enjoying the weather

Crozet, VA

Yesterday I took advantage of the nice day and spent some time with my outside plants. I have 5 beds that were started last year. I walked around and made note of what needs to be done in order for things to look as good as possible. Either today or one day this week I plan to take my snippers out and get rid of dead leaves and the like.

I recently planted five shrubs in my back yard and haven't watered them as much as need be. I hope they will grow despite my neglect. Well, while giving them a drink with water hose, I decided that even though only a few plants are showing their faces, I would water down each of the beds pretty well. I sure did enjoy myself doing that. I once told someone that my idea of the World's Best Job would be to spend my eight hours just watering plants. I get lost in another world when I am watering. I guess that only another gardener would understand that sentiment.

It is supposed to be a nice week here in Central VA. Calling for a bit of rain today but warm temperatures for most of the week. I am really looking forward to spending some time outside.

I hope that everyone will enjoy the upcoming week and Happy Gardening All!!!


Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

Me, too, Ruby! Spent yesterday vacuuming up the leaves I use for wintertime mulch, getting the plants' heads up where they can start enjoying the sun, too. But I didn't get nearly all of it done. It'll take a couple more days to get them all, more if we get that much-needed rain today. Come on, rain!
Our last umpteen rain forecasts have been all lies! I can see clouds across the valley, though, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
There are so many things already growing, they will get off to a terrible start if Mother Nature doesn't doesn't get to work watering soon. Maybe she needs some of your enthusiasm to rub off on her, Ruby. Only my new plants will get watered by me; I can't water much since I don't want to tax the well and my rain barrels are almost empty now. So it's sink or swim around here already. That doesn't usually happen until July. Let's hear it for the rain!

Crozet, VA

I agree Mickgene - Come On Rain!!!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Just bring on the warmer weather so I can reclaim my living room...LOL!!!

McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

I actually had a great day on Saturday. While planting some skip laurel (for privacy!!), and some euynomous (because they are pretty), I made a really nice find. I found out that there are four rose bushes in my backyard.

We bought the house in September, and moved in in October. While we were looking at the house, I am positive that I did not see any roses blooming. These poor bushes looked really neglected. One was comprised of two stems - a one foot stem, and a twelve foot stem. The poor thing was being strangled by pachysandra.

I am hoping that with some TLC they will bloom and prosper. I don't have any idea of what color they are. They are in a spot where I was actually considering planting some roses anyway!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Don't cha' just love those "type" of suprises? I'm always afraid to weed for fear of pulling up something I'd forgotten I had planted...so sad I know!!!

Crozet, VA

It is supposed to be another lovely day here again. There is so much to do. I was thinking yesterday of all the craft supplies that I bought last year to keep me busy this winter. I haven't touched a single project since getting interested in gardening, whether it be inside or outside. To ease my conscience, I am thinking of donating some of the crafting supplies to a local girl scout organization.

I have become a much better "mommy" to my inside plants since I became interested in reading these boards. I am really excited about my older son who is moving out this weekend and leaving me with an extra bedroom. I have been thinking of how I will arrange shelving and lighting in that room for my inside garden.

Chantell, I can totally identify with your situation of having too many plants inside that need for it to warm up in order for them to go outside. (Don't tell anyone that my closet has several bags of bulbs and loads of seed packages awaiting my attention.)

Pennefeather, great news about rose bushes. I am sure that your TLC will have them flourishing soon. When I was a child, our neighbor had some beautiful red roses climbing a trellis in front of her house. I love them even though I have never given growing them a try (yet.)

Here is happy gardening to all.


Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

pennefeather, nice surprise! When we bought a house on Long Island with a wooded backyard, we discovered an entire patio in the woods, buried under years and years of decaying leaves. The first owners had put a lot of work into the house, but the subsequent owners were not interested in any type of gardening. (He had a Pulitzer, so I guess his other pursuits were worthwhile.) For 12 years that yard was basically untended.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Well for all you that are able to tend to your outsides today...and tomorrow...I'm so jealous!!! I'm sneakin' a peek "here" every now and then to get my fix. As I mentioned in another post...took me 20 min this AM to move some plants out doors for sunshine...trying to acclimate them to outdoors so they can be put in the ground soon. Gee, ya think the kids will be happier when the love seat is less then 5 feet away from the big east facing living room windows? Hey if I can't have a green house...it's the next best thing...except - I NEED MORE ROOM! Ha!!! Everyone relates, I know...LOL

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