Basils for SASBE

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

please note: The seeds in this offer are pretty much GONE. I do have additional quantities of lemon and lime basil, plus there's some Thai basil seed remaining, so if you are desperate for any of those, Dmail me. Thanks!

I finally got a bunch of basil seeds (collected in 2005) "bagged & tagged" over the weekend. (Found the Thai basil baggie!)

Let's start with 10 packets of each and see how it goes... I have more of some, but I don't want to be too slow getting these out.

Please POST ON THIS THREAD with a list of the varieties you would like. I will edit quantities available as we go along. If you want to make a trade offer rather than sending SASBE, if we've already got a trade in the works, or if you are not in the address exchange and need my address, please Dmail me... but still post on this thread too.

To send SASBE, send me a bubble envelope (which requires 52 cents in postage) containing 1) a return address label, 2) 52 cents in loose postage (no prepaid metered labels! my mailman won't take them), 3) your DG name and 4) a list of the varieties you're asking for.


GONE Lemon Basil -- vigorous plant with strong "lemon" flavor & aroma. Nice in salids, marinades for grilling, etc. Scant 1/8 tsp.

GONE Lime Basil -- vigorous plant with strong "lime" flavor & aroma -- definitely different from the lemon basil! Scant 1/8 tsp.

GONE Cinnamon Basil -- attractive plant with dark stems, lavender flower spikes. Flavor is "basil" plus a definite kick of additional spice. Scant 1/8 tsp.

2 Thai Basil 'Siam Queen' -- lovely ornamental plant, huge flowerheads, delicious anise-basil flavor for stir fry & more. 1/8 tsp, seed quality is a little mixed but you should still get plenty of plants (sow thickly).

GONE 'Red Rubin' purple basil -- improved form of 'Dark Opal'. Purple foliage, lavender flower spikes. Turns herb vinegar rosy pink! 40-50 seeds

GONE Italian Genovese -- A friend brought back seeds for me from Italy, and it's my favorite for pesto. Big plants with large, crinkled leaves. Limited number of seeds per packet (20)

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Plymouth, MI(Zone 5b)

Oh dear, I am such a sucker for basil... I've already started 4 varieties for this year, I'm sure that the last thing I need is more basil!

If possible, could I have some Lemon Basil, Cinnamon Basil, and Italian Genovese? Let me know if that is too demanding! Actually, I would just love a few seeds of each to try, like 6-8. Is that possible, or is that too picky? :-) I have never traded before, or even sent someone a bubble envelope, so this is all new to me.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sure that's possible... but I'd be happy to send you the regular packets, and you could just pass along the extras. I think you mentioned in your Dmail that you wanted Thai also, so I'll set that aside too... I'm sure by the time anyone's bubble envelopes arrive, I'll have found that big trade baggie of 'Siam Queen' seed!

You're welcome to a packet of each variety, if you'd like... that's what offers like this are about! I love growing out different herbs, and I managed to save a bunch of basil seeds this year, so I'm happy to share them.

I think my first post should have everything you need to know about sending a SASBE... you might want to try a few trades with other folks this year too, so take a look at the trading primer... there's a link at the top of the seed trading forum!

Plymouth, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks so much! You are very generous with us other poor herb addicts lol :-) And thank you also for the offer of one of each type. I already have Lime and Red Rubin, since I ordered them less than 2 weeks ago! Crummy timing, I know. This will be my first time trying either of those varities as well. So if you would be willing to send me Lemon, Cinnamon, Thai, and Genovese I would be forever in your debt!

This year I will do my best to gather lots of seeds from what I grow so that I may offer seeds around next year. It is truly a joy to be able to share with friends and I just wish I had more to offer!

If you could, please D-mail me your address and I shall send a SASBE off to you promptly. Mmm... Basil...

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Hi Jill,
I would like to grow more basil this year. I only had just a regular sweet basil last year and I loved to use it in cooking. I had use it in some fresh homemade tomatoe soup, tomatoes from my garden and the soup was out of this world. The recipe was my grandma's so that made it even more special.

So I would like one of each:
Red Rubin
Italian Genovese

Do your basil seeds take a long time to get going? It seems like the seedlings took forever to get growing last year for me.

Thanks for sharing. Will send you a SASBE tomorrow with all the goop in it.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Carol, I generally start basil 6 to 8 weeks before setting out (around Memorial Day for me here). They grow quickly enough that I generally end up pinching the plants once or twice before then.

I sow seeds fairly thickly in a seed tray (take out container with clear lid, holes in bottom for drainage & bottom watering, holes in top for ventillation) and transplant clumps of 3 to 5 seedlings once the first true leaves (not the first pair of nurse leaves aka cotyledons) appear. When the seedlings have 3 sets of true leaves, I pinch their tops so they will start branching. For best habit & best flavor, keep harvesting by pinching each branch above the second or third set of leaves... don't let flowers develop if you want to use the leaves.

Calypsa, you've got Dmail.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Can I get one of each; except for the Genovese? Also can I just send 2 -39 cent stamps with the bubble envy?

I tend to do Basil every 2-3 weeks down here and we have a very long season so I go thru lots of basil every year! Dmail me if you still have enough left. Are you in the addy?

Asheville, NC(Zone 7a)

Dear Critterologist--I would be happy to have anything you want to contribute to my fund-raising cause (per herb board here on DG). The prettier the plant (purple perhaps?), perhaps the more people would be willing to pay hence more money for the fund-raising. Thanks for your generous offer. Bye. ruby

Hi Jill
If you still have plenty, I would love to have some of the following
Lime, Lemon,, Cinnamon, Red Rubin and Italian Genovese.
Thanks so much for sharing.
... Elaine

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Ok, Jill, the SASBE was sent off today.
Thanks, Carol

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Elaine -- what, no Thai? LOL... I may put a pinch in your envelope anyway.

Debby, yep, I"m in the addy exchange.

Ruby, you've got Dmail.

Carol, did you really not want Thai basil, or were you being polite because I'd misplaced my trade pack? (I found it this morning, under the tomato seeds, LOL.)

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

No, Jill, the anise doesn't turn me on too much, so thanks anyways. Let someone else have it. Am glad you found it tho, lol

Jill, it will be the week-end before I get my SASBE out. Please don't give up on me? I'm having problems with squirrels this year and am having to replenish some of my varieties. :-( Thanks so much for your offer.
... Elaine

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Elaine, check your Dmail. :-)

Oh, and Debbie, yes, a couple of 39 cent stamps would be fine. Thanks!

This message was edited Mar 23, 2006 11:06 AM

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Jill I requested some tomato seeds on your other thread.....would you mind enclosing a few


Basil seeds as well? We don't see either one of those available locally here.

Please and Thank you!!!
(Who now has you addy and will be getting the envelope ready today:).

Millbury, MA(Zone 5a)


If you still have some to spare I'd love to get some Lime (mine died out on me), Cinnamon, and Genovese. I have some flat leaved parsley seeds that I gathered last year if you'd like some in return.

E. McCool

Burlington, NC(Zone 7b)

If you have seeds left, I would like these please..

lemon, lime, cinnamon, italian

Thanks for offering these up to us!


west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

THanks--SASBE off in am mail!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Pam, just please make sure you enclose a note with both tomato & basil varieties listed on it.

McCool, I've got you covered too... I do have flat leafed parsley from another trade, but thanks for the offer. Dmail me if you have a trade list, otherwise SASBE will be fine.

Swoz, those seeds are yours, and you're welcome!

New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)

Ok Critter,

I'll take 1 of each of these: just so you can put them on the side for me; for when my SASBE gets there.

Thai Basil 'Siam Queen'
Italian Genovese

~* Robin

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Robin, are we doing trade or SASBE? I'll put those basils aside for you, either way.

New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)

Check dmail

~* Robin

Boone, IA

Hi Critter,

I would like the lemon, cinnamon, Thai and Italian Genovese. I've also asked for some tomatoes and I'll enclose a list of both with my envelope.

Thanks again,

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Cool. I just Dmailed you my address... I'll set you up! :-)

Augusta, AR(Zone 8a)

Hi Critterologist,
If I am not to late I'd like to try the lemon, lime, cinnamon, and thai basil. PLMK Thanks.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

You got 'em! Please send your SASBE.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

update... IO1 got her seeds today, and I got SASBEs from dmj1218 & daisyruffles that will go out in tomorrow's mail. Happy planting! :-)

Yep, won't have much time for DG tomorrow. Will be gettin down and dirty! LOL Thanks Critter! I love them all!
... Elaine

San Jose, CA(Zone 9b)

Wow, what a treat! May I have a packet of the Lemon Basil, if I'm not too late?
Thank you so much for sharing these!

Getting my SASbubbleE ready and looking for your address...

-Ruth Temple
Redwood City, CA

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

You're not too late at all! I have a *ton* of lemon & lime basil (you can't have one without the other, LOL). I'm in the address exchange... or Dmail me for my address.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Got mine sometime either Wed or Thursday--thanks ever so much!

Meade, KS(Zone 6a)

I would love one of any of the basils that you have left....Thanks so much Janetlee50

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've still got packets available of Lemon, Lime, Thai & Italian Genovese from above, and they are yours for SASBE.

Just a note for anyone who got Thai Basil seeds from me.... I sowed a bunch of basils last week, and they all germinated well except for the Thai. Those are the seeds I didn't think looked so good, so I put a lot of them in the packets. Just sow them very thickly, and I'm sure you'll get some plants. :-)

New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)


I got your seeds, but there are no Italian Genovese basil seeds in there.

I'm sending your seeds out tomorrow. I've had a bit of a problem - a little boy grandbaby weighing in at 7 lbs. 3 oz., born with 2 club feet.

He's been casted since his first day! He's already clicking them since day 3. Picks up his head and looks around the place too! He's really shocked the doctors; cause he's learned to pick his legs up and use them to roll around the place and he's only 8 days old.

~* Robin

Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

Robin, Give that baby boy a kiss from me. What a gift he is.

Jill, I've been in the hospital and out of the loop. Do you have any basils left?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Congratulations on your new grandson, Robin! He sounds like a feisty one... I'll bet the problem with his feet won't slow him down a bit! :-)

So sorry about the oversight with the seeds.... Here I'd been thinking I had such a well organized system for getting those BE's out!

I thought it might be easiest for you to not worry about getting those seeds to me... just enjoy your newest family member! Maybe I can just get those Italian basil seeds to you in a future trade, and we can call it even for my oops. I Dmailed you....

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Diane, it looks like there's still plenty of Lemon & Lime basil, should be one packet of Thai left... I may have a pinch of this or that to send you, but I really won't know for sure until all the SASBEs arrive & go back out... Do you want me to put an assortment of basil seeds in your AV box this spring, or do you need them asap?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm losing track a bit here... it's a good thing everyone is enclosing their requests with their SASBE! I know I sent two more BE's on their way this morning, and one went to McCool... the other one... ?? LOL Oh, and I just got Lilypon's BE -- will try to have it on its way tomorrow. I've been managing to turn these right around & get them into the next outgoing mail... but I haven't been keeping notes on who sent what when... so if it's been much more than a week since you sent your SASBE, please let me know.

Oh! Now I remember... the other one that went out today was for edenawaitsme! DH dropped these off at the substation, so they should arrive promptly.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Jill, I received your package. Was out of town seeing my folks so just got the mail tonight.
Thanks a bunch. Am looking forward to starting the seeds this week!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Great -- Thanks for letting me know!

If I haven't posted "received/sent" for your SASBE, that doesn't necessarily mean I haven't received or sent it... I've been trying to post when they go out, but I'm more concerned with prompt sending than with posting! This is the first SASBE offer I've posted, and it's been easy to do... :-)

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