East Barre, VT(Zone 4a)

Hi Margo, I think you'll be all right to take the wire off. The birds mostly go for the seeds, I think, and yours sound pretty well on their way. Good luck with year two!

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

This is my second year too, and my first growng peas. I've heard about these cutworms. Do you put the toilet paper rolls in the ground around the plant or just above the ground?

Ada, OK(Zone 7a)

Thank you for your advice. I put the toilet paper rolls around the seedlings just after they came up, though I tried to embed them an inch or so into the ground. Good luck with your garden!

Margo Tilton

Cleveland, GA(Zone 7a)

I guess I've been lucky with my peas, this is my third year growing Little Marvels. I haven't had any worms that I know of, but sometimes when I am at work my guineas get into my garden. tisk. tisk. I suspect they may be eating the worms for me! Last year I had a problem with too much rain, and the stems seemed a little soggy and I didn't get near the yield I had my first year.

Mine are also about 4-5" now, and I just have them in a row next to a stretch of fence I have for them to grow on. After they get a little taller I will start poking their heads into the fence so they will climb up the fence.

Let me know if you find any other tricks to helping the peas along.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I didn't grow any peas this year (used my usual space for them with lettuce) but I always grow little marvels and down here plant them as close to MLK day as possible. But that's for my area..the only pest problems I've had are unexpected late frosts that have literally killed them dead, some years.

I would leave the chicken wire on them if they are shorter varieties like little marvel--they need a "smallish" fence anyway. Your post sure reminds me how much I'm missing peas this year!

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

mtilton..just curious, but what kind of peas are you growing? "English" peas? Sugar snaps? Snow peas?

Depending on how thickly they are planted will help determine your fencing (or not fencing).

I don't have trouble with cutworms and peas but rather with the rabbits and peas (pesky wabbits love peas as much as I do!).


Ada, OK(Zone 7a)

Hi. Thank you for your replies. I'm growing English peas, Green Arrow, Douce Provence and Dwarf Gray Sugar Snow peas.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Wow...well, you sure picked some mighty good ones!

The Dwarf Gray Sugar doesn't necessarily need any fencing/trellis as it tends to grow only about two feet (tops). The others could use something to climb on. Low growing varieties I tend to sow in a broadcast style and they grow so close together they tend to hold each other upright. No way to use cardboard sleeves around that many plants. As for your cutworms I wonder if you could sprinkle some DE at the base of your plants, that should stop them.

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Good information!! That what I needed. This is first year I grow peas. A row of it also another row for lima bean. Cutworm!!! I better go and take care of this problem before it start. :o)

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