Suggestions Needed

Media, PA

I am looking for a plant to grow along both sides of the walkway to our house.

Last year I was forced to dig up a thick, gorgeous crop of ajuga when crown rot infected it. From what I have read, it is nearly impossible to kill off the spores once they are in the soil. So as much as I love that plant, I don't want to risk another heartbreak.

I have had heuchera suggested to me as a replacement because it is available in similar purple shades I so loved in the ajuga. The entire site gets full morning sun.

Does anyone have a suggestion they think might be a better choice, or a particular variety of heuchera that would do well in this kind of environment?


This message was edited Apr 1, 2006 10:24 AM

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)

Hi Faith,

Have you ever seen liriope? (Also called Lilyturf.)
(Edited to add this link:)
I've never grown it before, but fell in love with it on the grounds of our local library. It's supposedly easy to grow, stays low & compact.
The variety our library had was a variegated blade-type leaf, with small purple spike flowers. I'm definitely going to look for some to plant this year.


This message was edited Apr 5, 2006 11:47 AM

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Faith and Cheryl,
Would be happy to send you all starts on the liriope. I've had mine in for 4 years it's spreading despite my wanting it to stay contained. If you have anything for trade great - if not postage would be fine. Let me know if you're interested, please.

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)


If you've got the liriope with the white-striped leaves, I'd love a start or two!
Afraid I have nothing to offer in trade at this point; new to the property and just getting started.
You can email me at chbkj "AT" and we'lll take it from there, if that's okay?
Thanks a g'zillion!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I will email you - from home -after work. Mine is not variegated you'll need to let me know if you're still interested.

Media, PA

Thanks for your reply. Yes, I know of loriope and love the look. My sister in North Carolina has lined her walkway with it and it's beautiful. However, my landscaper for some reason is not enthusiastic about it, so I've not put it in. However, I know it's hardy and most likely less expensive than heuchera. Thanks for reminding me of this plant... I'm going to give it serious consideration.


Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)

Thanks much for the offer, but I really wanted the variegated one. Most everything else I have (or plan on having) is solid green, so I want some contrast.

I had a heuchera at my old house with really attractive bronzy leaves. But the flowers (that were supposed to be Coral Bells) were terrible. Long, Medusa-like tentacles with sparse little white flowers. I ended up cutting off all the flower stalks. I think it was mislabeled when I bought it; it should have said Heucherella, not Coral Bells. But the leaves were nice, and pretty much evergreen here.

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)

Here's a pic of that Medusa (my name for it, not the actuall variety!) heuchera or heucherella.
That's not ivy growing up the trunk of the tree; that's the crazy flower stalks this plant put out. They were easily 4 feet long, maybe more.

Thumbnail by Cheryl_103
Millsboro, DE(Zone 9a)

Do you know the variety of your monster Heuchera? I love it. I've just finished combing the online nurseries for a similar variety but can't find anything close to your Medusa variety. Call me different but I'd love one like it!

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)

I'll see if I still have the plant tag that came with it. Although I'm not sure that would help, because what grew didn't look like the picture on the tag!

I'm 98.5% sure it had "Bronze" in the name; guess that doesn't help much either!?

Winchester, VA(Zone 6b)

geez I thought ajuga was tough! Was it someplace too wet?

Harrisonburg, VA

How tall of a plant do you want? I'm thinking of lining my sidewalk with creeping thyme.

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