Here are the coldframes folks

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Hope this is the right spot, but by popular they are all 5

Thumbnail by lauriwilson
Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)


Thumbnail by lauriwilson
Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)


Thumbnail by lauriwilson
Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)


Thumbnail by lauriwilson
Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

and #5

Thumbnail by lauriwilson
Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Wow those are great..How many different plants do you have in those?You gotta tell us... looks like you had fun..But of course your in sunny CA..


Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Sunny?? What is that?? We are raining Ca and for the next 10 days too. There are 220 pots of annuals/pernnials. 12 herbs, 2 white millet,7 tomatos,6 cucumbers, 2 zucchini,1 bell pepper, 6 jalapenos plus 6 pots of bulbs. I am doing another in the morning with cinder blocks and an old shower door for the ones in the bedroom that need to go out......Lauri

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

I'll say you sure have a nice selection there..Do you do alot of canning?When you finish the one with the cinder blocks post that one here too,now that's something I might be able to do.. :o)))


Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

very nice lauri.
just what i pictured them to be.
i have many books with those type cold frame instructions in them.
I have seen some that were used as a grow bed too for salad type plants like radishes, carrots, lettuce, celery, herbs, and bush cucumbers during late winter.
Do they really keep your plants from freezing?


Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Hi Cricket, When it gets bitter cold I have some old comforters and blankets that I toss over the glass and they haven't froze on me....yet =o)) Even when it droped down to 19 degrees. The parsley I have in there are in 16 oz. cups and are growing like weeds. My DH built tiered shelves that we can remove one at a time when needed...Lauri

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Lauri did you get started on #6 stated yet?? :o)))


Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

LOL ;o)) started, finished and filled already. Will get pics as soon as it quits raining....Lauri

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

I was gonna say you don't let any grass grow under your feet,but changed my mind ...Do you even have any grass left???I hope your rain stops for you CA. people...


Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Oh yea, too muddy to remove anymore grass but I do have my eye on a couple of areas....Lauri

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

I thought it was easier to remove the grass when it's wet..That way the roots are moist and can be dug out better..! ;o)))


Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

True but the mini lakes are preventing me from finding the grass =o)). They just reported a wetter than normal April here...great more rain...Lauri

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

I have the oars all you have to do is get the boat...We're gonna get more snow this coming week...I ain't liken that at all much rather have the rain..


Hey Lauri
cooool , sweet. I m new to the coldframe thing, i bought one , b/c Dh is n't always around to help me with building things.
So you don't put the plants in the ground in the cold frame? just in pots and on shelves? and looks like the walll are a bit higher? for protection?
I hope i m not sounding a bit dense:) my neighbor who is a master gardener and has one opinion and one opinion only LOL :) But yours look like it woudl work much better for me . Inever thoughtr of shelves:) and the ones in the pots can go straight from the pots to the garden and they are already hardened? please forgive me everone if i m talking to much.LOL

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Hi Sue,These have solid bottoms with drain holes in the bottoms and are currently setting on my raised vegi beds. I'll post a pic of them from the sides and get you measurements if you want. The shelves are removable so when they are starting or shorter thet get more sun and also so that when the plants get taller they can set on the bottom of the boxes. Most were started in the 6 packs or 16 oz. plastic cups with 2 holes in the botom for drainage, from the dollar store:). When the 6 packs got too big I transplanted them into the cups too.
Now the one below is just made out of bricks I had laying around I put some old shade cloth on the bottom and I put cedar shavings into the brick holes for insulation, and the plants are setting ontop of some 2x6 scraps that I also had laying around, LOL O.K. hid :). It has a slight tilt to it so the rain water won't all pool on the top. All of them face south/southwest to get the sun. I had to build this 6th one as the plants got too tall for the other boxes.
If you use glass tops remember to crack them open on sunny days, even partly sunny days as they will cook in them fast. Learned that one the hard way. Just holler with any more questions.....Lauri

Thumbnail by lauriwilson
Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

A closer look....

Thumbnail by lauriwilson
Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Wow Lauri great idea about putting some cedar shavings in those holes of the bricks..


Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Lauri, you done good. Very ingenious. Your plants all look so healthy. It must be fairly warm outside in your area by now. It was 66 degrees here yesterday, our warmest day so far. Also for contrast it was 33 this morning. So it is very early spring here. My apricot trees are just about in full bloom, and this is a week later than the past couple of years.


I have some of those bricks yeah baby.
Any measurments are well appriciated , i wish i could set up my frame now boo hoo.

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Lauri hows everything doing with all the rain your having??


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