Anyone in Zone 5 have sprouts?

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Because I don't. I'm nervous. Should I have sprouts? It hasn't been all that warm, but it certainly hasn't been all that cold either! I've got 38 containers out there, and no green to speak of. Reassure me, please. They've been out there for a month now. I know I put seeds in there and holes small enough that no one could sneak off with them. I've heard rumors of real warm weather this weekend...60*+ with some rain!! Maybe that could bring out some little green sprouts for me? I hope so.

St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

Don't be nervous. It is still very earlier. I know it is hard to read about others sprouting while our containers are still sitting there but it will happen. The first year I ws I didn't have sprouts til mid April. Mother Nature knows best. A month from now you will be seeing green in lots of containers.


Abbottstown, PA(Zone 6a)

Same here Heather,, nothing yet ,, but it will happen.. I have over 70 container and then some that have not done anything yet. So be patient and let nature take its course. : )

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks! That does make me feel better. I thought maybe I messed something up. Maybe I'll get around to finishing up the rest of my wsing then.

Thanks again!

Homer, NY(Zone 5a)

No sprouts!!

It has been VERY COLD in Central New it is warming up to 50 and will be warm this weekend...I am very anxious to check the moisture level in my containers, because some of the soil looked almost "freezer burned."

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

I just took the puppy out and we checked on all the containers. It's warmer out today and wet. Not all the containers are wet, so I'll have to move some or water them. Still no the last 2 days, lol. I'm sure they'll come up, waiting is the hard part. It just gets scary when all the folks south of us are starting to plant theirs in place and we don't even have sprouts yet! I guess it's normal tho.

If at the same time next month we don't have sprouts, I guess then it's time to start worrying. I better get the rest of my stuff out there in a hurry.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

No sprouts here either. I promised myself I wouldn't worry but I am!

I must have faith, though, since I bought more seed packets today! :-)

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

No sprouts here either,I'm also getting worried... :o(((


novi, MI(Zone 6a)

Also no sprouts! I was getting worried as well.


Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Ahhhhhhhh! The wave moves north, ya know? Give it a couple more weeks, guys, and you'll all be singing a different kind of blues! LOL!

Seriously, don't worry. I've had containers out there for two months with nothing but poppies sprouting - and they're so small, I'm afraid to breathe in their direction! (Secretly, I fret too!)..... But I know that in a few weeks, things will be popping all over the place.

So I better get my annuals sown.


Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

I've got sprouts...2 mg's, blue flax, red flax, gloriosa daisy, amaranthus, poppies, and a few more, too, but I'd have to go outside to see what they are.

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

ditto PV - I plan on doing a whole bunch this weekend. Plus some yard work!!!

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

No sprouts here in Maine.
Checked on everything today. Everything was nice and wet but I noticed I could see the seeds (in other words they weren't covered with soil) so I took a little topsoil and sprinkled it on each one. I then watered that new topsoil in with a H2O2/water solution. Hope that was OK *lol*
I have NEVER been able to sow seeds.
In fact, I just tried to start the only 10 seeds of Vigna Carcarla (Snailvine) and all 10 of them rotted. I thought I did everything right to start them.
Can't start seeds :(

Will let you know when things spout.


Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

I did better w/ seeds when I found out different ones like different things. Basil needs dark to germinate, rosemary needs light and higher pH... that sorta thing. I guess it's not really the winter planting thing to pay attention to that, but I like to give the little suckers a fighting chance.

Abbottstown, PA(Zone 6a)

Just noticed my blue flax has sprouted. I didnt get to check out to many of winter sown seeds cuzz it started to pour down rain on me.
I will check again as soon as it stops raing and let you know what else is sprouting : ) I think they are all going to start at once LOL. I have so many seeds planted.

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

It was so beautiful here yesterday, just like spring for real! lol Today it's warm, but raining, like vicki said above. I did get to move everything to where it will catch the rain for sure tho.

With this weather I just want to do more wsing before I run out of time! I want to get as many things started as early as I can. Then I'll be going crazy when all of it does sprout...but that's a good crazy, right? lol

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Heathjoy yes that's a good kinda crazy,but won't it be fun..I have no sprouts yet...I just shake my head and ask them what their waiting on.. :o)))


North Tonawanda, NY(Zone 6a)

WOW I didn't realize there was a wintersowing thread over here too! Just wanted to say hi to old and new wintersowers. I am in Zone 6a and still no sprouts on my wintersown containers yet. This is my third year wsing and I decided to do some of my tender perennials inside this year ( yeh I know I am impatient) so I do have quite a few sprouts of things that just wouldn't work well up here wsing....cuphea ignea, cuphea llava, Baja Fairy duster, Impatiens Wallerina Salvia gauaranitca, Salvia miniata and Lantana. I also wsed and indoor sowed several varieties of salvia coccinea to see which will yeild the best results. Last year I did do all my salvia coccineas via wintersowing but some sprouted very late


Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Most of mine have nothing. A few have a few sprouts. Only one has lots and has had them for nearly a month now.

Canterbury Bells:

Thumbnail by kbaumle
Canton, OH(Zone 5b)

Ok -- my wsg was started on Jan 21. I've got a few sprouts -- Monkshood-cupids dart - alyssum-hibiscus-daylily from seed. two weeks ago, I had absolutely no sprouts outside in my containers. I am in ne Ohio zone 5a/5b -- (think I am right on cusp).

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

I keep checking, but still no sprouts. We've only truly had about 2 days that were 60* or higher. I'm a first year ws, so I don't know what to expect for sure. I sure would like to see something green in those containers besides the pine needles the wind blew in! I think at this point even my puppy thinks I'm crazy for checking those containers all the time...but still he likes it cuz he gets to go outside w/ me. At this point every year, I keep telling myself that "April showers bring May flowers" and it's been raining here some days rather than snowing, so we are getting closer. I guess that's all us zone 5ers can ask for right now. Sigh. Anyone have any cheap property in Zone 8, 9 or 10? I could pay you in fresh flower seed! ;~P

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)


I'm SO glad you reported in as just yesterday I went out to the containers in hopes of seeing green. Not a thing! I have begun to also doubt my first winter sowing experience and hope that the April Showers slogan is right on. But, on the same note nothing that are "established" plants show any sign of life either. My daffs and tulips are STARTING to poke their tips out of the ground but that's it. Maine bites *lol*


Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Since our weather cooled down, nothing new has sprouted here.

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

I have a few finally... But my weather is not cooperating...This is my first time and might be my last if they don't start to grow or at least quit looking like blocks of ice..


Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Even though I've got some sprouts, I'm not sure I'd do this again. But it was fun to try it!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

kbaumle: Why wouldn't you WS again? Because of few sprouts so far? The weather is supposed to warm up this week and I'll bet you start seeing a lot of germination


Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

I don't know... That probably has something to do with it. I was probably a bit premature in saying I wouldn't do it again. I just wanted to try it. We'll see how this all plays out by June or so. :-)

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

This has been helpful to see that others have not had their W/S sprout yet. I have nothing yet in zone 6. Maybe all is not lost?

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

You might be better off than those who have lots of sprouts (me) and now the freezes. Who knows? It will be interesting to see how we all fare...

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

I think Kim made a very, very good point when she said nothing that is established is showing signs of life either, except for the very early spring bulbs. If our other spring bloomers start popping up and go to bloom and our ws things aren't doing anything by then, I think we can reuse their soil at that point. LOL.

We still haven't had any really warm weather here. It almost hit 50* today, but there is still snow in the shadows of trees and etc. I would suppose if we had even 50* for a week I'd have some sprouts.

It will be interesting to see how this does work out...whether early sprouts or later sprouts are better...or if there is even any difference.

I can't wait till we all have blooms and are saying wsing is the best thing we ever did! :-)

Orangeville, ON(Zone 4b)

Hi All,
I have about 20 containers WS'd and 7 of which are finally showing signs of life. I was really worried but I think the higher temps this week have played a part in getting those babies to sprout.

I would definitely do this again next year, no question and probably do the same number of containers too.


Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Me too I was really getting antsy here ...I have about 20 containers now showing some action..I too will be doing this again next year...


Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

I've finally got a few sprouts!!! And some hail to go along with it! LOL!

New thread is here


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