Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

Wow, what a difference a day makes. The snow and ice have melted and this morning the pond is seething with clumps of embracing frogs. There is a pair of bluetits popping in and out of a nest box, the wrens are hurtling in and out of the ivy and a pair of blackbirds are nest building in the holly hedge.

Still no daffodils out though.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Here it's wet windy and miserable, still loads of birds singing though, especially this morning, a blackbird was really going for it outside, lovely to hear.

there was a robin somewhere too just outside the bedroom window, making that funny machine- gun noise that it makes when it's cross, usually when I've had the audacity to sit out in my garden too near it's nest!

Haven't checked for frogs yet, thre were a couple out there last week, but no eggs as of yet, must have been too early for the party....

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Today all has gone quiet again, in other words, winter is back! Yesterday for a start it was sort of 'reasonable', and birds darting all over the place. I saw one male blackbird chasing off another with some determination, like a spitfire in a dogfight! They normally have young ones in a nest by 23rd March, I wonder if this year it's going to be like the daffodils....late.

I do have some Narcissus Tete a tete about to open, took a pic on Thursday

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Now the pic, it wasn't responding so sent with no pic!

Thumbnail by wallaby1
Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

They are nearly there aren't they - a little sunshine should do the trick. Those are lovely crocuses - just like satin. I have some that colour, but they are very early and have finished now.

We have three pairs of blackbirds nesting now, they have just started in the bay tree, and I saw a pair of coal tit going in and out of a dwarf conifer all morning. The best birds this week have been a female greater spotted woodpecker yesterday on the fat block and the male came today. I got my camera all primed and focused ready for him to come within view, but he went up the tree and flew away. I don't know how these wildlife photographers manage to make a living. I wouldn't be surprised if they get tame ones and get them to pose.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Hmmm. a posing woodpecker? Now I've heard it all! I heard one a couple of days ago, I kept thinking what sort of bird makes that 'croaky' rattling sound, then realised! Didn't see it though. Hoping to have them around again, they are here, you just have to be there at the right time. Last years pic up the oak tree was good to get, but later we had a dead one on the water barrel at the back of the garage, it had hit the window. The clouds reflect and they think they can go through, such a shame to see a woodpecker die that way. I always get a pidgeon hit a window, or greenhouse.

Some Tete a Tete opening today!

Thumbnail by wallaby1
Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

Spring is definitely not here today. All the puddles and ponds were frozen over again, and now it is snowing horizontally in the strong Westerly wind.

The garden is full of huge flocks of birds so I've given them extra rations this morning. I've even given the squirrel his own pile of peanuts which he is tucking in to. The blue tit keeps dashing down and stealing one from under his nose. It is quite funny to watch.

The hens have also had a special breakfast. I thickly butter a couple of slices of wholemeal bread, or seeded batch and spread them with crushed chopped garlic cloves and cut them into mini beak sized sandwiches. The hens love them and race around the hen run with their special piece.

oiartzun-near san se, Spain(Zone 8a)

Wow Pat! and I thought I spoilt my hens!
Maggi xxxx

Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

I only do this once a month or so Maggi, they would get too fat otherwise. Also I think the garlic gives them a good cleanse and tonic.

I've not noticed it affecting the flavour of the eggs, but perhaps if I increase the amount of garlic I could start a new trend for Marks and Spencers. They could have garlic organic eggs for savoury dishes and charge about £4 for half a dozen. Should I patent the idea?

oiartzun-near san se, Spain(Zone 8a)

I think you should try Pat..... We actually add garlic granules to our hen food on a fairly regular basis - it seems to keep them in good condition; a New Zealand friend told us it keeps mites at bay. The eggs certainly taste good, but I don't think you can taste the garlic as such.
Would you believe I am preparing a hot mash with left-over bread and other treats for my hens at this minute - you made me feel guilty! (I try to give them a warm treat when the weather is wet and miserable, as it has been for days now - I think I need chocolate for the same reason!)
Maggi xxxx

Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

Glad you give your hens a treat too Maggi. I feel quite sorry for mine, it can't be much fun when the ground is frozen and sludgy for weeks on end. The garlic granules are a good idea, but I've so much garlic to use up that they may as well have it fresh. It is a Mediterranean variety that has the crosier shaped 'flower' which is actually a cluster of baby garlics, and I leave one or two on and plant them and in a year or two they are full sized bulbs, but you get hundreds.

The tomato seeds you sent have germinated OK, but everything is growing very slowly with so little sun. I'm just hoping we don't have a heat wave next week while I'm away as I don't trust my partner and son to look after fragile seedlings. They either let everything cook or leave the greenhouse windows open all night, or over water or forget to water altogether.
I suppose it is early enough to start things off again if they kill everything.

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