opaque containers for WS

Beachwood, OH

A very quick question as I'm staring at a quart and pint size paper ice cream containers. Since they are not see-thru but I coudl use plastic wrap on top and still use them?

St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

I used a few opaque milk jugs last year with some of my seeds and they all sprouted fine. The only thing is I had to monitor them more closely for moisture. I also know of alot of wintersowers that use cool whip containers, margarine containers, ice cream containers every year faithfully and they have great success. They cut a circle out of the cover and before replacing the cover they put plastic wrap over the container. Put the cover on and viola a mini greenhouse. So I say go for it!
Hope this helps..

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Somebody told me that if you can see your hand through the plastic it will be OK...

I'll let you know in a couple of months since I used opaque plastic bags to cover my containers!

Beachwood, OH

Well I have the most assorted bunch of containers - I crack myself up, this is going to be really ugly out on the deck for a while. I ran the paper ice cream container through the dishwasher and it didn't even faze it - so it ought to be ok for WS. I also have 2.5 gallon clear bottle from some gigundo purchase of olive oil and other assorted things, including a green 2 liter pop bottle - thought I'd save that for some shade-loving plant. I getting revved to plant out my next batch. I figured if I did it all on March 15th I should be in good shape. I keep hopefully looking at the ones I planted on 2-25 but no leaves yet.
Thanks for the quick answers all - what a great bunch of cyber pals!

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