Licuala Mapu (Palm bob please help)

Key West, FL(Zone 11)

Hello all
I just realised this forum was here so im double posting this thread here. I know im not supposed to do that but i couldnt figure out another way.

Anyway I saw this Licuala Mapu palm at a local garden and was smitten but the price was nuts. My partner located this one and gave it to me for valentines day. I was so delighted and cant keep away from it. I wanted to share the picture because its so amazing but was also hope that Palm Bob could give me some pointers.

I checked all the listings and they say shade (how much) and well drained soil. How exactly do I go about having well drained soil in a pot. I was going to keep this out of the ground in a pot so i could move it untill its happy , should I leave it in its plastic pot and then plant it in the new medium or take it out and plant it. Any ideas how old this one might be. I know they are rare , can i expect seeds from this any time soon.
Ive never really cared for a young palm , most of mine have been here for years and pretty much take care of themselves
Thanks Neil

Thumbnail by celt33040
Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

Wow, that's a nice palm! I BET it was $$. Those can take partial sun, though not sure about in your climate. In Hawaii, full sun can be tolerated, but not recommended. Plants do best under shade cloth, or in mostly shade. As for well draining soil, most potting soil is well draining, until it gets really old. That well draining requirement is mostly for people who plan to stick the palm in the ground, and happen to live where there's clay soils (not recommended). However, I doubt the soil in Key West has too much clay in it. Still, this is the sort of palm you want to keep in a pot, probably forever.

Key West, FL(Zone 11)

Thanks Bob
I always enjoy your posts. How old do you think this one is , what about seed, I saw some pictures with some little yellow fruit, do they have to be of a certain age.

Thanks for your help ill try to keep it happy

Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

I couldn't tell you the age since I have never grown this palm (too tropical for my area). And am pretty clueless about this genus reproduction.

Lone Oak, TX

Hello Neil,

I am going to buy that palm, so don't really have any info about it. I can, however, point you to a website That's the place I am going to get mine from. If you want quick answer call Brigitta on her cell phone, that is NOT the 1-800 number. She is the owner and is very nice and helpful I think she might be able to answer your questions. She is located in Ocala, Fla.

There is another palm that I am going to order, too called Joey palm ( there is some unpronounceable (sp)) botanical name for it. Right now I am waiting for my order of black and white tacca (bat flower) from her.

Good luck, hope this helps.

Lone Oak, TX.

Key West, FL(Zone 11)

Thanks for the link, great plants , now im in trouble . Ive seen a few more cool palms i just might have to get.

Lone Oak, TX

Hello Neil,

how far are you from Homestead, Fla? Are you familiar with a website ? It is located in Homestead, of course, and it has the most beautiful palms I have ever seen. They are going to have sale this weekend, there's a listing of palms for sale, unfortunately, he doesn't put prices on his web.

I am interested in the red sealing wax palm, foxtail, 2 licualas. Maybe you'll find something of interest there, too.

Key West, FL(Zone 11)

Im about a two and a half hour drive from there normally I would do it but I have plans this weekend, I have a gardener friend who may go up and have a look for some of her clients. Thanks for the tip, I love the lopstick palm , new one for me, nicebit of color .

Key West, FL(Zone 11)

I seem to have developed some white powder ( mold?) on my new emerging leaves and in the nooks between the fronds, No camera right now. Any ideas on what i should do????

Big Pine Key, FL(Zone 11)

Neil, The powder mold responds, all be it slowly, to Polmolive dish soap. 2-3 tbls in a gallon garden sprayer. Hit it twice a week till it is gone. Flood the folliage. Do not use any soap with an anti-bacterial agent.

Key West, FL(Zone 11)

Thanks, Im on way to start the treatment right now. And how nice that it won't cost me anything :-)
Nice to see some other Keys residents here.

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