What do I do???

(Zone 7a)

I'm all confused here. I have plants everywhere and I'm checking the PF to see where I should put what. I have made 3 gardens. One if full shade, sun, and sun with moist soil.

Wellll the plants I have had in some locations don't match the PF. I have always thought Columbines were shade plants. And that's where I have them growing. They bloom and seem to be happy. When I move them to Full sun they act like I'm murdering them. I thought Comfrey was a full sun plant. And that's where I have it growing. Northen sea oats says "Sun" I have them growing in moist shade! It says do not over water but they seem to thrive in water. I'm stumped.. What to do?? Should I move things or see how they do in these locations? I would hate to start moving things now.

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

I say if the plant is happy where it is, then let it be. I know I have thought a certain plant was a shade lover and put it there...only to read later it needs full sun! LOL I think many plants are more flexible than we give them credit for. And then there is the whole "micro-climate" variable...

If the plant likes it there and you like it there, then that's where it goes :)


Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

I am always experimenting with plants that shouldn't survive here as they are zone 9 and 10 and it's amazing how many breeze through winter. Same goes for locating a plant. If its happy in a different spot than listed in PF, leave it there. I've always found 1/2 shade for Columbines is better. They don't look washed-out or stressed. Look at PF as a guide but not the correct answer for your situation.

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