Go ahead, admit it. You've never grown ______________.

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

In digging through my old seed box to find what
I can toss to chance this spring, I found several
packages of Dahlia seeds.

Oddly enough, I know Dahlias are popular and
grow in many zones, yet I have never planted one,
looked at one, or even thought about planting
any until I found these packages. I found
Unwin's Ideal Mix and Mignon Dwarf Mix.
(Dahlia variabilis)

So tell us. What common seed item have you
never planted? I'm not referring to wild, exotic
or odd hybrids, but standard things one would assume
almost every garden has had at one time or another.

Basically, a thread calling for "Haven't gotten around
to it yet" types instead of 'Don't want".

Have fun!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

WUVIE, I think the plants that propagate easily by division or tuber are often the last we try from seed. I'm an avid seed collector and planter, so I usually do it the hard way and start plants from seed. For instance, chives, iris, lily, sedum.... and, yes, dahlia! I started my dahlia seeds (cactus and Unwin's) about 6 weeks ago.

Thumbnail by Weezingreens
Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

I've never planted marigolds. Does that count?

Elmira, NY(Zone 6a)

I've never grown corn. This will be my first year planting it.

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

I've never grown Sweet William or Yarrow, but all that's about to change :-) I have winter sown both this year, figuring that they were a safe thing for me to try first time out. After all, if I've never had or even thought about having them I can't exactly miss them, right?

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I've never grown zinnias even though everyone says that they're easy and butterflies love them. None of the ones I've seen growing have seemed at impressive as some of the photos I've seen.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I've NEVER eaten anything I've grown, unless you count mint. I've visited a farm where I gorged on corn, melons, squash (all types), tomatos, onions, carrots, lettuce, you-name-it, and I even worked on said farm as child and youth. But stuff that's grown here, near enough to Boston that people are always worrying about lead paint and stuff; gee I've never eaten even other people's extras! Why I think Stop and Shop vegetables would be safer than locally grown ones, I have no clue; I think it's a little psycho of me. This is my goal for 2006, to grow something and then eat it.

xxxx, Carrie

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

If you don't trust the soil there, get an EarthBox - or better yet, two!! ~ Suzi :)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Well, I will be growing zinnia's this year for the first time:) I wanted to say thank you to swilliams8251 for sending me a very generous supply of her heirloom giant zinnia seeds.
She is fairly new to DG but like everyone else I've met here, is very helpful and generous! Thank you again!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

WUVIE-- I'm with you on the Dahlias. They have never held any fascination for me, and I don't know exactly why.

They are very pretty (I guess) and popular--they just strike me as slightly out of proportion and stiff and not interesting...

BUT, I have to say, I saw some in a magazine recently, and thought, not this year, but next year I am going to go Dahlia crazy and try them out!

Strange how some plants strike your fancy at times, and others don't.

trust me when I say there is nothing compared to plucking veggies right out of your garden! Go for it. You'll be hooked, especially if you give the veggies the same loveing growing conditions, as flowers. Yummmmm. I can already taste the goodies that I'll gather from my garden this year. Peas(sugar snap) pole beans, tomatoes-lots of them, lettuce, radishes, onions, okra(really!), beets, sweet corn-oh,m'gosh, I could go on and on. some things don't make it all the way to the house before I start munching. Don't deprive yourself of this. :-)

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)


Isn't that the truth? Canna seems to be my interest this summer, even though
I've had Canna for so long that I've divided and spread them everywhere and
still find them popping up. This year I actually took the time to learn more about
them, and once I found out they were so easy from seed, well, hey!

If anyone would like to help further the "Can we have a Canna forum" cause, please
click here.



Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

I've never grown Marigolds. Will this yr as understand they are great companions for tomatoes... ~ Suzi :)

Palo Alto, CA

carrots. Planted them, but they've never grown for me. I'm trying again more methodically this year.

Also on the new list: cauliflower. There are some coming to a head now in the local community garden.

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

I have never grown hyacinths as well as dahlias and cannas.

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Oh, Zen! Cannas are much fun!

We have a Canna thread going in hopes of having our own forum
for them some day. Come join us and see how much fun you could have!


Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

A good thread about growing Cannas in containers:


Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

This is quickly becoming a thread of "stuff I gotta try this year." Trouble is, that list was already quite long. I might even jump on the dahlia bandwagon.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Zinnias or nasturtiums even tho I have seed. Never had a good place to put them. Going to try this year!

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

So many plants - So little time, money & space!

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

LOL Dyson,

I try giving my mother plants all the time, to which she replies "I don't
have any room"

My response? Don't you have a yard?

LOL, coming from one who might not even have grass if hubby didn't
have an opinion.

Kitchener, ON(Zone 5b)

I've been told to get rid of all the grass and make the whole thing a garden because "Then I won't have to mow the stupid lawn"

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

My DH says the same thing. Makes him supportive of all the money I spend on plants. :-)

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Banana's , Oranges and Grapefruit trees. Of course wer'e in zone 3.
This is Dennis , Weezin's other half. I've got too draw the line someplace, so I'm safe with the above and not much argument.
There is still a couple of feet of snow in the yard to greet us in the morning of April 1st. Happy planting....The Ol'tomcat..

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

weezingreens...... Banana's Oranges and Grapefruits? Sounds Like an adventure for dwarf trees in the house for a sweet smell (no more potpourri chemical stuff ......hehe...). A little care and lighting and a mist system hidden from view and walah :)

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

'Tis true!

Years ago when we bought our first orange tree, it did well and is still
living. Funny thing is, it did not occur to us that we would smell something
absolutely wonderful but could not figure out what the smell was, or where
it came from.

Imagine our surprise to find our Orange tree blooming!

I just love them. They truly are easy to grow. Well drained good soil and
a big pot to grow in, drag it in out of the cold for winter and you've got an
amazing plant you only thought you could not grow.


Escondido, CA(Zone 9a)

Radishes. Once it cools after the summer, I plan to sow a bunch for our bunny. (we don't like 'em)

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Vines. Name it. Ivy, vigna caracalla, moonflower, ect.

trying right now but nothing is coming up yet


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