Planting carrots in the spring garden.

Bryan, TX(Zone 8b)

Am I totally off my rocker for planting carrots in the spring or will they produce. My wife loves to eat them but I have only planted them in the fall for a winter garden in the past. I live about 90 miles northwest of Houston so the climate here during the summer ranges from HOT to MISERABLY HOT. Any opinions and ideas on how to grow them would be appreciated.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Its way too late for carrote, lettuce, cabbage, broccolii, or any other cool weather crops in this part of TX. Here is a link for your county...scroll down half way and click on Fall and Spring Planting guides.

While you may not can grow carrots now, we have two seasons to grow most things which makes Texas a great place to garden! I'm just down the road "a bit" from you.

Bryan, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks Debbie,

The carrots are already in the ground, so I'll let them come up and cover the rows with straw to insulate from the heat and see what happens. I'm in RN school at 53 and we're on spring break so this was the only opportunity I've had to put in a garden. It's been 13 years since I've had one - my ex got custody of the land and the Troy Bilt roto-tiller - so I'm looking forward to eating fresh veggies again. I noticed you're in Houston so we've got the same climate conditions. We'll likely be responding to each other's posts.

Thanks again,

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I know what you mean about having to do things when you get the time. I work way too many hours too. Looks like you could have gotten custody of either the land or the roto-tiller; don't seem like a fair split--but I also understand how that goes too. LOL

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Well, you can maybe get some nice baby carrots. Enjoy!

Lucerne Valley, CA(Zone 8a)

I plant my carrots in the spring, here in the High Desert, CA. Full sun and 2 months of 100+ F temps...the trick is not to harvest them until you get a late fall frost or 2 to sweeten them up. Anything you pick before then will be a lil bitter (like store bought carrots!) I scatter my seed heavily in a sifted bed, then thin like mad all summer and fall (my birds love the thinnings!), and the remaining carrots are big and bright and sweeet for winter!

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

We won't see a frost until December, if then. I also start mine in the heat of fall (Sept-Oct).

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