You only get to pick five...

Springfield, IL(Zone 6a)

I sent Mountain Maples an email several days ago and haven't heard from them. I wonder what's up? That's OK. I've decided to wait on that tree.

Thats why I never dealt with them...they never answered my emails ...that is one of my "pet peeves" ...and even though it is "that time of year" and they are busy ...there is no excuse ...I keep a mental "no buy list" of etailers that don't respond to my requests or do so weeks and yes MONTHS ltr... I usually send a second notice with the original request within ...but that is it reply ..NO SALE...If you are going to be an etailer you'd better have GOOD email response or you will alienate all of your potential customers quickly least those that have little patience for incompetence me ;>) David

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I guess I'm glad that I'm not really interested in that particular tree. It is unnerving that when you are ready to spend some bucks they don't answer. They were really helpful when I was wanting to transplant a certain tree and asked what to do about it though. That was about 18 months ago.

David, you don't have any strong opinions, do you????? LOL

This message was edited Apr 13, 2006 1:35 PM

Springfield, IL(Zone 6a)

Doss as I said it is a pet peeve of mine...kind of like opening a resturant but not hireing waiters...NOT SMART.... Now they have to be cut some slack cause it is their busiest time of the year ...all the more important to have one person soley designated to email responses... and my email experience with them went no where . Now I see alot of folks here at daves buy from them so maybe these are just flukes or we were unlucky...thats why I always resend but only once. But many internet nurseries I've dealt with have excellent email communications even this time of year cause they obviously understand how important it is...My feeling if your gonna be an etailer BE ONE...or just do the brick and mortar thing ...A reasonably savy businessman should be able to do both...and those that do will always be the most successful.

Alexandria, VA(Zone 7b)

Thanks, all, for the help, I think I will be able to plant the Acontifolium about 6' from the fence- my neighbors are very nice, I currently have a very large American Beech, that's right on the property line, (dropping plenty of leaves (&shade) their way), that they live with. My maples in the N/W corner-Garnet, Viridis, Inaba Shidare-look beautiful-I love to go out everyday & see how the leaves are changing. Now, I'm thinking about underplanting & how to fit more acer palmatums into my yard...any ideas?

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Sounds beautiful

How much shade or sun will the underplantings be in? With maples underplantings sometimes are a moving target. I have to move three flowering almonds because they weren't blooming. My trees have expanded to the point where they throw shade on them.

You can fit more in if you keep them in pots so they can stay small and get dwarf or manageable cultivars.

Alexandria, VA(Zone 7b)

I'm thinking about underplanting ( or maybe I should say 'surround' planting) my Japanese maples with heucheras-I've had a couple of heucheras planted for the last year in a shady, w-facing bed-they are HUGE! probably should be divided. Today, I was lucky enough to hit the River Farm (HQ of the AHS) plant sale-it was great!-lots of vendors & I bought lots of plants-I got 2 each of 6 different heucheras-Key lime pie, Creme Brulee, Fandango,Silver Scroll, Sun Spot, & Dale's Strain - I think these would be really nice under the J. maples-What do you think? I also got some ajuga 'Chocolate Chip' that I thought would be nice under the green 'Viridis' ( in a damp area)...What are your ideas about underplanting/companion plants? Thanks...Thistle

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I agree with all of your choices. Love Chocolate chip ajuga and heucheras are so lovely. I've found that the red ones look really wonderful with the red trees if they are used as plantings near, not under the red trees. It should be lovely. Whatever you do it is going to look beautiful. Generally when I buy foliage plants I try to buy three of each cultivar - it just works better for me. But two each is going to look great.

Alexandria, VA(Zone 7b)

I agree, I would have liked to have bought 3 each of all the plants, but I bought ALOT of plants, lots of shade tolerant perennials, but also shrubs, groundcovers, trees,-got a lovely aesculus pavia, that will go in a part sun/shade corner-I did manage to get 3 of a few plants-the Chocolate chip ajuga, a Tasmanium violet,a beautiful Chinese wild ginger-I think I'm going back tomorrow to buy more plants- (also, today, I picked up my plants from the NOVA Soil & Water Conservation District-Corylus Americana, Photinia melanocarpa, Diospyros virginiana, Amelanchier canadensis, Cornus racemosa, pinus virginiana, & Parthenocissus quinquefolia)

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

You did buy a LOT of plants. It must have been a very good sale.

Alexandria, VA(Zone 7b)

Actually, the S& W Conservation plants were preordered awhile ago-it was just nice to pick them up today-it happened to be my birthday, so I bought myself lots of plants! Most of my relatives knew that my bday coincided with the big plant sale at River Farm, so I went out with a good friend & found lots of things to place in my yard-now I'm going to have a busy weekend fitting everything in...I've already warned the kids that we'll be planting alot this weekend....this is my favorite time of year! Thistle

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Happy Birthday! It sounds as if you had a very good time. I hope that you all have a good time digging in the garden this weekend. Gardeners are funny. What do they want to do for their birthdays? Buy a lot of stuff that has to go in a hole, dig the hole and cover the hole back up!!!

Alexandria, VA(Zone 7b)

Thank you, it was the best kind of birthday!- I got most of the yard mowed before it rained, prepped a new bed (for all the plants I bought) w/ newpaper, grass clippings, & mulch-got a whole lot of new plants & came home & set them out in the rain-no watering needed! Now when I get them planted, I can look back & think of them as my bday plants!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Those are the best kind - plants that remind us of good times and wonderful people. They all make me enjoy the garden even more.

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

Well, Skipper, I finally found that fifth tree (for now, heheehee). I got that crate pried open, and "Tsuma Gaki" was what I found. Think I can hang my hammock from that?

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Here's a link

What world of little people do you hail from? LOL

It's a fantastic tree.

By the way. I have to apologize about Mountain Maples. Their email did come but ended up in my bulk mail folder which I regularly forget to check.

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

I'm in Southern Virginia, in an area called "Hampton Roads", yesterday's visit to the nursery was in Virginia Beach. I'm about halfway between Brent and Becky's in Gloucester, and Virginia Beach. The dogwoods were massively blooming in Gloucester, so it was a very nice drive.


Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I love the dogwoods. They grow in Yosemite Valley and are beautiful in the spring.

Springfield, IL(Zone 6a)

Almost of of my dogwoods have kaputted over the years just one pink one left and a kousa and a pogota ... I think the last two are resistant to a disease that has killed most of the domestic ones around here ...the forests ( what we call; them around here many of you would call them groves or just trees ;>) use to be full of them not so many...not many at all...David

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

We can only grow the Cornus Kousa dogwoods because of that. The Yosemite dogwoods are declining too. We have another disease that is killing our California Live Oaks and that's pretty scary too.

Springfield, IL(Zone 6a)

Ya I miss all the dogwoods ... I do though , as far as domestic trees like the red buds ...I think after the Jm it is my fav ( non shadw tree I know whaere you live Doss they ate shade trees but NOT here)... there seems to be others that agree cause you are now seeing alot ogf new varieties...and availability of older ones ..I have been getting into the eastern white bud ...really neat with the reds in a grouping...the nice thing about red buds and dogwoods that if your like me, and over plant you can always find a place for 'em ...they are an understudy tree and do well in shade ;>)...David

Springfield, IL(Zone 6a)

are not ate shade trees you don't like 'em that much do you doss ;>) to check spelling more often

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Haven't had one for lunch lately, anyway. :-)

I think that you have a lot more space then I do David. I'm at my tree limit I think. That is if I want to grow anything else!

Springfield, IL(Zone 6a)

Doss with your growing conditions you could have three times my space and be out of it (space that is ;>) ) three times quicker... My Jm's will NEVER grow as big as yours in two of my lifetimes...and other trees too although other maples , oaks,and pines and shade trees more specifically for notrthern climats are probably the same buds can be put places about anywhere but I don't know how they would do out your way...they are native in the woods around here...David

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Yep that's why I'm having to move some in January. On the other hand, I can use them as shade trees. :-)

Here's my last tree. A seedling that's been in place for four years. It's the perfect maple for a hot all-day sun space with wind. Who knows how big this baby will get! Let's hear it for a practical tree!

And I've been known to be out of it on more than one occasion. :-)

Thumbnail by doss

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