What do you know about the reds of Celosia?

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

So I've been looking at red cockscomb and discovered there is a lot of variation in the red. I found some at an outdoor mall here that was the perfect shade, but nobody around there knew anything about them. I'd rather have an orange-red over a pink-red.

If you look at Plant Files Celosia Fresh Look Red, the picture by tcfromky, http://davesgarden.com/pf/showimage/54259/, looks a whole lot more orange than the ones by Equilibrium, http://davesgarden.com/pf/showimage/96775/. I suppose all that has to do with soil acidity, light conditions during growing and picture taking, and a whole lot of other things.

Anyway, is anyone aware of a variety that is consistently more along the lines of an orange-red than a pink-red? Also where to buy it?
Thank you!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

I think that you will just have to buy some seed and see what develops. It does depend on the growing conditions. I save seed from mine, one year they will be deep red, more of a pinkish red, never encounterd the orange color. So maybe my soil will not let that happen.

I have plenty of seed if you would like to try some to see how it does.

Westford, MA(Zone 5b)

Did you notice that the foliage of the two photos differs? One has more red in the foliage and the other has totally green foliage. Maybe the people who posted these photos collected seeds from another season -- it is hard to believe they are the same variety. Since New Look is a hybrid there would be variations if you used the seed the next season.

I grow celosia. I have to look at my seed list (at home)...

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Oh, no! Do you suppose they got the orangish ones by planting a hybrid seed? I'll never make it. Maybe I should try something besides Celosia. I like those though. The problem is that I was going to put it in a bed with lots of orange and yellow. Pinkish red would be baaaddd! If I decide to risk them, I'll d-mail you defoecat. Thank you for the offer. I suppose I could try them in pots, huh? Maybe? Set them out pots and all if the color was right? I'd rather stick them in the ground though. Enough of my rambling thoughts for one night.....

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I bought these at a nursery which has since gone out of business a couple of years ago. I find that they re-seed freely in my zone. This one volunteered last year, but is very similar to the original. Is this red enough for you? I might be able to find the name somewhere.


Thumbnail by ViolaAnn
Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Now THAT is what I call red! We are the same zone, VA, although a long ways apart.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I started doing some Google searches for the Celosia and this is what I found. Found a lot of other sources when I searched for "Celosia Plumosa" but when I copied the URLs, they didn't all work to get me back to the pages.

2006- The Year of Celosia
Horticulture News for February 13, 2006

The National Garden Bureau, http://www.ngb.org has declared 2006 the Year of Celosia.


Celosia cultivar chart:

Celosia plumosa ‘Fresh Look Red’

About Celosia

“Forest Fire Improved” is a variety with bronze foliage.

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