What new hosta/companion plants will you be adding?

Dallas, TX

Gee Brenda you are doing a lot at that master gardening school. I didnt know you were a hybridizer too. Sooo Hacksaw is fertile ... what does that mean? What do I do different?

This message was edited Feb 25, 2006 10:40 AM

Dallas, TX

Has anyone tried HAKONECHLOA? Its that cascading japanese forest grass that thrives in the shade. I think it would be great to hide the front of the bed. Naylor has it too and its less expensive than other places I have seen....its in the cart with my Hacksaw.:)

Thumbnail by City_Sylvia
Lula, GA

Yeah, Sylvia, great minds go along in the same rut...., I mean, course! LOL!!
I'm adding that one too. Isn't it pretty!

Darn I should have sent you a piece of my golden sedge grass, I like that, too!

About Hacksaw- well, if it flowers and just happens to produce seeds, why, you can share them with your hosta friends!! I usually interfer with Mother Nature and get to the floweres before the bees but lots of people let the flying critters do their work and when they grow the seed, they don't know who daddy is- in the plant world, that's okey!! Hacksaw should produce some interesting seedlings and I know some hybridizers are using it in their breeding programs!

Avon, NY(Zone 5b)

I have Hakone grass and it is very slow growing,but very nice. Just love it!! I think it looks great along side of hostas. Mine was still pretty small last year. Bought it 2yrs ago, so I am hoping this year it will have matured some.

Wholyhosta, ..Your seedlings are great!!


Dallas, TX

they don't know who daddy is- in the plant world, that's okey!! LOL

Elaine, you are right about the slow growth, most of the vendors tell you that. Well if I can wait on the Helleborus I can wait on any thing.Elaine take a pic, I would love to see it. :)

....that Atom Smasher look like my Praying Hands. So Brenda, the seeds on my first five aint worth a crap? Not that I intend to use them, but it will be good to know.

Thumbnail by City_Sylvia
Lula, GA


thanks! It's been fun raising them, and the fun ain't over yet!! They keep changing!

Sylvia- the leaves on my AS seeding are too broad but the ripples are good. I already talked to Ron Livingston and he thinks it's good enough to breed with. Coupla my 4 month old seedlings have flower scapes!! This must mess them up for the first year (???)- it does kinda resemble my Praying Hands. And, did you get seeds off your hostas? You can try them- ya never know what yur gonna get- it a real genetic soup in those any hosta seeds!

Ha!! My montana Aureomarginata is up about 5" yesterday! I removed the leaves to find it and they went right back on top after the photo. As you can see, I got it for a good price, too! LOL!

Thumbnail by wholyhosta
Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

A lady that I've bought daylilies from in North Liberty, Iowa, had/has a nice stand of Hakonechloa and it was breathtaking. It was one of those things that stopped me dead in my tracks. Needless to say I picked some up, but I have yet to get it into the garden. I'm still trying to decide where I want it. (That about about 100 other plants that I planted in a holding bed last year.)


Dallas, TX

Oh Diane I buy stuff like that all the time. Not knowing where its going! lol So I just put in a pot until I decide. Actually I got about a hundred pots out there with stuff I got from a round up or purchased. Some of it I dont even know what it is. Cant wait until spring to see what comes up or come back.

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