Whats everyone growing this year?

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I'm growing a number of new zinnias this year, Catus, Swirls, and Sombrero. New to me at least. Also Double Click Cosmos. This is a Clarkia that I bought in a peat pot at the farmer's market a few weeks ago. I've never grown them before and sure like them. This one is a nice pink. Also got a white one and one that is a salmon, almost red color. Do they self sow easily?


Thumbnail by lincolnitess
(Zone 6a)

Wow, that Clarkia sure is pretty! This is my first year growing them. They came very easy from seed planted and sprinkled, so I think they would come pretty easy from self sow. I wish mine were as big as yours.


Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

These were about 20" when I got them and very narrow. I pinched the tops and it seems to have helped them fill out. I noticed Annies Annuals has a number of different types.


Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

As lovely as the ranunculus WERE (see above posted picture), I will never buy them again. Of the four plants I bought, I have three now. One died after blooming. The remaining ones have not liked our abundant rainfall we got a week ago, although they already were looking poorly before that. UGH.

Hebron, KY

This year I got....

Lady in Red Salvia
Pineapple Sage Salvia (Elegans)
Golden Delicious Salvia (Elegans)
Black and Blue Salvia (Guaranitica)
Blue Angel Salvia (Patens)
Indigo Spires Salvia
Dark Dancer Salvia (Greggii)
Hot Pink Salvia (Greggii)
Hot Lips Salvia (Greggii) (Red and White)
Maraschino Salvia (Greggii)
Furman's Red Salvia (Greggii)
Navajo Pink Salvia (Greggii)
San Carlos Festival Salvia (Microphylla) (Raspberry)
Darcyi Salvia (Red)
Rosea Salvia (Pink Autumn Sage Salvia)
Mulberry Jam Salvia
Leucantha Salvia (All Purple) (Velvety Mexican Bush Sage)
Leuchatha Salvia (Purple/ White Salvia) (Velvety Mex. Bush Sage)
Vanhouttii Salvia
Miniata Salvia (Red)
Honeydew Sage Salvia (Elegans)
Mystic Spires Blue Salvia
Evoulution Salvia (Purple)
Sizzler or Vista Red Salvia (Short Splendens)
Pharaoh Salvia (Splendens Red or Burgundy Red)
Gartenmeister Bonstedt Fuchsa)
Zinnia (Profusion Mixed)
Snapdragons (Short Mixed)
Larkspurs (Mixed)
Pentas (Red)
Ragin' Cajun Ruellia
Jean Grace Penstemon (Blue/Purple)
Angelface Blue Angelonia Angustifolia Hybrid
Mose Rose Mixed (which the wild rabbits eat to the ground)
Laguna Sky Blue Lobelia
Heliotrope Purple
Heliotrope White
Vintage Yellow Stocks
Dallas Red Lantana
New Sensation Phygelius (Burgundy Red)
Fuchsia Geranium
Parsley (for 2 indoor Bunnies & Caterpillars)
Fennel (for Caterpillars)
Dill (for Caterpillars)

Have in ground and pots. Hope some overwinter.

This message was edited Jun 13, 2006 1:31 PM

This message was edited Jun 13, 2006 1:49 PM

This message was edited Jun 13, 2006 2:05 PM

This message was edited Jun 13, 2006 3:20 PM

This message was edited Jun 14, 2006 4:30 PM

(Zone 6a)

Woa! I like your variety of salvias! I bought a pineapple sage this year and I just LOVE the smell. I can't wait till it starts flowering!
I hope you grew alot of parsley for your bunnies :D I have one too and I know how they can mow 'em down! So adorable :D


Hebron, KY


I love Pineapple Sage too and its leaves! I have one (of 3) - other 2 are in big 20" plastic pots) I got in the ground and its been blooming!

The Parsley in for our 2 adorable lopped eared bunnies and 1 of them can't get enough of it! He will sit and beg for it! He's so cute! I hope I don't run out of it (2 pots with 2 plants of parsley in each pot). The parsley was mainly planted for the butterfly cats, and I hope there's enough to go around for them and our 2 bunnies (kept in the house).


Cullowhee, NC(Zone 6b)

Larkspur with 2-year old parsley.

Thumbnail by missgarney
(Zone 6a)

Ahh, thats so cute! I can almost see him :) My rabbit is a rex and she's at times little miss attitude! She hasn't quite got the begging thing yet......she just comes and jump all over you when she wants your food.

Are all your salvias grown this year? I think mine needs to be repotted, as it dries out pretty fast.

Missgarney - Lovely photo! Whats you secret to growing larkspur? I sowed a bunch of seed this spring and only like 1 or 2 came and then died.


Cullowhee, NC(Zone 6b)

Steve, from my experience the secret to growing lovely larkspur is to be completely ignorant of the fact that you have planted it. I think I threw some seeds out last spring. I may have had a plant or two come up. Then I may have thrown some seeds out last fall. Anyway, the purple larkspur near the parsley came up where I had a compost heap last summer. I did not sow them and they were a complete surprise. The pink ones shown hereunder (with lilies and silene in bloom) came up in a bed and I actually sent photos of them, before they bloomed, to the Identification forum. So you see, ignorance is bliss!

Thumbnail by missgarney
Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Missgarney...wow, the larkspur is beautiful, and the surrounding plantings just make a beautiful composition! I'm going to the PlantFiles to see if I can grow them!

Cullowhee, NC(Zone 6b)

The foliage surrounding the lilies is mostly the Anemone vitifolia "Robustissima". I think it's also referred to as A. tomentosa. It's actually threatening to take over this bed, I will have to move half of them sometime over the next year. In this zone at least, they live up to their name "Robustissima". The larkspur is coming up among chrysanthemum "Clara Curtis", which I think I should have pinched back more than a few weeks ago. I always see pictures of it as a nice mound, but mine are spiky. Oh well.

Hebron, KY

Hi Missgarney,

I love your blue and your pink/rose colored Larkspur! What are each of those varieties? What is/are the companies names on the seed packets?


Hebron, KY

Hi Steve,

Yes, all the Salvias are in the ground and/or pots. We've had 2-3 days of 90-92 temp. lately here and I haven't been out to take more current pics of them, but I hope to this weekend or so. Some of them 'Cherry Chief' Salvia (have 2) are doing well, especially one of them. I got it at the same garden center (different location) in a very small (3") pot (other one was in a gal. pot) and it's doing good!

One Salvia, "Darcyi", I got this year from Lazy S'S Farm & Nursery (a garden watchdog 30 company), is doing great! I love it!!! I'm going to get more of it next year. It's been blooming already, although still on the small side, but I'm impressed. First year experience of it.

I've got another Salvia, "Dark Dancer" from Crownsville Nursery (look in the "C's" section in the garden watchdog. It hasn't bloomed yet, but looks great and healthy too. First year growing it too.

I've got 4 Leucantha Salvias (3 all purple and 1 purple and white). I got the all purple ones at the same garden center I got the "Cherry Chief's and the purple/white one I got from Lazy S'S Farm & Nursery. One of the 3 purple ones is in a 20" pot (good size for the 'larger' Salvias) with Miracle Gro mix and is doing better than the the other 3 purple ones in the ground. I've got the purple/white one in another 20" pot (same mix) and it's doing good too.

I got 2 Pineapple Sage Salvias in their own 20" pot with the same mix. You have to if you're going to pot them up, because they get big and dry up fast. I got a third one in the ground to see how it does.

Golden Delicious Salvia is in a 20" pot too (same mix).

Got Van Houttii Salvia in a 20" pot too (same mix). (Lazy S'S Farm Nursery).

Also, got Salvia microphylla 'San Carlos Festival' in a 20" pot (Lazy S'S Farm Nursery).

Want to give them all plenty of room to grow.

Got 3 20" pots of Salvia patens 'Blue Angel' and have a 20" pot of Salvia patens 'Blue Angel' mixed with Honeydew Salvia (think it's a elegans type).

Got other pots that are 16" on patio and 14" pots that are on the front porch of other Salvias, Fuschias, etc....

This pic is of the 20" and 16" and smaller than 14" pots.

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY

This pic is the 3 20" pots of the 'Blue Angel' Salvia patens on the front steps

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Cullowhee, NC(Zone 6b)

marilynbeth, I believe it was Consolida ambiguia "Beauty Spire" from Seeds of Change.

Hebron, KY

Hi missgarney,

Where did you get them? Beautiful!!! This year?


Cullowhee, NC(Zone 6b)

I bought the seeds at http://www.seedsofchange.com last year.
(And that's consolida ambigua, not ambiguia.)

I paired Silene with Coreopsis verticilata "Crême Brulée", and I think it's charming.

Thumbnail by missgarney

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