Helpful tip

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

I posted this tip on the AV forum and some suggested that I post it here also. So here goes:

One little tip that I can share is using diatameceous earth when putting down leaves or potting my tiny little babies. I automatically sprinkle a little bit of diatameceous earth on the top of the soil. That way I never have to worry about fungus gnats. They love that nice warm moist soil so I do not even give them a chance to get started. I wish I had known about this when I first started gardening. When I first started I got a serious infestation of them, so bad that they would cover one of those strips of fly paper in less than a day. All I was doing with that and some spray was like using a bandaid instead of a cure. Then someone told me about the DE and I have been using it ever since then. I make it a regular part of my potting. I keep it in a sugar shaker that I got from the dollar store. I have one of those little bags for you tools that I got from Big Lots and that little jar of DE gets sprinkled on top of everything. And so far it has never harmed any of my plants.


Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Brilliant! I completely forgot about DE and fungus gnats! When I was working as a lifeguard at a rec-center (too many years ago) we used DE in the pool filters, HUGE bags of the stuff. The head lifeguard used to take cups of the stuff home for his plants (give you a hint: he wasn't growing oregano) and I thought he was so weird but he said it kept the bugs off them. I completely forgot about that. I know he got caught and fired for stealing and being high at work, can't believe I remember that! I'm being overun by the little buggars! Time for DE...thanks JesseK!


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Okay, call me ignorant right off the bat. Get it over with. But what is DE and where do you get it? I take it if it is dispensed with a sugar shaker a little goes a long way. I will be starting tomato seeds next week, and want to give the seeds all the protection I can.

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Diatomaceous Earth is a non-toxic, safe substance made up from crushed fossils of freshwater organisms and marine life. Crushed to a fine powder and observed through a microscope, the particles resemble bits of broken glass. Deadly to any insect and completely harmless to animals, fish, fowl or food. Most insects have a waxy outer shell covering their bodies, DE scratches through this shell causing the insect to dehydrate leading to eventual death.

You can buy a bag of it from Lowe's or Home Depot that will last forever. I've only filled my sugar shaker once since I've been using it for over a year.


Divernon, IL(Zone 5b)

It might work as a slug stopper outside.

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes, that would be great.


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Jesse-- Do you put it in your coffee?

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, I do not drink coffee, so the answer is no. Plus, I do not think it would be very healthy for me to do this either.


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Okay, so I have looked, and I can't find it. Anybody know a source that has it?

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)


I bought mine at Lowes. It is in an 8 pound yellow bag which will last me for a long time. You might have to look very closely for it because some of the employees might not know what it is. But all of your Lowes and Home Depots should have it.


Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I bought some from a natural supply company that has pyrethrum mixed in with it. I didn't think about looking at Lowe's!

Union City, CA(Zone 9b)

There are 2 different type of DE . One is used in swiming pool filters and the other is used for bugs .
The one for bugs is heated to a high temperture , which causes it to burst like popcorn . This is the stuff you want . It is sold as a flea powder in pet and hardware stores . It is also sold under brand name Roach pruff [sp] It will kill ants fleas , roaches , spriders lady bugs - any insect with ecto - skellaton [sp ] It is save around people and pets . They feed it to horses and pigs to kill stuff in the intestines . If you can't find --

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Brilliant! Thanks for the info.

Port Orchard, WA(Zone 8a)

I wonder if would work for killing cut worms? hostajim1

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I found mine at Lowes as well. It was in the same section were all the garden bug stuff was. Ask for Diatomaceous Earth and you will look so cool and feel so smart when you get a blank stare from them...I had to look for it myself since it was stuffed in the back.

You are right Tony, this is different than the stuff I used in the pool filters, this is much finer and lighter. As for it being non-toxic that is true but don't be breathing in the dust for any period of time, you will have one wicked cough and a raw throat that will sting...speaking from personal experience from dumping bags of the stuff into filter vats (and thinking I was too cool to wear a particle mask)

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

I pretty much feel that when I ask for most things at Lowes or HD plant/garden dept I get that blank stare-LOL! Clearly they do not place employees in those departments because of any skill or knowledge. Wonder what they base their placement on?

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

I have an ex that worked at Walmart one time. He was put in the paint department. He had no clue what he was doing either. And I've known many people that have worked in these kind of stotes and do not know what to do. You would think they would train them in whatever field or department that they place them in but they don't. When I first worked for Belk's, I was 17 yrs old. I was placed in the Infant/Toddler section and was totally lost. I had not had my daughter yet and I knew nothing about babies. Thankfully, the people that worked there taught me what I needed to know. And oh, this is my biggest gripe. I am not prejudice, but I think it is wrong to put a non-English speaking person in a job that requires them to know English so that they can communicate with the people that they will be waiting on. I needed a glass of water and I told the guy but he had no idea of what I wanted. Finally someone sitting around me heard the conversation and was able to tell the guy what I wanted.

Okay, I will get off my soap box now. But I do think that people should be trained in whatever field that they will be working in.


Union City, CA(Zone 9b)

Hey , yesterday they sold you a burger , Next week they will sell you a taco and if that doesn't work out there's always chicken , more burgers , fish , car parts , etc and maybe then they will go back to school .
They say we have certified nursery people , but it's always their day off .
There are 5 good nurseries within 30 miles of my house . If you live close to me they are list by closest 1st .
Reagan's [ rose specialest ]
Navalets [ everything - mushroom compost ]
East Bay nursey [ Japanese maples , everything but dirt ]
Half moon bay nursery [ Germaiums , vegatables ]
Annies [ they were closing when I got there , but took time to answer questions anyway . ]

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