Almost ready to go outside.....

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

My cabbage and broccoli, 6 weeks from seed, will be ready to go in the garden in a couple of weeks. I can't wait, it's been too long a winter! Here's my cabbage.....

Thumbnail by Big_Red
Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

And my broccoli.....

Thumbnail by Big_Red
Miami, FL(Zone 10b)

Hey Red, it's gettin' close to be your time! Plants look good and healthy. What else are you growin' this year? Best of luck with all of your veggies!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I've been harvesting fall grown cabbages since early Feb(started them from seed back in July. planted them out in Sept). Warm weather has made fall planted collards start flower buds so I've be getting what leaves I can then pulling up the plants before they get to big and tough. Winter was to mild this year. Cabbages didn't head good ,collards flowering too soon and blasted grey aphids got on all the mustard and turnip greens....but the onions I planted in Jan. are looking good. First run of radishes and carrots up so I sewed more of those and lettuces yesterady in raised beds.

P the other bigred

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey Flip! Yup, got my garden all roto-tilled and ready to go. Some potatoes, carrots and beets go in this week. I'm not planting sweet peas this year, too much of a bother for what you get out of them.

I've started some of my tomatoes, Amish Paste, Box Car Willie and Abe Lincoln are already up, started them 2 weeks ago. Yesterday I started some Bull's Heart, Cherokee Purple, Rutgers, Mexico, Big Red, and Soldacki.

Today I'm going to start some Delicious, Lumpy Red, Zogola, Grandma Mary's Paste, Hog Heart Paste and Mortgage Lifter. I said I was going to limit myself to 100 plants this year, but you know how that goes. ☺

bigred, I also have cabbage ready to pick that wintered over. Not by design, I got my fall cabbage in late last year and many of them weren't big enough to pick so I just left them. I was amazed that they survived the winter, our coldest night was 10*. The outer leaves are a little 'fried' but the heads are growing just fine. Going to try a head today. Yummm!

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

Big Red,
You are about a month ahead of me and I am somewhat of an early bird. Out here in the country where the cool winds blow harder, it is about a week behind in town.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

tomatoes all tucked in here with sweet peas and rangoon creeper this weekend....others in other parts of the garden.

Thumbnail by dmj1218
Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

dmj, lookin' good!

I'm still about 5 weeks away from seting out mater plants, and even then they have to be protected.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Oh, geez - I can hardly stand it! Looks like I missed the boat on these crops! Doggone it! So much to learn. And I grump, grump, grumped all winter waiting to get started on sumpthin! For shame - I coulda started with the cabbage, broccoli, and beets. Oh, well - I will catch the rhythm one of the seasons.

Am I too late to get the peas going???

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)


Nope, get 'em in now, still time for beets & carrots, too.

Why not buy some cabbage and broccoli plants already started? That way you can still get them in by the end of the month. Or you could start some a little later for an August planting. I have much better luck with my fall broccoli, no bugs!

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I think I'll hold off for 2nd planting. Someone on another thread told me I could start my seeds in mid-June and get them out in August for a fall crop. I will try that. (I really don't know anywhere around here that sells the broccoli or cabbage starts. If I find them, I may pick up one or 2, just to get a little success under my belt. Everything is so darned intimidating until you've had your first success with it!

Do I start my beets in the house then plant them out? Last year I tried to direct sow them and it was a complete failure. It was probably too late in the season for them.

Hot dog! Won't it be fun to conquer a new arena??? First it was tomatoes and peppers and herbs. Then I added eggplant, radishes, brussel sprouts, and indoor lettuce. Last year I mastered okra and added flowers to the mix. My beets and onions were a dismal failure, though, as was the cabbage and broccoli. Someday soon I will just jump right in and plant, without getting the knots in my stomach!

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Ok, I got my peas and beets planted outside today - how nice that it's in the 60's - what a perfect way to start a perfect day!!!

I just re-read the above...I will do my carrots next!

Is there anything else that can get started now???

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Look good seedlings! I didn't start my broccili or cabbage. I will wait until fall season.. Less bugs! :o)

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Got my beets and onions in today, along with another apple tree. It's been in the low 70's here for the last 3 days, I'm lovin' it!

I plant a fall crop also, and you're right, no bugs! But we gotta have fresh broccoli and cabbage before that! ☺

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

I never had fall garden. It will be my first time to have one this fall season. I put veg garden off for about 4 years due build house, baby.. so much going on. Until We are settle down in our new house, my boy turned I have my time so I started garden now. Need to tiller more and add fertizler then ready to plant on March 20.. I hopefully my seedling would slow down until March 20th.

Curious: what kind of fertizler did you put in dirt and tiller before plant? Before that, I usually put cow maures in it and tiller and plant. But now.. I want to do something different and better crops. My brother said use fertizler 10-20-15??? I can't find but I can find 8-8-8, 12-12-12, 16-16-16.. etc.. confused!!!!!

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

10- 10-10 will be more equivalent to composted cow manure but roughly 20 times stronger. Many home gardeners don't want excessive foliage on some plants like beans , peas, potatoes etc and a higher ratio of P and K. 5-10-15 seems to be the most readily available. The best from the standpoint of older folks like me is 5-10-5 but it has become a rare formulation. The numbers simply mean the percentage of the three major nutrients. 10-10-10 figure 10 lbs of available N, 10 lbs of available P and 10 lbs of K per 100 lbs of fertilizer

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