Bird experts

Phoenix, AZ

I was working in the garden when I noticed that there were no birds on the feeder. I looked up and saw this Hawk. It is about 6-8 ft farther up on the roof than the stupid pigeon. Any idea what it is? It looked like it was about 1ft tall.
Sorry about the bad pic, I was balancing on a ladder on my tip toes :)

Thumbnail by Fish_knees
Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

What a beautiful bird! There's just something about a hawk that has always made me in awe of them. I do hope, though, that you don't have any victims :-(

Oh, I don't have a clue what it is.

Scottsdale, AZ

Too bad it doesn't like fresh pigeon :)

Phoenix, AZ

I just love them, their so regal looking :) I have had a juvenile Coopers hawk come and visit a few times. But this looks different and MUCH bigger.

Phoenix, AZ

LOL! Yeah I wish Jon. The stinking Pigeons are out of control :(

Pahrump, NV(Zone 8b)

Not an expert but I've been getting serious about trying to identify at least some of our regulars here. He looks (to me) more like pics I've seen of Sharp-Skinned Hawks than Coopers but...they are usually a little smaller than Coopers. Both can get well over a foot though so could easily be either.

We have a Coopers Hawk and several falcons that stop by for lunch fairly often. So far they've contented themselves with the occasional sparrow.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Since it's perching on the roof ridge, he may be a lot farther back than the pigeon and hence a lot larger; just from the back it's hard to tell, but perhaps it could be a red-tailed hawk; we have a lot of those and I have seen them around the city more than once. They look all dark from the back. Check out this site,, or others.

Phoenix, AZ

Thanks deserteden, when I checked that site it said male Coopers hawk are a black/grey on the back. This guy was a very dull black coloring, so maybe he was a Coopers hawk? The juvenile Coopers hawk that has been here was more of a tan/rust. It said that is the colors on the females. Maybe Susie will see this? She's always out birding :)

Phoenix, AZ

He came back!

Thumbnail by Fish_knees
Phoenix, AZ

One more. The bird thinks I'm nuts :)

Thumbnail by Fish_knees
Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

He sure is awesome!

Pahrump, NV(Zone 8b)

Rounded tail with banding...I'm voting Coopers but prolly wrong...they look so similar and I'm a rank amateur, emphasis on rank :).

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Nope, not a Cooper's. They have a white chest. He's so big, could he be an eagle? I have a birding book at home so if you (we) have not ID'd him by then I'l check it out in The Little Red Book. Nice shots Fish_K. That little Sony cyber shot does GOOD.

Thumbnail by MaryMcP
Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

He really is awesome. I'm wondering as well if he couldn't be an eagle- that's quite a pronounced forehead.

Harris' hawk (:>

Chandler, AZ(Zone 9b)

fish_knees, how neat and what a great picture!
when i use to work downtown by the capitol, there was a hawk that would catch the pigeons and then leave pigeon parts scattered on the ground around our building. :P it was interesting to watch the hawk try to catch the pigeons in mid air (this was our break or lunch time entertainment on some days).

let us know if it decides to hang around for a while.

Phoenix, AZ

Looks like Loreen nailed it! I googled several pictures and the description fits :)

This message was edited Mar 13, 2006 3:33 PM

p.s.... actually, they will get pigeons. This one's an immature, btw, and he's either not hungry or not well--hopefully the former. Birds are cued in as to whether a predator is in hunting mode or not--and this hawk's not. (two hints: the pigeon isn't scared enough; the hawk is resting with one leg pulled in/up) ...I bet the pigeon in the pic is a *male*, too--one o' your gutsy territorial boys, fishknees!

Harris' hawks are non-migratory, here year-round... and are social, hunt in family groups. They don't have the maneuverability and speed of the accipiters (coops, sharp-shinned) so aren't as big of a threat to small birds--i.e., more of a 'low level threat'... lol They're particularly fond of quail & rabbits!

Phoenix, AZ

He was in the yard for hours. He was really amused by the Sparrows at the feeders. He was particularly interested in Spike :O I thought it was odd that most of the time he was perched on only 1 leg, guess he was just enjoying the garden. At one point I went out because I didn't see him in the tree. I spooked him as he was getting a drink from the spillway in the pond, SPOOKED me to! LOL!!

uhhhh, I've seen a group of Harris' hawks descend upon a pomeranian! Watch little Toto... LOL

Tucson, AZ(Zone 9a)

He seems to enjoy having his picture taken - and is perhaps waiting for you to ask for his autograph. Do you suppose your his new landlord? Or vice versa, lol?!

Phoenix, AZ

I would LOVE for him to think of my yard as home! He's back again after a 2 hour absence.

Tucson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Yay! That's a good sign! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. :)

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

Keep an eye Spike!

Pahrump, NV(Zone 8b)

Quail we got.

Thumbnail by DanaDW
Phoenix, AZ

It's 6:30 and he's still in the tree :) All the other birds have gone home for the night.

Barb, the more I look at the hawk pics, the less I'm convinced that it's healthy. Doesn't look great. May be a starving youngster. Have you seen it fly? Did you see it walk? The fact that it even came down to your pond is not a good sign. If it's still there tomorrow, let me know.

Mesa, AZ

He does look quite rough, feathers are just not groomed well at all. He does appear to be a juvenile, and they do have a tough time learning to hunt. My mom is strange, (that is where I get it) but for years she has put out meat for the cooper's kids that fledge from the giant pecan trees behind her house. Says she likes to see them sit up on the tree and eat. (yech! I said she was weird LOL!). He may, as Loreen notes, need some help. I am sure her contacts can help with the situation. In the meantime, a little raw roast on the tree branch or wall where he can see it might be enjoyed (and help!!


Phoenix, AZ

At 6:45 he flew off :( I saw him fly several times and he flew quite easily. His feathers in several places did look unkept. He kept a close eye on the bird feeders at all time. He even tolerated me going out and talking to him and taking pics all day...I hope he comes back.

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

Yeah, throw some raw meat out there, see if he takes- take pics, too!

Phoenix, AZ

Just went out to fill the feeders, turned around and there he was wading in the spillway of the Koi pond! It's funny..those STUPID Pigeons live in that pine tree he sat in yesterday. Today, no Pigeons in the Pine tree :)

Maybe I could come over and check it out? Do you have any raw chicken or beef hearts? LOL I have some dead birds in my freezer ;o

Phoenix, AZ

Just back from Star Bucks :) Here are several pics, a little blury...I was trying to sneak up on him :)

Thumbnail by Fish_knees
Phoenix, AZ


Thumbnail by Fish_knees

Nice shots. Do you have any raw meat? The bird seems verrrrry hungry--and weak.

Phoenix, AZ

Raw meat? Just the cat and dog :O Your welcome to come check him out :)

I'll be over soon.... and I assure you that I am more unkempt than the hawk :o

p.s. where's my starbucks? LOL

This message was edited Mar 14, 2006 9:25 AM

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Great pics, hope he does well, and may you continue to share pictures of his progress. How nice to have someone nearby who may be able to be of assistance in determining his health and perhaps feeding him.
Suzie, that sounds a good idea your mom had for helping the little ones.

Phoenix, AZ

I guess Loreen and I will be making a raw meat run ;)

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