planting trees in clay soil

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

You guys are awesome! I am now following the advice about not amending either and it's working great. I do mix in some cow compost, just a tad and stir it into my clay before filling the hole. Works out cause the excess cow compost can go in my compost bin where it really belongs!!!! I know what you mean Lucky about developers ripping out the topsoil. They added a couple inches on top the clay but it's wasn't enough for me, we've since picked up and unloaded like 9 cubic yards and still wanting more! I didn't mind if you were "slamming" the willow or maple....I just like to know why someone doesn't like a plant, maybe I can decide not to use it either then! But since it's cause they "grow like weeds" I guess I'll put in my 2 other maple's. I need some trees!!! =)

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Here's one other tip for those who deal routinely with clay soil. Dig up a bunch of the stuff during early summer when it's slightly moist and "workable." Crumble it well and store it in a sealed container. The size/quantity will vary with the amount of planting you do. Then when you have to plant something in early spring when your yard is like goo, use the stored, crumbled natural soil as your backfill.

Guy S.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Gee Guy you are smarter than ever. That is good thinking for good soil when planting. After all you guys who don't ammend need something to do when your not amending the soil. Hee Hee I asked my wife yesterday if our ammended areas produce "as well" as our natural areas (top dressed with compost and fert) the plantings we put in them. She just looked at me and asked what was I talking about? She went on to say there is no comparison. The ammended soil grows like a weed and the non-ammended hardly grows anything. We live on a glacial morraine. PS my wife has never read DG.

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