need anything from tucson?

Tucson, AZ

to all my garden peeps!

just thought i'd check to see if anyone needs anything from desert survivors, miles-2-go or bachs. DS has passiflora foetida. that's been a choice selection. just let me know.

fish_knees do you still want the double purple datura from DS?


Phoenix, AZ

Detrick, my new best friend :) I would like 2 please :)

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Are you coming up for the plant swap or is this for a different trip here to Phoenix? I am interested in the passiflora foetida and the purple datura (I am not have any luck with my seeds)

Fish knees would you like some seeds ( purple Datura) I still have a couple left. I ordered some and my black thumb has not succeeded so far.

Phoenix, AZ

Marie, I have purple, yellow, white & lavender seeds. I have tried over and over :( I have one tiny lavender seedling. The rest nothing, nada, zip! Thanks for the offer tho :)
I bought one purple datura plant on e-bay. It arrived, about 1 ft tall. Leaves were stripped for shipping. I'm babying the crap outta it!

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Well Detrick it looks like we are counting on you!
Glad to know it is not personal with the Datura FK. I was begining to really wonder if something was wrong with me.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

As long as we get you, our hopes will be fulfilled.

Tucson, AZ


3 - purple datura
1 - passiflora foetida


Phoenix, AZ

A passiflora foetida for me too please. Had no luck with seeds. Uh, how much do they cost though? thanks, sam

Phoenix, AZ

Yeah Detrick. How much for my two Dats? I'd feel better if I could send you $$$ ahead of time :)

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Let me know the cost on mine too. I would also like to send you money asap! Sorry for my rudeness in not asking in the first place. :o)

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)


I do not want to impose but I would very much like a passiflora foetida.
I was not able to find anything but the alata caerulea.
I very much appreciate your generous offer.
I will be at the swap.

Thanks and good gardening

Tucson, AZ

3 - purple datura
3 - passiflora foetida

jim did tell me that he had to increase the prices of 1-gal containers. i'll let you know how much after i contact him. no need to give me $ until the plant swap.


Phoenix, AZ

The Desert Botanical Garden's plant sale is March 17-19. I bought two Passiflora foetidas there last fall. Already have buds on them. I went on Friday afternoon, and they had plenty of them. Just trying to lighten detrick's load!

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Detrik, I am planning on attending the Desert Botanical Garden Plant sale . So I just need the Datura. I am hoping to go sign up for my membership today so I can attend the sale on Friday. Jim thanks for the info.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

I had wanted a P. foetida or P. bryanoides, being the two Passifloras that are native to AZ. Thought I had scored on the bryanoides at the DBG - well, turns out it was a P. caerulea, which is sprouting up all over the place.... sheesh. They're darn lucky they're pretty (or at least that I'm too lazy to try to dig 'em all up).

Maybe this post should be on the "what's taking over your yard" thread!

Thumbnail by Pagancat
Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Ok never mind Detrick just bring me one of the passiflora foetida too. Ignore my previous posting. With my luck I would end up like Pagan cat!

Phoenix, AZ

Detrick, at the last swap you gave me a couple of Passiflora foetida seeds. None of them came up. So I gave up and moved the container to the patio to throw away. When I went to recycle the potting soil this morning I noticed a two inch sprout! Sometimes you just have to threaten plants and seeds with destruction before they give in and perform : )

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

HaHaHa... I threaten mine regularly, I was just in there talking to my plumeria seeds... so hopefully they got the hint.... hmm, passiflora :).... sounds nice

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

I'm a soil reuser...and my seeds from P. Foetida from the swap have come up a very lovely talinum with purple undersides of the leaves. I'd love for the passie seeds to germinate still, but I'm not complaining :-)

Tucson, AZ

i have all of the plants. even the ones that are not wanted. at my last count there was 3-p. foetida and 3-purple datura. if you still don't want them just let me know again. i'll keep them for myself. no biggie. just put your name below and what you want out of what you requested.

cya on sunday,


Phoenix, AZ

Detrick, how much are my 2 Datura? I wanna have cash for ya ;)

Chandler, AZ(Zone 9b)

I'll take whatever is left over ad be there cash in hand!

Tucson, AZ

$5.40 per gallon please.


Chandler, AZ(Zone 9b)

Sold. It doesent matter what it is!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I'll also take anything unwanted...

Hi Detrick,
If you haven't already gotten them, I'd take 4 to 6 passiflora... but only if someone who will be at the swap would be willing to pick 'em up for me.

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