Genes: Terminator and Traitor

Cincinnati, OH

If Frankenstein paint-soy and Frankenstein rape seed / canola wasn't enough. We now have Terminator and Traitor genes. You will not be able to sow last years seed, because it is dead. There haven't been long term studies on health on GM paint-soy (Glycine max). There willl not be long term studies on Terminator and Traitor. At least Oriental soy (Glycine soya) hasn't been altered yet.
A gardening show said you have to buy garlic cloves as the ones from the grocery will not grow. That may be true of all seven American grocers (many names), but not ethnic stores.

Palo Alto, CA

re the garlic:

I've grown grocery store garlic successfully not that long ago. I'm currently growing garlic from sets from Irish-Eyes because I want different varieties than the standard California Early and California Late.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I grow nothing but creole heirloom varieties that have never been in commercial production--I wouldn't dream of growing any insecticide soaked garlic as cloves of garlic, like the top of any food chain (such as the orca,etc.), tend to accumulate poisons. This is because the cloves are used repeatedly to reproduce (unless you are seeding).

This would get a good response over in the organic forum.....

Ottawa, KS(Zone 5b)


I recently grew Elephant Garlic from the cloves of a grocery store garlic bulb with no problems.

The Terminator genes apparently don't occur in any of the seeds available to home gardeners, and I suspect the same is true of the Traitor genes, although your message was the first place I heard of the Traitor genes.

As far as I know, Genetically Modified seeds are available only to farmers at this time, and need not be a concern to home gardeners.


Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

Genetically Modified Seeds are coming on the market for the home garden, you need to be careful and start checking your seed suppliers for where they stand. I have gone to Baker Seed almost 100% due to their stance on GMSeeds. They also have some great info on their site. Just my two cents!


Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

Baker's is one of many who are committed to the "Safe Seed Pledge" (though I must admit that they are a favorite) . A search will come up with quite a few.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

My favorites are Southern Exposure Seed Exchange and JL Hudson, Seedsman. Both catalogs are on newsprint; less glossy than Baker Creek, and no photos.

Cincinnati, OH

Purchased seed will grow. Next year your saved seeds will not grow if they have the Traitor or Terminator gene, either from your seed or cross-pollination. You will have to purchase seed every year.

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