Touch-me-nots? Jewelweed? Native Impatiens?

Union Grove, AL

Found seed at GroCo

Eureka, CA

Thanks for the direction! I will head that way. As I said, I just love this plant ~ it's so fun! It's interactive!


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

What is GroCo?

Eureka, CA

I found a site but I admit it's not very "friendly". Doesn't have all the nice pictures and stuff..... but maybe it's a fairly low-key business.


Union Grove, AL

Ebay based, It is in the watch dog section if you are interested, I've used them 2 years running for stuff that they have, very limited last year and the year before, considerably more this year and have been very pleased with the quality of the seeds, their prices are flat out cheap, as well as the shipping,I'll go check my order and report back, but you won't get much in the way of instructions. Good germination and a larger quanity of seeds on some things, very few in others, just chek seed count and order accordingly.

Union Grove, AL

Sanna, you might try clicking on a section on the left side of the home page and I'd suggest one of the seed sections this time of year, as the plant sections are empy, plenty of pictures though about a 1/3 or so don't have a pic.

Checked order and 22 pks. of seed and shipping for under $30.

I haven't tried anything difficult from them, moonvine, about a tricky as they had last year, but i'm betting the rest will be good.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Ooh. Sounds interesting. Will check their list. Can't beat the prices! Thanks for the tip!

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I managed to collect seeds from wild jewelweed growing on our cottage land a few years ago by snipping the plant-stem tip-bearing pods and carefully placing them in a paper bag to prevent the explosion. I sent them to a friend, but I don't know if they germinated.

They grow by the hundreds here... look at these seedlings!

Thumbnail by andycdn

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