grape vine cuttings

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

I have an opportunity to get grape vine cuttings from a vineyard .. They have pruned all their vines and just threw the cuttings in the ditch.. I am welcome to just go and get them.

I may not be successful in rooting any of them, but hey, isn't it worth a try? I'm thinking I need to soak them? Also , it may be a few more days before I can cut them up and set them up to root.

I would love ANY suggestions from anyone who has had success with this.

I have a little Harbour Freight Greenhouse. but not a mister. Which I am willing to purchase.. Do you think I can keep them in dormancy in a cool place until I get the mister? Also I have to be gone for most of next week.

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Actually, grape cuttings roots quite easily. Cut pencil width sections into pieces with 3 to 4 eyes. Make the cuts within 1" from an eye. Dipping the end going into the soil in rooting powder, helps protect the cuttings from fungal problems. I pot the cuttings in 1 gallon containers, water, put the pots in a shady spot and leave them alone until new growth starts. I don't water before new growth starts unless the soil drys out. If you can't pot the cuttings for a few days, soaking the cuttings would keep them from drying out. I would think that waiting too long would dry out the cuttings too much. I've never had to use a mister. If your little greenhouse doesn't get too hot, it should fo fine.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the idea! I'll do the same.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Ok... So far so good... I have Chardonelles that are getting leaves.!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm pretty excited.. I also have tubs full of Nortons... I have heard they are harder to propagate though.

Zeppy, How are you doing with yours?

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

I'll confess, I put in some cuttings of my Reliance a little over a week ago.
I don't need more vines but I'm a sucker for experiments like this.
Andy P

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Actually, the folks getting the cutttings for me are doing this part. I'll check with them.

I was reading this FANTASTIC book called "The Victorian Kitchen Garden," and the old gardener talks about how they used to keep grapes for the winter by putting a bunch of them in the cellar: they would take the stem and stick it into a bottle of charcoal water and the grapes would hang like they do off the vine. The grapes would keep fresh for two or three months. Is that not cool? Dying to try it just for kicks, and also b/c I hear ukky things about the pesticides on grapes imported from Chile.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

That is really interesting. I will have to try that someday..

I now have to go look up Reliance. What other kinds do you have?

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

KathyJo, Reliance is a Pink Seedless similar to Canadis.
It is the only grape I have.
My first one, planted 24 months ago.
This was it's first pruning.
Andy P

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

I thought I would update you on my progress with this.. In case anyone is interested.

The Chardonelles seem to still be far ahead in their leafing out progress.. I have only pulled up one cane and I didn't see any roots. So , This first time around I may be letting them put all their energy in leafing out and not into making roots. I won't give up on them though and they do seem happy enough.

Today I finally found my first leaf on a Norton. So maybe I haven't killed them all.

When I had finished pruning and getting all my pots ready for the canes I threw the leftovers on the ground.. I was just exhausted.. A few days later I saw them and thought I would just stick them in the composting mulch pile. I noticed today that one of the Chadonelles is getting a leaf..

I put quite a lot of work into this. driving to the vineyard, pruning and keeping them watered. I also spent a day with these nice people volunteering my time helping them plant 1800 new vines. I forgot to ask the variety.. I may have been too tired to remember. I was a beautiful day and I met lots of neat people .. I will go back and help them harvest if they ask me.

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

KathyJo, Some of my cuttings have buds that are swelling up as fast as the mother vine.
I don't dare dig any up yet, but this might work. LOL.
Keep us posted.
Andy P

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