Dealing with slope without adding terraces

Timnath, CO(Zone 5b)

We moved into our new house last June and have added some beds and some plantings. The next order of business is going to edging, but I am also trying to deal with the corner of yard that slopes away from the house. We have an english basement and it is on the side of the house instead of the back.

I've attached a picture. I don't want to do terracing if I can avoid it because it is so expensive, and I know there has to be ways of putting shrubs in that will minimize how the slope looks. Currently, I have three redtwig dogwoods wrapping around the corner (they are tiny, so you can't see them in the pic but they grow fast) and those are the foundation shrubs there. I was thinking of putting in a couple of Knockout roses in front of the dogwoods. There is a Whitespire birch there that is cut out of the picture, all the way to the right, so I have to take that into consideration as well.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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