Bermuda grass

Lodi, CA(Zone 9a)

Any organic solutions for Bermuda grass? I'd love to know.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)


Well...actually there is, but it requires ongoing-everlasting-physical labor, "hand pulling it at all times".

Mary0114, I've tried harsh soap sprays, vinegar sprays, vinegar w/soap, etc, it just keeps coming back. It's a very dedicated plant/weed/grass (I think the EverReady bunny was based on it as it just keeps on coming on).

Some folks smother it out with cardboard/mulch/newspaper, etc but it eventually shows up again. At this point in time even RoundUp (yes, not organic) won't keep it at bay for very long.

It appears you can slow it down for a while but it'll be back eventually.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

you can say that again Shoe!

i fight it as well. here are some things i do:

i rotate what garden beds i am using, leaving some alone some years, while piling on heavy mulches {and i mean DEEP} of hay, grass clippings, leaves, etc.

i also mulch heavily where the garden meets the road, as i have yet to get rid of that bermuda!

i plant sunflowers as borders. they compete with grass, and they WIN!

in some places, i have dug small trenches and put sheet metal down several inches to reduce [not prevent] spreading.

we have it here bad! you would think it was native, but it is horribly invasive!!! whenever i dig some up, i give it to my neighbor who is actually planting it in her backyard. she figures it is better than the grass burrs they are digging up...

good luck! don't give up, just learn to live with some...


Lodi, CA(Zone 9a)

I mulch where I can and that at least suppresses it. It's just a pain in the you know what. Thanks anyway folks!

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

It 's a warm weather annual that reseeds prolifically and keeps coming back from seeds that never seem to die... they stay dormant until you think they're licked and up they come. If it's on a driveway or such where you don't want anything growing at all, a salt/vinegar spray burns it up and keeps it down as soon as the weather heats up. Other than mulch and ripping it out , the only real organic solution is corn gluten as a pre-emergent. It's relatively new and there aren't a lot of sources, but I could probably find one if neded.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9a)

Thanks, I'll look into the corn gluten. I want to be as organic as possible.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I will say this--between the bermuda and the nutgrass--down here, these are the 2 most "taxing to my patience pests" in growing everything organic. Now I realize this response does not help any but it sure made me feel better! LOL

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